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Liquid real estate: investing in European capitals. Real estate liquidity: assessment, definition What is a liquid apartment

When choosing an apartment (it doesn’t matter whether you are purchasing housing for your own residence or for investment purposes), you must take into account factors that influence the ability to quickly and profitably sell it if necessary, says Irina Malygina, director of the Quartz Academy of Sciences.

How to recognize liquid real estate?

Investors choose income-producing real estate based on two main criteria: good profitability and high liquidity. And if profitability allows you to earn money in the process of owning an object, then liquidity determines how successful the exit from the investment project will be.

Real estate liquidity is characterized by how quickly a property can be sold at a price close to the market price. The less time it takes to sell, the higher the liquidity.

The following rule is also true: the higher the liquidity, the lower the profitability of the object.

Most investors prefer highly liquid assets rather than highly profitable ones: the latter can be quickly turned into “real” money without losses and long waits.

There are three types of liquidity in the real estate market: high, medium and low. It is clear that the minimum liquidity indicator applies more to complex properties that are not so easy to sell and for which there is practically no demand (old dilapidated housing, housing in industrial zones, housing in unfinished construction projects, etc.).

Professional appraisers calculate the liquidity of real estate using complex formulas that take into account exposure periods and risk-free rates. Investors wishing to purchase several properties for subsequent sale should definitely contact real estate specialists. So, when measuring the type of liquidity, they take into account:

  • the speed of the transaction and the time required to complete it;
  • transaction costs (including purchase and sale taxes, notary fees, as well as costs for verification and execution of documents);
  • uncertainty associated with the ability to sell or buy an object at a price not lower than the price of similar objects on the market.

In addition, the liquidity of real estate is influenced by the following factors:


— proximity to transport hubs, social institutions and infrastructure;

— low crime level and good reputation of the area;

— low unemployment;

— good ecology (proximity of parks, absence of industrial facilities in the nearby territory).

Market situation

— excess of demand over supply;

— high activity and good market capacity (the more objects are sold/bought, the more liquid the market);

— accessibility (economy class properties are more liquid than luxury real estate);

— resistance to price declines (decrease in cost reduces liquidity);

— seasonality (in autumn and winter, as a rule, the market is more active than in summer and spring).

Object characteristics

- small age and low degree of wear and tear of the property (new buildings with a high degree of completion and apartments in recently built houses sell better than housing in houses 20-30 years ago);

- class of housing (the higher the class of housing and the more prestigious the area and the house, the more characteristics affect its demand. If in the economy class the buyer pays attention only to the footage and size of the kitchen, then in the elite segment he will definitely appreciate the view characteristics. Apartments with windows on the street, where there is increased noise from a busy highway, less liquid, and the most liquid options are with windows overlooking the embankment, the so-called view apartments. In addition, high-class properties located not in the most prestigious areas, on the outskirts of the city, and multi-room apartments are illiquid in remote residential areas they sell for quite a long time);

— convenience of the facility (panoramic view from the window, comfortable layout, high ceilings, floor above the first, availability of ready-made high-quality repairs);

— arrangement of the territory (presence of above-ground and underground parking, children's playground, local landscape design).

Other factors

- attractiveness of the price (the period of sale largely depends on the correct price of the property. Of course, an apartment with a small kitchen on the ground floor is not very desirable, but at a reduced price this option will be in demand. Only very bad options are not bought at low prices, for example, meager apartments areas next to smoking factories, far from transport, on the ground floor and in terrible condition.

Selling at a reduced price is a simple matter. However, most property owners, present and future, still seek to gain some benefit from future resales).

The liquidity of housing can be reduced by such indicators as corner apartment options, adjacent rooms, wooden and mixed floors, wooden stairs, too complicated history (when the apartment has changed more than three to five owners and it is impossible to accurately assess the competence of all purchase and sale transactions). Also, modern buyers are scared off by geysers and sitz baths. And along with this, the view from the windows of a busy highway, railways and highways with a constant noise effect. Moreover, for 2-3- and multi-room apartments, it is important that the windows not only do not overlook the highway, but are facing different directions of the world.

