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Why do banks refuse loans? Why are they denied credit? The main reasons for bank failures

Having an ideal credit history and a well-paid job does not guarantee that the bank will lend to you if necessary. Sometimes banking organizations refuse even the most trustworthy clients at first glance. Then quite logical questions arise, why do banks refuse loans and are there ways to solve this problem?

Why does the bank refuse a loan without explanation?

Almost all Russian banks use special checks of borrowers, on the basis of which they make a decision to issue a loan. In some credit institutions, the answer is given not by a computer, but by a collegial body. In any case, it has become much more difficult to borrow money from a bank today, and this applies not only to consumer products, but also to mortgages and car loans.

Bankers have every right to refuse a loan without giving a reason, in accordance with Art. 821 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The rules of their work make refusal without explanation a completely legitimate action. The loan agreement is not public information.

There is an opinion that banks are afraid to “show their cards” so as not to become a victim of scammers, but the current attackers still manage to get loans and not fulfill their obligations.

At the same time, there are “loopholes” in the legislation of the Russian Federation that protect ordinary citizens who are trying to figure out how to find out why the bank refused a loan. According to Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" people may require information about the refusal. Those. if there was a refusal, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate document - a loan agreement. But this is in case of a decision to go to court with a complaint against the bank and if you are sure of your legal rights to receive a loan.

And how to find out why banks refuse a loan peacefully, without coercion and disputes? It is difficult to give a definite answer. You should, first of all, study the list of possible reasons for bank failures, and then think about “improving” your candidacy, contacting other creditors or starting a “war” with the bank.

For what reasons can a loan be denied?

Consider a list of typical reasons for rejecting a loan application in a banking organization:

  1. Borrower age. Officially, bankers set the age limit for lending from 18 years (sometimes from 21-25 years) to 65/70 years, however, they are reluctant to contact young or elderly borrowers, considering this category of the population to be risky (military age for young people, illness or death for pensioners). Only age, of course, cannot cause a lender to refuse, but in the presence of other negative factors, it will act as an addition to a negative verdict.
  2. Low income. The "profitable" parameter is one of the main ones in assessing the borrower. So, not understanding why banks refuse loans, it makes sense to find out the minimum monthly salary to receive a particular amount of money. Many banks openly declare the required minimum wage, and some for some reason are silent about it. Lenders have the right to assess the solvency of a person in their own way. It is believed that the payment on the loan, which will be made by the client to the bank on a monthly basis, should not exceed an average of 30% of the amount of its total income. In mortgage lending, in contrast to the consumer segment, the total income of the entire family is taken into account.
  3. Bad credit history or lack thereof. This is the most common reason for loan rejection. Today, banks are especially closely considering the credit history of a potential client, given the number of days of possible delay (up to or over 30, 60, 90 days). This is due to the tightening of the requirements of the Central Bank, the crisis in the country. The CI also reflects the participation of a citizen applying for money in litigation in various matters (criminal liability, non-payment of alimony, claims against financial organizations, etc.).
  4. Providing false, erroneous data in the borrower's questionnaire. When filling out an application for a loan, you should be extremely careful. The use of other people's data, deception also lead to refusal. Scoring programs of banks are able to quickly identify fraudsters.
  5. Having the status of an informally employed person. Even with a stable income “in an envelope”, it will be difficult to convince the bank of its solvency. Basically, bankers require the provision of a certificate of income (2-NDFL) or a certificate in the form of a bank. Although there are programs where borrowers are not required to bring additional certificates, however, the amounts of such loans are small, interest rates are too high.
  6. Insufficient work experience. Depending on the lending program or the banking company itself, a minimum length of service requirement may be established, for example, from 6 months in a permanent place and from 12 months of total work experience. Frequent job changes can also lead to rejection.
  7. The presence of a position that is at risk, for example, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, etc. There are still professions that are unclaimed in the labor market and if the client suddenly loses his job, he will not be able to quickly find a new job. The bank can take this into account.
  8. Lack of a high school diploma. The presence of a "tower" is not a mandatory requirement in banks, many creditors do not even pay attention to this item, but for some banks it is an indicator of a person's material and social level.
  9. Large family, unemployed husband/wife.
  10. A close relative of the borrower (mother, father, brother) has a bad credit history or is in prison.
  11. Lack of proper residency. Typically, creditors indicate in their requirements the place of residence of a potential borrower, for example, in the region where the bank is present.
  12. Suspicious amount of the requested loan. For example, a bank employee may have a question why a person with a salary of 50,000 rubles asks for a loan of only 5,000 rubles. Those. even a request for a very small loan may not be considered in favor of the borrower.
  13. Unrepresentable appearance. The state of alcohol or drug intoxication, the presence of multiple tattoos, untidiness, obscene language, aggression, mental disorders, etc. are obvious reasons why they refuse a loan with a good credit history, the right set of documents, and even with high wages. At the slightest doubt, the loan officer has the right to leave a negative comment in the borrower's application, which will entail a "No" in the loan.
  14. Credit load. Lenders consider the presence of open loans, for example, several credit cards issued in different banks.

A negative decision of a banking institution may be affected by one or more of the above reasons in combination. It is extremely rare, but specialists make mistakes, which leads people to bewilderment and even panic.

How to find out why a loan was denied?

