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How to start accepting payments from the public. New business ideas. Profits and expenses

Let's talk right away. Here we will consider the type of earnings, which is legal business with all the ensuing circumstances in the form of paying taxes in the state budget and bearing full responsibility for their business activities to the controlling bodies of state power.

On my own experience, having tried many of the types of earnings in the field, I can say the following: the path to success in this field is difficult and thorny, just like any other business.

Therefore, if you have firmly decided that you want to devote several years of your life to the occupation described below, I recommend that you be patient and prepare for tireless and painstaking work. I warn you right away that the work will involve not only your favorite communication with portable communication devices and such achievements of the 20th century as the Internet, but also contacts with government agencies that control the activities of individual entrepreneurs and organizations. You will also have to master at least the basics of conducting accounting, constantly get acquainted with changes in laws and study new government regulations that may relate to your activities.

If all of the above made you shudder, do not read the article further. I assure you, running your own business is for the brave and enterprising, so save time that you can spend searching for yourself in any other areas. It may be too much for you to take full responsibility for the activities of an entire enterprise, and you will find work in the field of cellular communications as an employee. In this article, we will focus on those points that are important primarily for an independent entrepreneur. We will try to bring legal framework, which should be relied upon when conducting a particular business in the field of mobile communications.

Acceptance of payments for the services of mobile operators

So, one of the noteworthy types of business is the acceptance of payments for the services of mobile operators. It is the acceptance of payments, without making connections to the operator's network and providing other services. Because, in order to provide services for connecting to the networks of cellular operators, it is necessary to obtain permission from them themselves. For a beginner, this is not something that is not easy, but almost impossible.

The fact is that the activity of accepting payments does not require permission itself, is not subject to licensing and mandatory certification. I will make a reservation that all these advantages are valid only if you, when accepting payments, act as an agent of any company that is the organizer of the system. She has everything Required documents must be present.

Profits and expenses

Millions of people across the country top up their cell phone daily to stay connected. Some of these people live in your city or town.

Of course, at present, competition in this area is quite high. And yet, if, after carrying out some simple research, you notice that in your area there are definitely not enough places where you can replenish the balance, and not only you, but also a good half of the population of your area lack them, it's time to act and organize your small community service business.

With each payment you will have small percentage. Usually from 1% -5%. Your main task is to organize the work of the point for receiving payments in such a way that the funds of subscribers arrive on their account on time. With good and quality service, people will be drawn to you. I propose to do simple calculations of potential profit on your own: take the average payment amount; average percentage the commission that you will charge from the client, or that the provider will pay you for the services; you can guess how many people per day can replenish the balance at the point of service you have chosen. Having the above data, it is easier than ever to assess the feasibility of the undertaking. I recommend not to deceive yourself and take into account the maximum possible indicators. Take the bare minimum, you can't go wrong. If the revenue is more than expected, you will be pleasantly surprised and rejoice from the bottom of your heart.

After minimum amount expected profit is determined, include in the estimate the cost of renting a small place in a passable place, the salary of an employee who will accept payments (if you do not plan to do it yourself) and much more.

It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail. In order for the business not to collapse in the first months of its formation, it is necessary to have start-up capital. Also determine its size yourself: sum up the cost of the first months of rent, the cost of equipping the point, advertising (mainly outdoor) and other needs, which will be discussed below.

How it's done

In order to organize the acceptance of payments, it is necessary to have certain rights - the rights of a legal entity. This means that you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur. Fortunately, it is quite inexpensive (check the amount of the state duty in the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration). To accept cash from the public, you will need a cash register, abbreviated as KKM.

I can imagine how displeased you twisted your face. This dissatisfaction is understandable. KKM is quite expensive. Faced on duty with people who want to engage in this type of activity, one often hears about the reluctance to acquire KKM. Anticipating questions like: “Is it possible without a cash desk?”, I’ll say that without her, my dear, it’s impossible in any way. Why is the topic of a separate article. For now, just take my word for it. Although, okay... There are some alternative methods. Those who are interested in learning about them, raise your hands. Okay, you, you and you read on. You can do without your own cash desk in two cases: using a portable radio terminal to receive payments and ... using someone else's cash desk.

