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Taxpayers are required to timely. Taxpayers are required to pay taxes on time and in full. The rights of the taxpayer during the control actions of the inspection

According to generally accepted norms, taxpayers are understood as legal entities or individuals who are obliged by law to transfer taxes and fees. The rights and obligations of taxpayers of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are determined in chapters. 3. It is necessary to clearly understand both concepts in order to effectively interact with regulatory authorities.

Among the main rights of a taxpayer, one should note the receipt of free information on taxes paid by the state tax authorities. As reference data, tax authorities are obliged to inform interested parties not only about the procedure for paying a fiscal payment, but also about legislative rules calculations and accruals. In addition, taxpayers have the right to receive clarifications on the current reporting forms, as well as on the mechanism for filling out documents.

Main responsibilities of taxpayers

The most important duty of taxpayers is the timely transfer of taxes paid according to legal requirements (depending on the tax regime used in the activity). If necessary, a legal entity or a citizen must register with the control authorities, and in the case of doing business, ensure accounting of income and expenditure transactions, objects of taxation and fulfill the obligation to submit reporting forms. The current rights and obligations of taxpayers are summarized in the table below (Articles 21, 23 of the Tax Code).

Rights and obligations of the taxpayer - table

Regulatory rights of taxpayersRegulatory obligations of taxpayers
Obtaining free reference information on the current legislation on the payment, calculation and calculation of taxes and fees, including explanations on the forms of declarations and calculations (tax) used and the nuances of their preparationTransfer of tax liabilities within the time limits established by law
Obtaining free reference information from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, state bodies of subjects and municipalities of the Russian Federation on the current legislation on taxes and feesRegistration in the cases established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with the Federal Tax Service
Use in accordance with the established regulatory procedure of the provided benefits for taxes and feesKeeping records of income-expenditure transactions and taxable objects
Receipt under the conditions established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation of installment, deferral or investment loan when paying off obligations for taxes and feesSubmission of mandatory declarations and settlements to the IFTS on time
Registration of a refund or offset of excessively transferred amounts for taxes and fees, including fines and penaltiesSubmission to the tax authorities of books of accounting for income and expenditure transactions, annual financial (accounting) statements, as well as other documents necessary for calculations and accrual of tax liabilities
Conducting reconciliations with the IFTS for tax liabilities, including drawing up a reconciliation reportTimely elimination of violations identified by the tax authorities
Representation of interests in interaction with regulatory authorities through an authorized representativeEnsuring the safety of accounting data and documents necessary for calculations and accrual of tax liabilities for at least 4 years
Submission of written explanations to tax authorities on the calculation, accrual and transfer of tax liabilitiesAdditionally, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to report the following data to the INFS:

· On participation in Russian companies – if the participation share exceeds 10% (within 1 month from the moment of participation).

· About the created OP (separate subdivisions) - within 1 month. since the creation of the Russian EP; 3 days - from the moment of changing the data on the EP.

· About Russian EPs through which the legal entity terminates its business activities - within 3 days

Participation in the conduct of control measures and receipt of notifications, requirements, copies of acts and decisions from the IFTSAdditionally, citizens are required to report to the IFTS the following data:

· On the presence of taxable objects in the property - provided that notifications with receipts for the transfer of funds are not received from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate.

The specified obligation does not apply when an individual uses tax benefits

Demanding from the tax authorities the strict implementation of legislative normsIn addition, taxpayers are required to submit to the IFTS data on:

· Participation in foreign companies - if the share of participation exceeds 10%.

· Establishment of foreign structures without forming a legal entity.

· Controlled foreign companies- provided that the person is the controlling

Non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate that do not comply with legislative normsAdditionally, payers of insurance premiums are required to:

· To transfer such sums in due time.

· Keep records of taxable objects, accruals for each individual separately.

Submit to the IFTS calculations on contributions on time.

· Submit personalized accounting information.

· Store accounting data and documents for calculating contributions for 6 years.

Notify the IFTS of the creation of a EP, endowed with the appropriate authority.

Appeal to in due course illegal actions of the IFTS
Preservation and observance of information related to trade secrets
Compensation for losses caused by illegal actions, as well as inaction of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, in full
Participation in the procedure for reviewing materials on the inspections carried out by the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate

In order to control the duties and rights of taxpayers in the field of taxation, they are provided by the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For non-fulfillment of duties, sanctions are applied in the form of appointment control checks, and in case of violations - in the form of penalties, penalties. On the other hand, the taxpayer has the right to appeal against illegal actions (or inaction) territorial bodies IFTS by contacting a higher inspectorate or a court.