Having considered the presented list of possible reasons for the refusal of creditors, you are still confused, not understanding why you are denied a loan in all banks? Try the following ways to find out the reasons:

  1. Independent search for "truth". You should contact the BCI to obtain your credit history. In it, you can study in detail your credit reputation. Perhaps you owe not only banks or MFIs, but also the state, local authorities, without paying taxes, fees or utility bills. Similar actions are noted in the CI. And sometimes the client discovers the real mistakes of bankers, the consequences of technical failures. In this case, you should write an application to the Credit Bureau in a special form, attaching the necessary documents to prove your innocence. By the way, you can get your credit history only once a year for free online. More requests will need to be paid.
  2. Use of brokerage services. Many specialized firms operate on the Russian financial market, helping to check a citizen of the Russian Federation for a fee in the same way as banking organizations do. They can get data from the BKI, "drive" the candidate through the necessary databases and identify the reasons for the refusal of creditors. Remember, when contacting such specialists, you need to check the registration of the selected office, its license in order to avoid "cooperation" with scammers. You should also be alerted by the broker's offer to make an advance payment.

For example, the country's largest lender, Sberbank, allows all citizens to leave claims on the official website in case of a loan refusal. The organization undertakes to provide a written response within 30 days. There is also no need to be afraid to ask questions to a banking specialist. Not necessarily, but you may be able to explain the obvious reason for the negative decision.

Is it possible to refuse a payroll client and why?

A payroll client of a bank is a person who receives income on an account opened with this bank. Quite often, lenders issue loans to "native" clients on preferential terms, reducing the interest rate, requiring a minimum package of documents. But this does not mean that the lender will lend money to each “salary” who applied. This person is not immune from the very circumstances that may cause a refusal, for example:

  1. Non-compliance with the requirements of the bank for the desired loan program.
  2. Low income.
  3. Little work experience.
  4. The presence of loans in other organizations, unpaid traffic police fines, etc.

The only thing that distinguishes a payroll client from an ordinary visitor is that the bank has information about the size of his income. Those. if you want to get a loan at the bank through which the salary is received, most likely, you simply do not need to submit a 2-NDFL certificate.

Comparative analysis of failures on the example of large Russian banks

Bank's name Common reasons for rejection Features of communication with customers in case of refusal
Sberbank , the amount of income does not correspond to the requested amount, poor CI, the borrower lives in places or near military conflicts, a risky profession, age The reasons are most often not reported here in order to prevent fraudulent activities.
"VTB 24" Incomplete package of documents, unstable / low income, provision of false information, poor CI, other loans, etc. The reasons for the refusal are not disclosed, but by calling the hotline number, you can get a review of the candidacy
"Alfa Bank" Relatively demanding lender. It takes into account almost all the factors described in the article as possible reasons for the refusal. They are also wary of people working for individual entrepreneurs. The reasons for the refusal of the loan product were not disclosed.

How to get a loan from a bank, so as not to be refused?

No one will give you a 100% guarantee that when you contact the bank, your loan request will be approved for you. But if you set out to get a loan without problems and refusals, it is better to prepare. Here are some useful recommendations to increase the chances of issuing money in debt in a banking organization:

  1. Find out in advance the state of your credit history by sending a request to specialized services (for example, Equifax), through the credit departments of some banks (Bank of Moscow, Sberbank, Russian Standard), through the NBKI, CCCH.
  2. Provide the bank with only truthful information. Do not try to go for a trick, overestimating your income, forging documents, and other tricks. Fill out the questionnaire as correctly as possible, excluding the assumption of errors.
  3. If you offer a bank a pledge and a guarantee (the guarantor must be a person with an ideal credit history), this will play an argument in your favor.
  4. In the absence of a credit history, which also sometimes becomes the reason for refusal, you can arrange any product in installments (phone, laptop, etc.). Conscientious fulfillment of credit obligations will allow the lender to send positive information about the borrower to the BKI.

Alternative options (if all banks refuse)

What to do if all banks refuse a loan? Without resorting to the services of banks, which unanimously refuse financial assistance, you can also get a loan. There are many other financial institutions officially operating in the Russian market, fulfilling the necessary requirements of the Central Bank. For example:

  1. MFI. Here, small loans (up to 50,000 rubles) are issued for a short period (up to 30 days) using only one passport, but at an inflated interest rate (0.5-3% per day). You can apply to a microfinance company online and in a few minutes get money on credit using one of the transfer methods (to a card, bank account, Internet wallet, etc.). MFIs provide financial support to people over 18 years of age, including students, pensioners, the unemployed, people with impaired CI.
  2. Auto pawnshop. A relatively new phenomenon in the pawnshop business. If you have your own car, then you can get a fairly large loan against it (depending on the model of the car). Various brands of vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, special equipment) are accepted as collateral. You can get a loan here within 1 day. Of the documents required: passport, vehicle registration certificate, car registration certificate.
  3. Credit exchanges. Offers are in high demand in world practice. You will need to register on the appropriate online lending site, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money, and provide information about the desired loan. In case of non-return of funds, collectors will begin to pursue you, the case may go to court. The agreement concluded with the exchange is legally binding.
  4. private lender. With an ordinary person who is ready to lend money at interest, you can make a deal and notarize the contract. This option is quite beneficial for both parties. It involves a discussion, especially in agreements on the size of the interest rate, the period of use of funds, the amount of the loan.
  5. Credit Broker. Turning to the "cool guys" makes it possible not only to identify the reasons for the refusal of bank loans, but to correct mistakes. The intermediary between the client and the bank will analyze all the documents and will be able to choose the most appropriate loan option. The broker's profit is formed as a percentage of the transaction.