Using the cash desk of another legal entity

The subtitle of this part may sound a little criminal, don't worry. You will not have to take out someone else's cash register under the cover of night from a neighboring store that you have hacked. Leave even thoughts about such methods. Moreover, there is a wonderful legal way to use someone else's cash desk - the conclusion of an agreement with its owner on the provision of services for a fee. If you have such an agreement, you can receive interest on payments accepted through the cash desk of another entrepreneur, even without leaving your home. So negotiate (in writing) and go for it. Naturally, the profit will be divided among themselves, according to the contract.

Portable radio terminal - the solution to all problems

If you want to do without buying a cash register and even without purchasing a computer, I advise you to turn your eyes towards wonderful devices - radio terminals for receiving payments.

This little thing is specially "sharpened" for this type of activity. The terminal combines the ability to receive and transmit payments through channels and print a cash receipt, which in our case is indispensable. Therefore, if you want to engage only and only in accepting payments, do not plan to simultaneously expand retail trade at your outlet, we recommend it! The price of the device is very, very competitive.

You can also accept payments from the public by installing software designed for this purpose on your computer. An indispensable condition for working according to this scheme is the ability to access the Internet.

Principal, Agents and Subagents are links of one business

The most important link that ensures the very possibility of your work in this area is the existence of an agency agreement with the organizing company (Principal, in legal language) of the payment acceptance system. Currently, there are several organizations that have proven themselves on the good side in Russia. We will not name them, so as not to create advertising.

The Principal will provide you with software (in case of work via a computer), a power of attorney to make transactions on his behalf and provide round-the-clock information support.

Working conditions are almost the same for all organizers. How are you individual entrepreneur open a bank account, through it transfer advance payment to a special deposit account of the organizer of the system and then accept cash payments from the population within the limits of the advance payment made by you. That. You get your money back and earn interest on customer payments. The scheme of work may seem too intricate to some, but upon closer examination, everything is quite simple.

Perhaps, and most likely, the moment will come when you want to get a big profit from this type of activity. If you already have enough experience in accepting payments on your own to teach other people how to do this, provide them with information and technical support, start developing a sub-agent network. An agreement similar to the one concluded between you and the organizer of the system, you can conclude with an unlimited number of organizations and entrepreneurs who wish to provide a service for accepting payments to the public. With the normal functioning and stable turnover of your sub-agency points, you will receive profit from their activities, having only once spent efforts to attract them to this business.

Of course, it's good if you can provide your subagents with consulting services, assistance in installing software, etc. Establish trusting relationships with partners, this is really beneficial.

Accounting and taxes

I want to warn you against negligence in the implementation of calculations, bookkeeping and tax calculation. In the accounting of an entrepreneur or an organization engaged in receiving payments, there are significant features that cannot be ignored. Therefore, if you are not savvy in accounting, it is better to immediately hire an accountant who will keep order in your affairs and prevent problems with regulatory authorities.

The best option for taxation for this type of activity would be the use of a simplified taxation system (USNO). It is ideal for entrepreneurs working on the basis of agency agreements. As the saying goes, pay your taxes and sleep well.

Good luck in business, dear readers!

Probably many of you thought about starting your own business, and for example, opening a payment acceptance business. Let's try to consider this type of business in more detail. And so you decided to organize own business What you should pay attention to when starting this seemingly simple activity.

The first thing to understand is that the competition in this area is very high. But without competition, there is no development and search for new methods to reduce the costs of accepting payments, increasing the turnover of accepted Money, expanding the number of services and related ways to increase profits.

One example of such development was payment terminals that could simplify and automate this process. Payment machines are gradually gaining the trust of ordinary users with their simplicity, convenience, speed of payment and wide functionality, eliminating the possibility of operator errors as a human factor. But we will talk about terminals later.