What about us?

In Nizhny Novgorod, among residential properties, the most marketable ones are now 1-2-room apartments in the economy class and economy plus segments on any floors except the first, located within walking distance of public transport stops in all areas of the city. Such apartments are the most liquid, since there are more potential buyers in this market segment. This is at least all those who want to buy housing for themselves, and those who want to purchase a property for rent.

The most liquid real estate in the Moscow region remains small apartments. However, the structure of mass demand for housing is gradually changing: thanks to mortgages, the share of buyers who are seeking to expand their living space is growing.

According to Oleg Sukhov, a lawyer and financial consultant at the “Correct Investments in Real Estate” agency, this natural process of market transformation can only be interrupted by the emerging increase in loan rates.

Moscow "one-room apartments" are always in price...

The liquidity of a property is measured by the time it takes the seller to find a buyer. The shorter the period for selling real estate, the higher its liquidity. In this sense, one-room apartments ranging from 36 to 46 square meters remain uncompetitive. m in houses built in the 70s and 80s, located close to metro stations. Although such real estate does not meet modern comfort requirements, it is in great demand among students and young families who have not yet had time to have children. The average exposure period for such options does not exceed 1-1.5 months.

... and “kopeck piece” too

Two-room apartments with an area of ​​no more than 55-65 square meters are also in demand on the Moscow market. m, located in areas with good transport accessibility and developed infrastructure. The liquidity of such real estate depends not only on the price, but also on a combination of many factors: the orientation of the windows (it is desirable that they face a quiet courtyard), a spacious kitchen, a homogeneous social composition of the residents of the house, the cleanliness of the entrance, the environment, the crime situation in the area, the presence of walking distance to recreation areas (parks, public gardens, proximity to forested areas). In terms of exposure time, the most attractive and not overpriced two-room apartments compete with one-room options and wait for buyers no more than 1.5-2 months.

Studios in the “middle zone”: small-sized dreams

There remains high liquidity of studio apartments in new buildings in the middle belt of the Moscow region - in integrated development areas that are located 20-30 km from the Moscow Ring Road and are connected to Moscow by suburban railway lines, or are being built near large places of employment (for example, airports). Such housing is in high demand among employees of large enterprises, students, migrants from other regions of Russia and neighboring countries and usually finds its buyer in 2-2.5 months. “However, purchasing housing in this segment must be done extremely carefully: some locations near Moscow are overstocked with studios and small apartments. Many investors have already despaired of selling small-sized cars at prices that would provide them with a return on their investment, and may collapse the market,” warns financial consultant Oleg Sukhov.

Moscow region “kopeck piece”: demand for expansion

Recently, two-room apartments in new buildings near Moscow - in areas with a wide variety of public transport routes - have become another hit on the market. Ideally, in close proximity to metro stations or commuter trains, as well as in areas with developed social infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, clinics). As a rule, the demand for such housing comes from young families in which the spouse works in Moscow, and the spouse is raising children. Apartments of this format are often purchased with a mortgage. According to Oleg Sukhov, the liquidity of housing purchased on credit is easier to manage, since demand is extremely sensitive to price. Thus, a price correction of 10% relative to the average market level leads to a sharp surge in demand for an object, which makes it possible to reduce exposure time by 20-30%.

Apartments: housing and work under one roof

Despite the controversial legal status of apartments, such real estate is popular in the business segment. In Moscow, this format already accounts for about 30% of the supply, but this does not stop developers. The high demand for apartments is partly explained by a new trend that is gradually gaining momentum. More and more Muscovites (primarily people of creative professions, lawyers, doctors, etc.) are trying to combine living and working space under one roof. While the operation of classic housing in this mode is associated with a number of legal restrictions, and suburban real estate is inconvenient due to transport collapse, apartments require much greater freedom of action. Therefore, despite the stable growth of supply in this market segment, it is actively absorbed by demand.