The question "Why are they denied credit in all banks?" - not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The refusal of banking institutions to cooperate with any particular client does not arise from scratch. It can be due to several causes, including veiled, hidden, and hidden ones.

The decision on the application for a loan is made by banks in the following ways:

  • with the help of scoring programs that, based on the received data about the client and the conditional algorithm, decide whether to give money or refuse;
  • the application is made by the credit committee of the bank on the conclusion of the inspector, which is compiled by him in the form of an analysis of the documentation and information about the possible borrower.

Many banks on their websites indicate what the minimum wage is allowed for obtaining a loan.

An impeccable credit history, a stable income, a decent social position - even this does not guarantee a 100% loan. In the Russian Federation, financial institutions can afford not to explain to borrowers what is the reason for refusing to lend. However, it is possible to find justifications for such actions of the bank. Bank employees often talk about this during their public speeches. So, why are banks in no hurry to lend to trustworthy clients, not to mention comrades who have made a mistake?

Bad credit biography

The first and, perhaps, the key reason for refusing a loan is considered to be a bad credit history. This term covers not only the concept of delinquency in loan repayments, it is also an assessment of the borrower submitting an application that does not meet the individual requirements of a particular bank.

Well, if it turns out that the customer actually violated the terms of the loan agreements in the past, then the refusal suggests itself automatically.

At the same time, it seems strange that banks refuse loans to people with a completely good credit history, however, this happens. The bank can simply play it safe if it has even the slightest suspicion of poor solvency of the client at the moment and in the near future. There is also such a practice as rejecting positive borrowers precisely because of their financial integrity. It is unprofitable for a bank when a person takes a loan and then repays it ahead of schedule, thereby limiting the institution in making a profit on interest. And then, a good credit history - it can be a zero history. It has no informational value, which means it is put on a par with bad stories.

Other grounds for refusal

So, we have already found out that banks can find any reason for refusing to lend. The following is a list of the most common excuses not to lend money:

  1. A request for an overly large amount has been made. According to established standards of a reasonable debt burden, the monthly loan payment should not exceed 40 percent of the total monthly income of the borrower. The bank draws conclusions based on official data on the customer's earnings. If the financial institution decides that the loan amount may be unbearable for the client, then either the funds will not be disbursed at all, or the amount will be reduced.
  2. The applicant for the loan does not correspond to the age category for which the loan can be issued. In general, people under 20 and over 60 do not fall under such criteria. But today there are many banks that individually approach the age estimates of the borrower. For example, there are special programs for lending to pensioners (and most men, as you know, retire just after 60 years). Some banks are ready to support young entrepreneurs who are under 20 by the time they apply for a loan. In general, there is a stereotype (and it is not unfounded) that active labor activity for a person under the age of eighteen is not relevant, and therefore there is a risk that the return of loan money by a young borrower may be on the verge of failure. In this regard, the bank does not want to take risks, which is quite logical. In the same way, he does not want unnecessary problems, concluding an agreement with persons of pre-retirement and retirement age. Older people are prone to illness, and this implies a cessation of employment and a decrease in income. The risk of death of the borrower is not excluded. Surprise on the topic "Why are they denied credit in all banks?" dissolves on its own...
  3. Lack of guarantees for proper support. The key types of collateral in lending to the people are surety and pledge, and in entrepreneurial activity - a bank guarantee. The bank will unequivocally refuse a loan if, in fact, the product is this very security, or if it is requested in the form of insurance.
  4. income instability. If the client is not able to officially confirm his monthly earnings, or he has a frail work experience, then, most likely, he will not get a loan. In some cases, creditors do not focus on these factors, one large banks indicate this item without fail.
  5. The presence of a large debt or non-payment on other loans. A person can accumulate large debts on utility bills, not pay taxes, hide from alimony, avoid paying certain fines, lawsuits, and so on.

    If a person's reputation is tarnished, then it is difficult to count on issuing a loan, but again, in this regard, the bank works with each potential client individually.

  6. Providing false information in the application or fake documents. The deception will surely come to light. And the very fact of forgery is perceived by the bank as fraud, even if all this was not done intentionally. It is easier for the bank to refuse in this case than to expose itself to risks.
  7. The client's name appears on the black lists of one or more banks. Getting into such registers occurs in different ways. The bank does not like to contact, and even more so, cooperate with people who threaten to “complain to higher authorities” if they suddenly don’t like something, with brawlers and overly principled citizens, malicious non-payers, etc.
  8. Non-compliance of a particular client with certain conditions or requirements for a loan. Any little thing is enough here to refuse to issue money. Such “little things” include the following nuances: lack of registration at the place of the loan request, inappropriate age, questionable social status, inability to provide the necessary documentation, etc.