And so you decided to open a reception point. Initially, you should register an individual entrepreneurship or register a legal entity, the absence of the necessary registration will result in penalties and fines from government agencies, and you most likely will not be able to conclude agreements with the payment system and landlords. We leave the choice of organizational legal form to your discretion, as well as the choice of taxation. But if you have a competent accountant, the most acceptable would be a simplified taxation system (revenues reduced by expenses). After registering in tax authorities you should conclude an agreement on accepting payments with the payment system.

There are a large number of payment systems now, their possibilities are quite large. Using the payment system, you can accept payments for more than 300 services. At the same time, the growth in the number of services is constantly increasing and your opportunities, respectively. The most basic in accepting payments is payment for cellular services (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Smarts ...), services for receiving utility bills, payment for digital television, repayment consumer loans, replenishment of electronic wallets Yandex Money, WebMoney. Here is a partial list of your future options for accepting payments. Offers of payment systems may differ in working conditions (prepayment or lending), interest rates, remuneration payment terms, technical support, provision of software for accepting payments. Terms of connection to the systems vary, but usually contractual relations are resolved for a period of one month. After concluding an agreement with the payment system, you receive the status of an agent and can accept payments.

If the previous steps in organizing the acceptance of payments were typical for everyone, then the next ones will depend only on you. Choice of trading place, very important point, do not neglect this obvious point. The most passable places, frequently visited establishments, supermarkets and large grocery stores, these are tidbits in this business. Try to look into the psychology of a person going to a store, a store visitor is already psychologically ready to spend a certain amount of money. As you know, most purchases in supermarkets happen unplanned (saw-bought), in this case, the acceptance of payments in your point of sale will be successful. Payment for mobile communications is regular, so income will be more stable in good trading places.

How many payment acceptance points should be opened? The answer to this question is unequivocal, the more the better. However, this cannot be done without initial investment. The cost of retail equipment, cash register, payment to the cashier, computer equipment or POS-terminal should be taken into account. It is also worth considering the timing of the promotion of the point, and this is not one month. Therefore, it is most acceptable to strive to develop a network of outlets, but if accepting payments is not your main business, then it is better to use an automatic payment acceptance machine in your premises. A touch kiosk can be chosen in the desired color and shape, since there are a lot of companies selling payment terminals now.

And so what is the benefit of accepting payments using payment terminals? The benefit is that using the touch kiosk you can accept payments around the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, eliminating the cost of paying the cashier-seller, significantly reducing the cost of rented space. It is enough for you to have 1 sq. m. Plus, there are no costs for the purchase of a cash register and equipment for the operator's trading place. The cost of such a payment terminal is from $2000. The cost of maintaining one machine is not high, it is collection, replacement of thermal printer paper and payment for GPRS communication. Such costs are almost equal to what you would incur using a cashier-operator at your outlet. The machine is completely autonomous and does not require, apart from maintenance, any human participation. When using such automated payment acceptance, it will be easier for you to negotiate with the rental of space for a kiosk in supermarkets and large stores, where there is an acute problem with free space. Using a network of touch automata You should think about a terminal management system that will inform you on-line about a problem or error that has occurred in a particular terminal. Purchasing such software may cost you some money, but such costs will save you from possible downtime of touch kiosks, which may be a worse option for you. However, some payment systems may provide management and monitoring systems for free.

It is worth noting that the automation of accepting payments using payment kiosks, although it looks optimistic, has a number of nuances. When choosing a terminal, pay attention to the quality of components, the use of reliable bill acceptors, thermal printers and touch monitors will make the payment process in your kiosk convenient and simple, and this will certainly affect the loyalty of your users. Making payments comfortable and fast should be your main goal, if these conditions are met, success and profit will be your companions.

It is also possible to increase the profit of the touch terminal by installing software for selling content. Mobile content is in demand and content providers are developing their own terminals and programs that can also make and receive payments to cellular operators, digital television, utility bills and many others. Therefore, high-quality software will allow you to increase income from terminals, thanks to which you can expand the capabilities of your kiosks.

Why is it now impossible to do without a diploma, where can you buy it and how can our company help you?