(We continue the topic about the liquidity of the apartment, started in).

What is the liquidity of an apartment?Liquidity is the ability of any asset (in our case, real estate) to quickly turn into money. Liquid real estate– real estate that can be quickly sold.

If the apartment does not meet market requirements, thenit is not liquid, and,the only way to sell it is to reduce the price as much as possible. Reducing the price entails a risk - this is a loss for the client.Although in some cases even significant price drop having an illiquid apartment does not help such housingfind a new owner.

That, what is happening in the consumer ranks now is very interesting! Purchases customers are carried out mainly in the economy class segment,purchases are made here and now,and no one thinksabout long-term strategy. Nobody asks themselves the question: “Hwill the same thing happen to my apartment?”

According to our assumptions, In fact, liquidity potential exactly for apartments in economy class- very low. You need to choosemost likely, comfort-class apartments (this is also a real estate segment), liquidity potentialwhich significantly and significantly higher.

Therefore, we to all our clients We strongly recommend that even if they want to purchase a home in the economy class segment,pay close attention to the liquidity parameters of a particular apartment option.It must be mentioned that maintaining valuehousing is your long-term strategy, your investment in the future.If your goal is to save moneyspecifically in real estate (for yourself or for children), or simply buy an apartment that will rise in price faster than the market average, thenchoose the apartment that appeals not only to you but to potential buyers.

When buying real estate, think about the liquidity of the apartment

What should you pay attention to first of all?when do you think about the liquidity of an apartment?There are several factors at play here. First you need to look at the layout of the apartment,how common areas are decorated, number of floors, engineering (elevators). What condition is it in?parking and is there any parking at all, where is the apartment located (that is, pay attention to the location), and also checklegal purity of future housing.

Least of all affects the liquidity of the apartmentinterior decoration (repair), as well as building architecture.

Let us clarify what a liquid plan is: a liquid plan is large kitchen, excellentergonomics, small corridor, lack of “extra space”,the presence of a storage room (dressing room), good lighting or stained glass windows, a loggia (balcony), as well asin certain locations - “European planning”. Naturally, in economy class not all of the listed parameters are present, but you also need to pay attention to this.

Now, if you want to buy an apartment in economy class buildings,It is necessary to compare apartment options with each other.Even in economy class there are more affordable apartments, there areand less liquid apartments. And, as we understand, to be be in the futuremore free in your choice, so that you have the opportunity to exchange this particular apartment in 5-10 years for something bigger and better,must be addressedattention to the above options.

The entire recording of the performance of the first part is available on our channel Youtube.

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The secret of apartment liquidity

The real estate market has always been considered promising and profitable, regardless of the economic situation in the country. This is due to the fact that most people consider buying an apartment the best investment of their capital. After all, real estate rarely falls in price, while there is an annual increase in the cost of square meters.

However, there is an interesting trend in the real estate market: some apartments are sold almost instantly, others are not in demand at all. The secret to the liquidity of apartments is a unique formula, where every nuance can play a decisive role. Pay attention to apartments in Naberezhnye Chelny, follow the link right now and see prices and available options.

What kind of housing is difficult to sell?

When considering the issue of demand for housing on the market, you can go the opposite way and highlight apartments that stubbornly refuse to be sold. Such real estate is considered illiquid. The following living space falls under this definition:

  • The outer floors of apartment buildings. This includes the first and last floors of the building; corner apartments are also not in demand.
  • Real estate properties that are located near busy highways, airports, and railways.
  • Poorly located houses. At the whim of architects, sometimes residential buildings literally look into each other's windows.
  • Inconsistency between the level of housing and the territorial location. For example, luxury real estate is located in an undeveloped area.
  • Such apartments are a headache for realtors and can take years to sell. To make housing liquid, sellers have to reduce the price to minimum values, otherwise they will not be able to sell the apartment.
  • Please note that it is not only low cost that makes square meters salable. There are certain criteria that need to be considered in more detail.