Hidden loan denial options

Bank employees sometimes see something in the comrades who contacted them, which is not customary to talk about directly, but this must be taken into account in the future. The silent category of factors falls under the terms of risky lending. Many of them are included in the category of so-called subjective suspicions, but banks are hedging themselves and do not take unnecessary risks.

Hidden reasons for refusing a loan include the following:

  1. Unpresentable appearance of a visitor to a financial institution. Visually, everything is taken into account: stale linen, the drunken state of a person, and inappropriate behavior, and general untidiness, and much more.
  2. The discrepancy between the requested amount and the financial capabilities of the person. Both a small amount with significant income and a huge loan with modest earnings are equally under suspicion.
  3. A strange, obscure purpose of obtaining a loan. In theory, the borrower has the right to independently decide how to dispose of the requested money, and, in general, it is a personal matter for everyone what to spend the loan on. But one can also understand the bank, whose employees are obliged to be interested in the target orientation of the funds issued. So, it’s more correct not to cast a shadow on the wattle fence when ordering a loan, but to indicate a goal that will not cause any suspicions among financiers: for example, apartment renovation, intention to start your own commercial enterprise, training, etc.
  4. Social factors. Banks do not like it if people with a criminal record, the presence of many dependents turn to them. Reluctantly agree to issue a loan to those who do not own movable or immovable property. The chances of obtaining a loan for citizens with serious illnesses or workers in dangerous professions are sharply reduced. This list includes novice individual entrepreneurs and such individuals whose lifestyle clearly indicates that loan default is possible ...

Well, too ideal "applicants" also run the risk of being left with nothing when trying to get a regular or extraordinary loan. You ask, with such and such positive scenarios, why are they denied credit in all banks? That's the way it is with us in Russia. A prosperous person in our country is more likely to arouse a feeling of distrust than to be honored with admiration. Among the “painfully good” clients are those who repay not just on time or ahead of schedule, but at lightning speed - when bank employees involuntarily have a question: why did they take out a loan at all, and was it needed? More recently, there was a moratorium on early repayment of the loan, now it has been canceled, moreover, by law.

You can repay the loan at any time, even the next day after the conclusion of the contract. It would seem, who cares how quickly I repaid the loan. But no - with a high rate of repayment of credit debt, banks lose guaranteed profits - what is not a reason to refuse lending!

The original reasons for refusing credit

  1. Lack of a landline phone. With the ubiquity of cellular communications and the presence of almost every one of us with a mobile phone, many banks still require when applying for a loan to write down landline phone numbers: if you don’t have a home phone, then a work one will do. Unlike a mobile phone, a landline phone is located at a fixed address. It can not be issued to a non-existent person. This serves as an additional guarantee that you can contact the borrower if necessary, and also find him at the address, even if he decides to turn off the phone. It is highly likely that in the future banks will not rely on this factor, since a large percentage of the population refuses city phones (at least home phones).
  2. Hiding the purpose of the loan. Before getting a loan, the client fills out a questionnaire, where he indicates why he needed the money. Most often they are asked for consumer needs. But if the refinancing of an existing loan is indicated, the creation of a business from scratch, they will politely refuse you. Such loans are classified as super risky operations and lead to the formation of maximum and unprofitable reserves for the bank.

Tightening banking regulations

The difficult situation in the financial market, economic sanctions, and the trend towards a decrease in the solvency of the population have led to the fact that it has become more difficult to get a loan than before.

Russian banks are forced to change their lending policy and tighten requirements for borrowers. Liquidity has decreased in the lending sector, and banks are not able to maintain the volume of issued amounts, as they used to be.

To lend, banks are forced to figure out how to contrive to raise money in deposits. The volume of deposits for individuals in Russia also decreased for the above reasons.

That is why the rules for reviewing loan applications have become more stringent. Special scoring programs include factors leading to minimization of the risk of credit default. Most of the domestic banks are now refusing to lend to clients with a high risk of delinquency in the future.

Those banking institutions that specialize in issuing express loans with a sharp limit on the amounts on the upper scale and increased lending rates remain loyal.

Finding out the reason for the refusal

A citizen trying to find out the true reason for a refusal to issue a loan by a bank can use the following methods:

  1. Personally apply to the credit history bureau (BKI) with a request for your "credit card" (in full compliance with the requirements of the bank).
  2. Act with the help of an intermediary (credit broker) who has a whole arsenal of opportunities to find out the reasons for making a negative decision on issuing a loan.

Obtaining information about the reasons for the refusal will help the client in the future to avoid wasting precious time and get rid of inconsistencies.

There is no absolute guarantee of loan approval in the bank you have chosen. Features of the credit policy, many subjective and objective factors, the rules for considering individual loan applications directly affect the decision to issue money.


So we found out why they refuse a loan in all banks. At the same time, it can be stated with full confidence that a client with a good credit history, excellent solvency and full compliance with the image of an impeccable borrower who has provided the entire documentation package has a great chance that his application will eventually be approved.

Many bank customers are at a loss as to why they refuse and do not give a loan with a good credit history. It would seem that such a client has already won the trust of banks and has long shown itself to be a reliable payer.

Why do banks refuse to issue a loan?

There are several main reasons that can lead to a negative decision on the application of a client with a positive CI. A stable and high income and a good story are not a guarantee that the client will receive a positive response.