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Question: last: are the following judgments about the rights and obligations of taxpayers correct? A. Taxpayers are required to pay taxes and fees in a timely manner and in full. B. Taxpayers can enjoy tax benefits on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

last: are the following judgments about the rights and obligations of taxpayers correct? A. Taxpayers are required to pay taxes and fees in a timely manner and in full. B. Taxpayers can enjoy tax benefits on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong


I think 1) only A is true

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Taxpayers- organizations and individuals who, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are obliged to pay taxes.

Taxpayer Rights

Taxpayers have the right:

    to receive free information (including in writing) from the tax authorities at the place of their registration on applicable taxes and fees, legislation on taxes and fees and regulations adopted in accordance with it; legal acts, the procedure for calculating and paying taxes and fees, the rights and obligations of taxpayers, the powers of tax authorities and their officials, as well as to receive forms of tax declarations (calculations) and explanations on the procedure for filling them out;

    receive from the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation written explanations on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, from financial authorities subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities- on the issues of applying, respectively, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and regulatory legal acts of municipalities on local taxes and fees;

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1. Obligation. This principle means that all taxpayers are obliged to pay taxes in full and on time.

2. Justice. The principle of fairness means that, on the one hand, all taxpayers who are in equal conditions in terms of objects of taxation pay the same taxes, and, on the other hand, taxes paid by taxpayers of different incomes should be fair. The rich pay more than the poor.

3. Certainty. Normative acts prior to the beginning of the tax period should determine the rules for the fulfillment of duties by the taxpayer.

4. Convenience(privilege) for the taxpayer. The procedure for paying taxes should be convenient primarily for the taxpayer, and not for the tax authorities.

5. Profitability. The costs of collecting taxes should not exceed the amount of taxes collected, but should be minimal.

6. Proportionality. It involves the establishment of a limitation (limit) of the tax burden in relation to the gross domestic product.

7. Elasticity. Involves quick adaptation to a changing situation

8. One-time taxation. The same object of taxation must be taxed for a specified period once.

9. Stability. Change tax system should not be done frequently and very abruptly.

10. Optimality. The purpose of tax collection, for example, fiscal, or environmental, etc., should be achieved in the best way from the point of view of the choice of source and object of taxation.


Tax object- property or income subject to taxation, measurable quantitatively, which serve as the basis for calculating the tax;

Subject of tax- the taxpayer, that is, the natural or legal person who is obliged to pay the tax;

Tax source- the income from which the tax is paid;

tax rate- magnitude tax calculations from the unit of the object of tax. The rate is determined either as a flat rate or as a percentage and is called a tax quota;

tax credit- full or partial exemption of the payer from the tax;

Deadline for tax payment- the period in which the tax must be paid and which is stipulated in the legislation, and for its violation, regardless of the fault of the taxpayer, penalties are charged depending on the overdue period.

Taxes are done at the same time four main functions: fiscal, regulatory, stimulating and controlling.

fiscal- taxes are the predominant component of income state budget. The implementation of the fiscal function is carried out at the expense of tax control and tax sanctions, which ensure the maximum collection of established taxes and create obstacles to tax evasion.

Regulatory- ensures equalization of income and expenses of taxpayers, redirection of refinancing flows between various sectors of the economy, distribution of income between central, regional and local budgets etc. Implemented by changing tax rates, including the use of progressive or regressive tax rates, changing the ratio of tax withdrawals between budgets of different levels, changing the structure of tax withdrawals by their types, regulation tax base etc.

stimulating- suggests that taxes are a means of influencing the rate of economic growth in the country, accelerating or slowing down its pace. It is implemented mainly by establishing tax incentives or a reduction in tax rates in general.

Controlling- provides state control over the level of income and expenditure of its citizens.

Types of taxes:

Direct- a tax that is levied by the state directly on the income or property of the taxpayer.

Direct taxes include: income tax, corporate income tax (corporations, organizations, etc.); inheritance and gift tax, property tax etc.

Indirect- tax levied on buyers in the prices of goods and services. The owner of an enterprise that produces goods or provides services sells them at a price (tariff) including a surcharge and pays the state the appropriate tax amount from the proceeds, that is, in essence, he is the collector, and the buyer is the payer indirect tax. VAT, customs duties.

Reducing taxes on business, for example, reducing taxes on profits of enterprises, causes an increase in their savings, which in the future will lead to an increase in enterprises' investments in additional equipment, to the expansion of production. Thus, a change in the taxation of enterprises causes a change aggregate demand, in the case of a decrease in income taxes, this means an increase in aggregate demand and a shift in the AD curve to the right.

Laffer curve- graphical display of the relationship between tax revenues and the dynamics of tax rates.

Too much high level taxes may not leave enterprises with opportunities for normal development or undermine incentives for such development and, consequently, tax collection will be reduced, but too low, “free” taxation can reduce the flow of funds to the state to an unacceptable level.