A key factor determining the liquidity of housing is the location of the building. First of all, buyers evaluate the distance of the property from public transport stops, metro stations and transport interchanges. The developed infrastructure of the area is also highly valued. In particular, schools, hospitals, kindergartens and shops should be located in close proximity. The location of the property on the city map can also play a role.

Recently, housing that is located far from the center, the so-called “dormitory areas,” has been valued more highly. The environmental condition of the area also adds to the liquidity of real estate. It is no secret that apartments whose windows overlook forested areas sell better than houses located in close proximity to industrial enterprises.

Technical condition

Apartments sell well in houses that are built using modern technologies, the entrances are landscaped, parking is available, and utilities are in good technical condition. New buildings that meet these criteria are doing well on the real estate market. However, you should not discount secondary housing.

If the “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnevka” buildings are in decent condition, they sell like “hot cakes”. The secret of liquidity here is simple: the cost of secondary housing is much lower than new buildings. In addition, there is a possibility that the secondary housing will be demolished, and the residents will receive a more comfortable apartment for free.

Characteristics of living space

The liquidity and technical condition of the housing itself is determined. The following factors are taken into account:

  • Common and living area.
  • Number of storeys.
  • Number of rooms.
  • Bathroom type: combined or separate.
  • Footage of kitchen and hallway.
  • Location of rooms.
  • Repair.
  • The apartment has a balcony or loggia.

Please note that this is not a complete list. Any little thing can scare off a potential buyer: noisy neighbors or the view from the window. In addition, people prefer to purchase apartments with cosmetic renovations or no finishing at all. Here it is worth taking into account the factor that new residents will remodel the premises “to suit themselves”, so they will not overpay for the European-quality repairs made.

It is believed that one-room apartments or housing with a large area sell best. It is not always so. Most buyers are accustomed to a standard layout and footage. Therefore, a one-room apartment with an area of ​​60 m2 will be sold much longer than a two-room “Khrushchev” apartment of a similar area.

Please note that buying a liquid apartment is an ideal investment. Such real estate steadily increases in price and can bring its owner good dividends when sold in a few years.

We choose affordable economy-class housing in new buildings. How and when should you invest in real estate?

Reading time: 8 minutes

What requirements must housing meet in order to be called liquid?

The most popular housing in today's real estate market are new economy class buildings. The difficult situation in the Russian economy, which has resulted in a depreciation of the ruble, a decrease in income and uncertainty about tomorrow's stability, is forcing Russians to take steps to preserve their savings. Apart from bank deposits, the only reliable way to invest free funds is to buy real estate.

Some citizens buy housing for themselves, others plan to use it for commercial purposes. However, regardless of whether the investor will live in the purchased apartment himself or whether he needs the housing for subsequent sale or rental, he needs to look for options that, if necessary, can be quickly and profitably sold on the real estate market.

This depends primarily on the liquidity of the apartment - a combination of factors that allow it to be sold in the optimal time frame at the most attractive price. Of course, it is difficult to predict what this price will be - it depends on the market situation, but for a highly liquid apartment you can get the maximum price in its segment among other properties with similar characteristics. Obviously, not all apartments can boast of this ability, so let’s determine what requirements housing must meet in order for it to be rightfully called liquid.

We invest in real estate at the initial stage of construction

By purchasing housing at the pit level, you receive up to 50% profit after putting the house into operation

A person investing in real estate is primarily interested in profit, and therefore he needs to buy an apartment at the lowest price and sell it at the highest. This is only possible if the purchase is made at the “pit” stage. However, the potential for maximum benefit comes hand in hand with high risks. By investing in an apartment that exists only as a project, the buyer expects to become a happy owner of real estate in a couple of years, but there is also a chance that he will receive his home several years late, or even become a victim of long-term construction.

To prevent this from happening, you need to approach your choice seriously. It is better to use the services of a company that has been present on the market for a long time. A well-known name and a large number of completed projects are the best recommendation for a developer.