The fact is that the banking security service evaluates a potential borrower according to a huge number of criteria, and even if you passed one, the slightest inconsistency with the portrait of an “ideal” borrower - and you get a refusal. This applies to both regular and payroll clients.

The main reasons for refusals of such clients include the following:

  1. The applicant did not pass the bank. Many banks have a system for assessing a potential borrower - a scoring system. When passing through it, the client may be refused even before the application is considered by the security service, if he does not meet any requirements of the bank. Each bank has its own scoring parameters and is classified information. Therefore, it is difficult for customers to determine exactly what criteria it did not pass.
  2. Non-compliance with the conditions of the loan product (age, down payment, work experience, etc.). More details about the requirements for borrowers, for example, when receiving from Sberbank,
  3. Delays on existing loans. You can learn more about credit history
  4. Conviction in present or past tense.
  5. Large debt load (several loans at once in different banks for a solid amount). If the applicant has several active loans, then another one may be denied. If the total debt, along with the new one, is less than half of the monthly income, then the likelihood that you will be given a loan is high. Otherwise, you need to pay off at least part and contact the bank again. You can also provide documents confirming that, in addition to official income, you also have unofficial sources.
  6. A client applying for a loan in several places at once, as well as receiving refusals from other banks.
  7. Untidy appearance of the borrower, alcohol intoxication.
  8. Too high salary, causing suspicion. In this case, the bank will not understand why a person applies for a loan.
  9. Providing false information in the application. When filling out the questionnaire, be careful, incorrect data may lead to refusal. Often borrowers who do not work officially try to deceive by providing "fake" documents. You should not do this, as all potential customers are thoroughly checked. If fraud is found, you will definitely be denied. Moreover, there is a risk that you will be blacklisted by unscrupulous borrowers.

How to check your credit history?

It often happens that the borrower is absolutely sure that he has an ideal reputation. He had already taken loans several times, and repaid them on time and in full, and maybe even made early repayment. Why in this case can there be a refusal?

Unfortunately, situations are not uncommon when CI can still be corrupted, and a person does not even know about it. This happens for several reasons:

  • you lost your passport, or your sensitive data fell into the wrong hands. Attackers could use your document to apply for a loan for you via the Internet. How this is possible, we describe.
  • you repaid your loan in good faith, but an error crept in, and the bank employee did not see a debt of a couple of kopecks / rubles. These pennies can play a role, because. will increase daily due to penalties and fines. If you do not have a certificate from the bank on the absence of debt, it will be difficult to prove anything.
  • you closed your credits/accounts, but did not give up paid options, for example, SMS notifications. And the fee for this service will continue to be charged monthly, thereby creating debt.
  • the loan was taken by your namesake, and the bank erroneously sent data on his debt, and you got the debt in the BKI. How to fix such an error - we tell.

How can you improve your chances of getting a loan approved?

If you did not find any debts and errors in your report, therefore, you need to look for reasons for the refusal in another. For example, you do not pass by age, you do not have the required work experience, income certificate, required salary, etc.

There are legal ways to convince the bank of its solvency:

  • Documents confirming regular purchases for large amounts (for example, an extract from an ATM, checks, etc.).
  • Extract from the deposit account.
  • By enlisting the support of guarantors and providing valuable collateral, you will be able to prove to the bank that you are serious.

Each financial institution has its own requirements for client income. If you were refused by one bank, try to apply to another or take a smaller amount for a longer period.

Thinking about taking a loan, most of us want to be sure in advance that a loan will be given, otherwise what is the time to waste, collect papers, run around banks, fill out questionnaires? The desire to know in advance is understandable, and this applies not only to loans, but to life in general. Alas, there is no such magician, wizard and psychic who, looking at you and your documents, would say with absolute certainty -.

The fact is that the decision to grant or not to grant a loan today in banks is almost completely streamlined and regulated. Either the decision is made by a computer based on a built-in scoring model (a set of "if-then" rules that make the final decision), or by a collegiate body, where there is no possibility of a sole indication and a decisive vote. By the way, if someone (such as a "loan broker") claims that he has "his own people" in banks who "guarantee a loan" - do not believe it. Such a person can only be a senior official (President of the bank or his deputies). And what? For everyone you meet, this official will lobby for a loan?

However, during my work as a loan broker, I have collected the most common reasons for refusal to issue a loan. This list is far from complete, because the methods of analyzing the borrower and making decisions in banks are constantly changing. So read the article and understand for yourself - there is something that can prevent you from getting a loan or not.

By the way, I strongly recommend not to “run around all the banks at once” in the hope that “what if they give a loan somewhere”. If one bank refused a loan, then the second one, you should stop wandering around the banks and be puzzled by finding the true reasons why banks are refusing you. Because now every request for your credit history is recorded in the credit bureau - the essence is the processing of your loan application. The more you "run around the banks" - the greater the value of this "counter", the more likely it is that the next bank where you apply for a loan will find that you tried to take a loan so many times, but you were not given. What conclusion will the bank ask for in relation to you? That's right: if other banks refuse, then we will refuse just in case.

Tightening the rules

Getting a loan has become much more difficult, and this applies to all loan products for individuals: and, and, and, and simple.