L. k. shows the dependence of the expansion of business activity (and, accordingly, tax collection) on tax rate. On the graph, the x line shows the levels of the tax rate, and the y line shows the amount of taxes collected (reflecting the level of business activity).

L. to. has the shape of an arc and shows that the best economic result achieved not when taxes are at their lowest, but when they are optimal. And there cannot be one, for all occasions, optimal level of tax exemptions.

Taxes and Taxation: Cheat Sheet Author Unknown

48. Obligations of taxpayers to ensure timely and full payment of taxes and fees

Taxpayers are required to:

1) pay legally established taxes;

2) register with tax authorities if such an obligation is provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

3) keep records of their income (expenses) and objects of taxation in accordance with the established procedure, if such an obligation is provided for by the legislation on taxes and fees;

4) submit in the prescribed manner to the tax authority at the place of registration tax returns(calculations), if such obligation is provided for by the legislation on taxes and fees;

5) submit, at the request of the tax authority, a book of income and expenses, and business transactions; introduce financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Accounting", except in cases where organizations are not required to keep accounting records or are exempted from accounting;

6) submit to the tax authorities and their officials, in the cases and in the manner provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the documents necessary for the calculation and payment of taxes;

7) provide the tax authority necessary information and documents in the cases and in the manner provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

8) within 4 years to ensure the safety of accounting data and other documents necessary for the calculation and payment of taxes, as well as documents confirming the income received (for organizations - also expenses incurred) and paid (withheld) taxes;

9) bear other obligations stipulated by the legislation on taxes and fees.

Taxpayers must also report in writing to the tax authority:

On opening or closing accounts (personal accounts) - within seven days from the date of opening (closing) of such accounts. Individual entrepreneurs inform the tax authority about the accounts used by them in entrepreneurial activities;

About all cases of participation in Russian and foreign organizations– no later than one month from the date of commencement of such participation;

About all separate subdivisions created on the territory of the Russian Federation - within one month from the date of creation separate subdivision or termination of the organization's activities through a separate subdivision (closing of a separate subdivision). The message is submitted to the tax authority at the location of the organization;

On the reorganization or liquidation of the organization - within three days from the date of such a decision.

Fee payers are obliged to pay legally established fees, as well as bear other obligations established by the legislation on taxes and fees.

From the book Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Part one author Laws of the Russian Federation

From the book Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Part one author State Duma

From the book Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Parts one and two. Text with amendments and additions as of October 1, 2009 author author unknown

Article 58 tax code of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees provided for in Articles 12-15 of part one of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, references in paragraph 1 of Article 58 to the provisions of this Code are equated to

From the book New in the Tax Code: a commentary on the changes that entered into force in 2008 author Zrelov Alexander Pavlovich

From the book The Tax Code of the Russian Federation Part I with official, judicial and bibliographic indexes (as of March 2005) author Bryzgalin Arkady Viktorovich

Article 23. Obligations of taxpayers (payers of fees) federal law from 09.07.1999

From the book Criminal Law Special Part author Pitulko Ksenia Viktorovna

Article 57. Terms for payment of taxes and fees 1. Terms for payment of taxes and fees are established in relation to each tax and fee. Change of the established term for payment of taxes and fees is allowed only in the manner prescribed by this Code.2. When paying taxes and

From the book Taxes and Taxation: Cheat Sheet author author unknown

Article 60 tax agent for tax transfer (hereinafter referred to as tax transfer order) in

From the author's book

Article 23

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Article 57. Terms for payment of taxes and fees 1. Terms for payment of taxes and fees are established in relation to each tax and fee. Change of the established term for payment of taxes and fees is allowed only in the manner prescribed by this Code.2. When paying taxes and

From the author's book

Article 23. Obligations of taxpayers (payers of fees) N 137-FZ, the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article were presented, in our opinion, not very correctly. The normative content contained in the text of the article

From the author's book

Article 23. Obligations of taxpayers (payers of fees) 1. Legislative and other normative acts (21)2. Judicial practice1. One of the main goals legal regulation tax legal relations is to prevent disproportionate tax purposes

From the author's book

Article 57. Deadlines for payment of taxes and fees 1. Publications(37)

From the author's book

Article 58. Procedure for payment of taxes and fees 1.

From the author's book

Article 60 The provision of Article 60 and Article 135 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on "recovery from the bank of untransferred amounts of tax" cannot be considered as a recovery from the bank

From the author's book

14. Evasion of taxes and (or) fees from organizations The object of the crime under Art. 199 of the Criminal Code, is the procedure for taxation legal entities, established by the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The objective side for hours. 1 Article. 199 is expressed in the avoidance of

From the author's book

5. Terms of payment of taxes and fees. Taxpayer The taxpayer independently calculates the amount of tax payable for taxable period, based on the tax base, tax rate and tax benefits. Payment deadlines are set for each tax and

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