Buy a Goznak diploma

Many people know that the education system that has been formed in our state is not only not ideal, but also outdated. Getting an education takes a lot of time and money. Getting it is even harder if former graduate school did not immediately enter the university after graduation. As a result, more and more often former students are faced with the need to purchase a diploma, which allows, with a one-time payment, to solve all problems without time costs.

The documents that we offer to our clients are absolutely legal. They are printed out using the official forms of the Goznak factory. Diploma data is entered into the state register. The quality of the finished result, provided by our experts, allows you to make sure that your choice is completely safe and correct. Managers of the company will select a document of the required sample, educational institution and year of graduation.

It is inexpensive to buy a diploma on original forms

Buy a diploma higher education in Russia does not mean to deceive the entire system of education and employment. Agree, it often happens that a person gets an education in a related specialty, and then realizes that he made the wrong choice after school. Or he has been working at the same enterprise for many years, until one fine day the employer sets a condition: "employees should only have specialized education." And you can be a hundred times more experienced, reliable, hardworking and responsible than any young specialist, but the advantage will be given to him - after all, he has a diploma! What to do? Start preparing for the exam? And if there is neither money for training, nor the opportunity to spend another five years to get the coveted "crust"? It is for this reason that users are increasingly driving the query "I will buy a Moscow diploma" into search engines and are trying to find a reliable seller of educational documents. And here the main thing is not to let yourself be deceived and buy only a real diploma!

Document Cost Calculator

Select document type Higher education Secondary prof. Education Certificates Registry Office certificates References Other documents

Title of the document

Year of issue

Production time

1-2 days 3-5 days up to 10 days


Russia CIS countries Dr. abroad

Order document

What do we offer

You want to achieve career growth, have outlined worthy income options, strive for financial independence. Well-being, personal recognition, confidence in the future depend on the success of the plan. The only thing missing is a diploma of higher or secondary education.

Get a high school diploma or higher education easy if:

enroll in educational institution from 1 time

diligently attend lectures and take exams on time

successfully combine study with work

Are you ready for these challenges?

Over the years of study, your situation will change. Expectations will not come true.

Diploma you NEED NOW!

We will help you reach your goal!

We will provide a REAL DIPLOMA of higher or secondary education.

No questions asked. Fast. With quality assurance.

Absolutely confidential!

Our advantages

Originality of diplomas on GOZNAK letterheads.

We NEVER issue a printed form of dubious quality for a real GOZNAK. NEVER "half" forms (like some companies of this kind of activity). You always receive the diploma itself on the GOZNAK letterhead and the appendix with grades also on the real GOZNAK letterhead.
We ALWAYS allow our clients to take with them to a meeting with a courier someone's sample of a really issued diploma or any other document and compare it with ours ... There will never be differences! The diploma is fully consistent with the original!

Fair value and ease of delivery.

The price of the diploma, namely on the full forms of GOZNAK, fully corresponds to the funds spent on its acquisition and correct filling. It is possible to implement the option using printed forms, they are a little cheaper. You will receive the finished document in a convenient way for you within 2-5 days from the date of order. There is an urgent production of the document in one day.
Cooperating with us is comfortable, safe, profitable!

Collective activity of professionals.

15 years of experience, knowledge of the intricacies of registration and completion of diplomas, very close cooperation with universities, technical schools and colleges in Russia - allows you to fulfill your orders with the highest quality and on time. Mistakes in the design of the diploma are excluded!

Coordination of the diploma layout and photo-video of the finished document.

Until the production of the original, we coordinate with you the full electronic version of the diploma, with all the subjects, the necessary grades, the topic of the thesis or final work, and as it is ready, we show you a scan, photo and video of a document already completed, filled in for your data. Moreover, we can take photos and videos under an ultraviolet lamp. You are convinced of the quality of the ordered diploma remotely. You are always calm for the result!

Complete privacy.

You receive the treasured document, and we forget about the fact of your contact with our company and delete all personal data without the possibility of their further recovery. You are sure of the complete safety of your purchase!