The main reason is the recession in the economy and the decrease in liquidity in the banking sector as a whole. In simple terms, there is not enough money in the economy, so little that everyone who wants it is not enough. Where did the money go? a difficult question, but just look at the deposit rates offered by banks to conclude that banks really need money and they don’t skimp on deposit rates.

When banks have little money, they reduce lending, which is quite logical - in order to lend money, you must first take it somewhere. With all this, the volume of advertising of various programs for the population has not decreased at all. It would seem strange: since there is little money, why advertise?

The laws of advertising come into play here - if you do not advertise the product, then competitors will occupy the information field, and when there is enough money and loans can be issued, it turns out that there are no free billboards and streamers, and customers have “lost the habit” that the bank provides the necessary services. They can also forget the name of the bank. So don’t really “get fooled” by active advertising for the population - they advertise - it doesn’t mean that they give it out.

On the other hand, banks cannot give out loans at all - interest on deposits is something to “beat off” - only by placing attracted deposits in loans. But since there is little money to lend, and advertising - as a result - there are a lot of people who want to take loans, it is necessary to tighten the requirements for borrowers in order to issue small resources with maximum effect - and earn a profit, and not secure a delay. From the point of view of the theory of loan portfolio management, the task, of course, is ideal - to issue loans that everyone will pay for, and even at such high rates.

So today, banks in scoring models have “included” all stop factors, according to which any “oversight” or even a “hint” of a possible future delay will cause a refusal. So, if you carefully read our article on possible causes, then today I can confidently say: "all of the listed reasons are 99.99% possible and have a place to be today."

Why are they denied?


Do not think that as soon as you have received a passport, banks will immediately be happy to provide you with a loan. The main criterion is your ability to pay (now and then - after receiving a loan). Age is a certain boundary that cuts off, so to speak, a certain level of responsibility.

As a rule, consumer cash loans and credit cards are provided to women over the age of 23, and to men - over the age of 24. Why is there such discrimination, you ask? Everything is quite prosaically simple: banks have calculated that those under the age of 24 are most likely to be drafted into military service. In this case, how can the bank collect a loan from you? Fishing in polygons? So you will be in arms.

At the same time, there are loan programs under which borrowers can be a person over the age of 18. Basically, these are mortgage programs. In this case, banks are ready to lend to young people, realizing that real estate will be pledged - a 100% guarantor of the return of the loan taken.

Insufficient income

The level of your income is perhaps the most basic parameter that banks “look” at when deciding whether to grant you a loan or not. Some banks openly declare in the terms of lending that the monthly income must be at least a certain amount. Some are silent, but they necessarily have this limitation in the scoring system.

Ultimately, the bank evaluates your solvency as the ratio of income and the size of the planned payment on the requested loan. It is believed that the amount of all payments on loans, both valid at the time of applying for a loan, and the requested one, should not exceed 30-50% of total income. Banks take into account the average income for the last 3, 6 or 12 months.

By the way, some banks have online calculators on their websites that can calculate the maximum loan amount that you can count on based on your income. Or vice versa - what should be your income in order to qualify for a loan of a certain size for the required period.

In mortgage lending, the total family income is taken into account in the calculation of solvency, if both spouses act as co-borrowers on a mortgage, this is usually the case.

No fixed home phone

Some banks have a security requirement - it is mandatory to have a fixed home phone at the registration address or at the address of the actual place of residence. Thus, banks believe that you permanently reside in a certain place and in case of non-payment on the loan received, they will know where to look for you.

By the way, if you apply for a cell phone with a direct landline number, such a “trick” may not work: serious banks also have cell phone databases and lists of the first digits of numbers corresponding to cell phones.

The requirement to have a phone is usually clearly stated in the terms of the loan, although it is not required.

Lack of a landline work phone

If banks can be indulgent about the absence of a fixed home phone, then the absence of a fixed work phone will definitely alert the bank’s security service: what kind of organization is this in which you work that there is not a single fixed phone?

The requirement to have a fixed work phone may not be stated in the terms of the loan, but in the vast majority of cases it is assumed a priori.

Reasons for denial of credit associated with landlines, however, hopefully, will soon become obsolete. More and more people do not have a landline phone at home, but have two smartphones. It's the same with organizations.

Cell phone is registered to another person

It is unlikely, but banks can check to whom the cell phone that you indicate in the questionnaire is really registered as yours. If it is registered to a spouse, relative or someone else, this may be the reason for refusal. What is the logic? Don't know. I am writing about this based on experience. Maybe because the bailiffs are about to be given the right to write off the money of non-payers from the accounts of mobile operators. And if it turns out that the cell phone is not yours, then even these pennies will not be recovered.

Little work experience

Work experience, both general and last place of work, is a kind of indirect characteristic of the stability of your income over time. The logic is approximately as follows, the longer you work, especially at your last job, the more likely it is that you are a good specialist who, firstly, will not be fired, and secondly, who will be paid further, or even more.

Typically, the requirement for work experience is spelled out immediately in the lending conditions in the "Requirements for the borrower" section. Usually, work experience of three months at the last place of work is required, and a total one of at least six months.

Work at IP

Yes, alas, one of the reasons why banks refuse a loan is work for individual entrepreneurs. Again, I personally met with the requirement for the borrower “not employed by an individual entrepreneur”, but there were precedents when the bank did not advertise this particular reason. Apparently, some banks believe that the work of an individual entrepreneur is not as reliable and stable as in an LLC or JSC.