Greater stability can be expected from a developer who has his own fleet of construction equipment, production base and architectural bureau. Comprehensive information can be obtained on the forums of shareholders, where people live who have first-hand knowledge of the condition of a particular object. Here you can find out how responsibly the company approaches its obligations to customers - whether the objects are delivered on time, in what condition, whether there are many deficiencies and how they are eliminated, whether the developer is delaying the registration of property rights.

The most reliable projects are those that are implemented using the law. The shared construction scheme today is a fairly reliable guarantor of protecting the interests of buyers. If a developer cooperates with large banks that inspire confidence among investors, this also has a positive effect on its image. If all the above conditions are met, we can talk about the reliability of the developer and his good reputation. Such confidence provides the basis for purchasing an apartment at the initial stage of construction.

Buying an apartment at the initial stage of construction is the most profitable option for investing in real estate, which also allows you to choose the most “delicious” offers in the project. The difference between the initial cost and the price prevailing at the time the house was put into operation can save you from 30 to 50% of money.

Transport infrastructure is a necessary condition for liquidity

High liquidity is impossible without developed transport infrastructure

In our dynamic times, freedom of movement is highly valued. The presence of metro stations, bus, tram and trolleybus stops, and railway platforms within walking distance allows you to quickly get to the desired location and has a beneficial effect on the liquidity of real estate. Apartments in such buildings will always be more in demand than housing in “bear corners”.

The further a residential complex is located from a metro or railway station, the fewer people will want to buy an apartment there. But the situation can change for the better if a large infrastructure project is planned in the area - a transport hub, metro station, highway, etc. The demand for apartments begins to increase already at the start of construction, and by the time it is completed, the cost of housing may increase by 30%.

Architectural merits

Say what you will about expediency, but the aesthetic side plays an important role when choosing housing.

Living in a beautiful building that has its own “face” and original design is much more pleasant than living in a dull box with “holes for light,” as the heroine of a Soviet film said.

The good news is that today's residential complexes look much nicer than the panel housing of that era. Many of them, even in the category of mass housing, are built according to individual projects, are tied to the area and fit organically into the urban landscape. The presence of these characteristics undoubtedly increases the attractiveness of the property as a whole and the liquidity of individual apartments.

Size and layout

The most liquid housing is the one that is available to the largest number of buyers, that is, the most inexpensive options. Small ones are also the most popular among investors. If the buyer is faced with a dilemma - to buy one three-ruble ruble or two one-room apartments, experts advise choosing the second option, since it is more preferable. There is always a demand for such properties, they recover in price faster after the crisis, and it is easier to find tenants for them.

When purchasing an apartment for commercial purposes (renting), it is best to immediately think about a suitable interior. After all, if the property is sold without finishing, the buyer will have to do the repairs themselves, investing additional funds in it. Let's also not forget about the time it will take. To free yourself from additional hassle and reduce the downtime of your apartment, you should look for a company that produces interior decoration in the buildings it has built. This will be faster and cheaper for the shareholder than buying the materials himself and hiring workers. You shouldn’t expect any special frills, but the “clean and tidy” requirement will be met, and what else is needed for a rented apartment?

And schools, and shops...

Another important liquidity factor is the presence of developed social infrastructure, which makes life in a given area comfortable, promising and interesting. It’s great if the project of a residential complex provides for the construction of a school or kindergarten, but residents of new buildings (and most of them are families with children) also need hospitals and clinics, sports and entertainment centers, shops, bank branches, educational institutions and other components of a full-fledged urban environment.

Unfortunately, in new areas the construction of social infrastructure is often delayed, and residents wait for years for the commissioning of vital facilities. Their absence significantly reduces the attractiveness of real estate. On the contrary, the presence of a good amount of social infrastructure increases the liquidity of both individual apartments and residential complexes as a whole.

As you can see, the liquidity of housing does not depend on any one factor, but is a combination of several components that make real estate extremely attractive to buyers.

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