How do you know if there is such a requirement or not? Carefully read the terms of the loan in terms of requirements for the borrower, especially the notes and footnotes in small print at the bottom of the page.

Business owner

If you are the founder or director of a legal entity or registered as an individual entrepreneur, it is likely to run into a refusal to issue a loan. Why? Banks suspect that you can spend the loan not on your personal needs as an individual, but on business needs. Such a restriction is usually spelled out in the terms of the loan.

By the way, mortgages usually stipulate that in order to obtain a mortgage loan, business owners must also provide business documents, but getting a mortgage for business owners is easier than a consumer loan.

However, some banks have special consumer lending programs specifically for business owners, such as.

Purpose of the loan

If you indicate “repayment of an existing loan” as the purpose of the loan (especially if it is overdue), you are guaranteed to be refused, unless this is a special loan refinancing program. The fact is that, according to the requirements of the supervisory authority (Central Bank), loans issued for the purpose of repaying other loans are classified as the worst loans, for which the bank is obliged to form the maximum amount of reserves from profits.

Similarly, you will be denied a loan if you indicate a business goal as a goal, for example, replenishing the working capital of your LLC, purchasing equipment, even worse, starting your own business. In the best case, you will be offered to take a loan for a business, and this is a different package of documents and other terms for consideration, in the worst case, they will refuse.

On "opening your own business" - there will definitely be a denial of a loan, unless it is a special lending program.

Lots of existing loans

How many loans can one person take? One, two, three, five, ten? Each bank itself determines how much, in its understanding, is the “normal” number of loans that an ordinary person can serve. I have never met in the requirements for the borrower a limit on the number of existing loans. I know from experience that banks generally consider 3-5 active loans to be normal, including the one you are applying for.

Take too often and extinguish early

If you constantly take out loans, and then repay them ahead of schedule within three to six months from the date of receipt, or even immediately, then do not think that in this case you are the ideal borrower for the bank. Quite the opposite. By giving you a loan, the bank expects to earn interest on you during the entire term of the loan. And you - once - and repaid. And the bank paid a salary to the loan manager who issued you a loan, thus incurred the costs. So do not try to pay off the loan too quickly.

Lack of credit history

If you have never taken a loan, then the bank will have a question: how to be sure that you will pay? if you have a credit history, you can "estimate" how you will service the debt, based on the history of your payments. Some banks do not talk about it, but do not give loans to those who have not used loans before. However, this is rather rare.

Hazardous workers

Some reasons for refusing a loan can be considered completely unfair. So, some banks have lists of "dangerous" professions, in which, in their opinion, the employee may lose his life or health, and the bank - the hope of returning the loan received. These categories of workers include security guards, bodyguards, police, firefighters.

Having a criminal record

You will be denied a loan if you previously had a criminal record, worse - if it has not been removed. It is absolutely disgusting - if you have a criminal record under economic articles, you will be completely denied a loan.

In rare cases, the security service may “turn a blind eye” to expunged convictions, conditional convictions, for “household” (not economic reasons) - but this is more an exception than a rule.


There are such concepts as “nominal founders” and “nominal directors” - that is, persons who, according to papers, are listed as founders and directors of dozens of companies, but in fact other people manage business processes. Bank security services are trying to keep lists of such "nominal values", and if you are among them, then you will not see a loan.

Well, whether you are a "nominal" or not - you yourself know for sure.

Mentally unhealthy people

Denial of credit to drug addicts and mentally ill people is generally understandable. We only note that the main legal danger for banks lies in the fact that these citizens can later say that they signed in a state of “insanity”, and therefore such a transaction can be recognized as void in court.

Bad credit history

If you have previously taken loans and allowed delays on them, or at the time of submitting a new loan application, you have overdue outstanding loans, then I can confidently tell you that you will be denied a new loan. Put yourself in the place of bankers, a person took loans and did not pay, or has not yet repaid the current loan, therefore, he will not pay on our loan either.

Similarly, a bank's denial of a loan threatens those whose close relatives have problem loans. The logic of banks is that they believe that you are borrowing to solve the financial problems of a close relative or spouse through a new loan. Accordingly, the risk of default on such a loan is extremely high.

Forged documents or information

Keep in mind that methods for checking future borrowers are constantly being improved by bank security services. If during the pre-credit check it turns out that you provided false information about your work, or brought fake documents to the bank, then at best you may simply be denied a loan.

At worst, they can be prosecuted under articles or fraud, or providing false documents to obtain a loan.

Different information - in different banks

Yes, the security services have the ability to check what personal data about income and place of work you provided to other banks. And if this information does not match, then it is easy to assume that banks will immediately conclude that some of this data is false. The conclusion is failure.

How to find out the reason for a loan denial

If the above reasons for refusing to issue a loan do not apply to you, but you still get refusals for loans, then you need professional help to figure out the true reasons. In accordance with the civil code, the bank is not obliged to provide you with a loan, nor is it obliged to report the reasons for refusal. And as far as I know, bank employees never voice the grounds for refusing a loan to you personally. How to find out the reasons for the refusal?

The first option is independent. Must be from all credit bureaus. Carefully study this data - there are situations when banks provide erroneous data, ranging from simple bungling - the loan is actually repaid, but the credit bureaus do not have information about this, and ending with technical errors. If errors are found, urgently write applications of a certain format to the credit bureaus with supporting documents attached that everything is in order with your credit history.

Option two is to turn to those who have the opportunity to check you using the same databases as banks, and besides, get your credit history officially from credit bureaus. Accordingly, on the basis of these data, they will tell you why the bank refused the loan, they will tell you what needs to be done in order to receive the "bank mercy" for the loan.

“Are you often denied?” is the most popular question that loan officers have to hear. Bank failures are not uncommon. Even officially employed citizens with a decent “white” salary and an ideal credit history are not immune from this phenomenon. Sometimes even an unscrupulous relative can become the reason for refusal.

Main reasons for failures

Any bank reserves the right to refuse a loan without explanation. Therefore, the borrower can only guess about the nature of the negative decision. The bank, as an institution that bears certain risks when lending to the population, has several reasons for refusal:

  • non-compliance of the borrower with the conditions of the bank;
  • bad credit history;
  • delays under an agreement in which the client acts as a guarantor;
  • damaged credit reputation of the next of kin.

Let's consider these reasons separately.

Non-compliance with the conditions of the bank, low scoring

Many banks operate on the so-called scoring system. The level of reliability and solvency of the client is determined by a set of criteria. The loan applicant's questionnaire is checked manually or automatically, and the decision depends on the scoring score.

Banks keep the parameters of the evaluation system in secret. Sometimes consultants, when communicating with a client, can make assumptions about the refusal, but they cannot be 100% sure.

Bad credit history

It should be noted that each bank has its own concept of "bad" credit history. Some of them may turn a blind eye to three or more delays in a row for 30 days, while others will not take you as a borrower even with two minimum (up to 5 days) delays over the past year.

So take good care of your credit history. Banks can meet halfway, and even data on the delay will not be transferred to the credit bureaus, if it is the first and minimum. To do this, always be in touch, warn bank employees that a payment delay is likely. And, of course, keep your promises regarding the maturities of the overdue debt.

Any employee of the lending department in a couple of minutes will determine the solvency of the borrower using special formulas. Therefore, if you are denied due to a large debt load, do not rush to argue.

When applying for a loan, it seems that it is not difficult to squeeze yourself here and there, and easily pay off another loan. But let's put aside the enthusiasm and look at the situation from the outside.

As a rule, a loan is a long-term thing, and it will have to be paid from one to five years, or even more. During this time, a communal apartment and food prices may rise, a car breaks down, household appliances fail, etc. Imagine that because of this you are late in payment and the debt grows like a snowball. And if there is not one loan, but two or three of them?

Therefore, when you hear from a loan officer that there are high chances of delinquency, think again if you need another loan now.

Expired surety agreement

When signing up for someone as a guarantor, always remember that you are responsible for this loan on an equal basis with the borrower. Read the contract carefully before signing. Not everyone understands that if the borrower refuses to fulfill his obligations, his functions are shifted to the guarantor. Lawful measures to compel him to repay the debt may be applied to him.

If you nevertheless become a guarantor, constantly monitor the timeliness of making payments by the borrower. If he delays, your credit history will reflect this. Here's another reason for rejection that you may not know about.

Spoiled credit reputation of next of kin

Quite often, people do not even suspect that an inattentive attitude to the credit obligations of the next of kin can affect them. Banks are not ready to bear the increased risks, and you are unlikely to be given a loan if your spouse (s) or one of the children (parents) regularly makes delays.

According to the anti-fraud instructions, banks share information about persistent non-payers with each other.

Because of this, conscientious borrowers are also “in denial”. It is difficult to argue with the logic of the bank in this case - if the husband does not cope with his obligation, how can he be sure that his wife will cope with him?

If the bank does not explain the reason, you will have to find out the nature of the failures yourself. Check if there are any claims against you from the Bailiffs Service, the Tax Inspectorate and other government agencies. It happens that such debt also becomes a reason for refusal. This information can be obtained online on the State Services website.

Interview relatives and find out if any of them have an overdue loan obligation. Even taken in the distant past. Loans taken for goods also need to be remembered, they are included in the credit history along with others.

We advise you to order an extract from your credit history at least once a year. Although minimal, there is a possibility of fraudulent activities with your personal data. And also mistakes happen in the work of bank employees, and a good borrower accidentally enters data on overdue obligations of a malicious defaulter. All this can be fixed, and the sooner you know about it, the better.

How to convince the bank of its reliability

It is best to know exactly the reason for the failure in order to influence it specifically. But if there is no exact information, you can follow the tips below.

Don't change jobs too often. Firstly, some banks have strict requirements for continuous work experience at the current place of work and, secondly, the bank may get the impression of you as an unreliable borrower.

Be honest when filling out the questionnaire. If inconsistencies and false information are found, the bank may suspect you of fraud and even blacklist you.

There are several ways to fix a credit history or create a good one from scratch:

  • Take a commercial loan. It is approved much more often, and it is also reflected in the credit history.
  • Apply for a loan at one of the microfinance organizations. There is a high percentage of approval, but the stakes are high.
  • Apply for a credit card in person at a bank or online. The percentage of approval of plastic is higher than for other types of lending.

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