Stages of realization of your order

Leave a request on our website by filling out the required order form or send a letter to our mail, with all your data, indicating the quality and type of document that you need. If you have any difficulties filling in, contact the manager online or order a call back.

Details of your order are specified. Managers check the correctness of the data you provide, advise on issues that have arisen.

The layout of the document is made, agreed with you and fully approved. At this stage, any changes to the document are possible.

The original of the diploma itself is drawn up, when it is ready, it is photographed and filmed, its authenticity is demonstrated to you. Can be used with UV lamp

The document is delivered in a way convenient for you (discussed). You will be 100% satisfied with the result!

Order document

Our website presents all samples of diplomas issued to students of universities in various regions of Russia, from the late 1980s to the present day. When placing an order, you need to consider what kind of diploma you need: the old or new sample, the sample before 1996 or the current one, 2016. For each type of diploma, the price will be slightly different: it all depends on the quality of the chosen form, the year the document was issued and the urgency of the order. Before sending the finished, completed document, we always show the customer a photo and video of a diploma or any other document so that you can make sure that the document contains the necessary watermarks, microtext, UV and other protection. We produce diplomas on genuine GOZNAK letterheads of the following types: - new bachelor's diploma; - diploma of a specialist of a new sample; - Master's degree of a new sample; - diplomas of universities of the Russian Federation, issued before 2003; - Diplomas of the old sample (until 1996); - diplomas of technical school or college; - red diplomas; - diplomas for non-residents of the Russian Federation, etc.

Diploma of higher education: why it is better to order documentation from us

We have been producing diplomas of higher education for more than a year, we are well acquainted with the features and nuances of creating documentation of this kind, we understand how important its quality and authenticity are. After all, your future employer is probably interested in taking a good employee with a decent education into the team. Before ordering a diploma, please let us know: the document of which university in Russia you are interested in (name of the university, faculty, specialty); in what year, according to the documentation, you were supposed to graduate; the required form of education and the quality of the form (real GOZNAK or a printing house).

Each document is made individually to order. We guarantee the quality of products, which is confirmed by the high reputation of our company! With us you can quickly build a successful career in your chosen specialization! Call! Our managers are ready to answer all your questions regarding the acquisition of higher education documents!

The business of accepting payments can be a very profitable investment for aspiring entrepreneurs. To organize this activity, large investments are not required, and the organization is quite simple. The Central Bank freely allows individual entrepreneurs to make payments using payment terminals.

The legislation does not establish practically any restrictions on the organization of such a case. You can open a payment acceptance as an addition to the main business. That is, the reception point can work at any trade enterprise, even a small one.

In addition, it is this option that is the most cost-effective and brings considerable income, since many consumers will be happy to pay public utilities and other payments in the store closest to the house, and not in specialized places.

Required documentation

Before you open a payment acceptance point, you must complete all the documents. The individual entrepreneur must provide a copy of the certificate of receipt state registration, copy of passport, TIN.

Legal entities must have a document from the USRN, details certified by the enterprise, and a copy of the order on the appointment of the head. If you are thinking about how to organize payment, and intend to locate the point in a separate building or room, then you will need permission from the CC and the fire department.

Arrangement with the payment system

An important moment in the opening of the point will also be the conclusion of an agreement with one of the payment systems registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. The largest are the following systems: CyberPlat, E-pay, E-port, Contact, Suntel, Empay. They have been working in this market for a long time, and you can safely trust them.

View working conditions, tariff policy and all necessary information how to open a payment acceptance point using a specific system can be found on the websites of these systems. Basically, the earnings of an entrepreneur who has concluded an agreement with the selected payment system ranges from 3 to 10% from one money transfer. The agreement concluded with the payment system involves providing the person interested in cooperation with all the necessary hardware and software and all information about this service.

Business scheme for the operation of a payment acceptance point

Before you open a payment acceptance point, you must choose how to organize its activities. There are two possible options - to organize your own outlet or to become a sub-dealer of payment systems operating in the country.

most profitable and affordable option considered the second method of organization. In this case, you need to purchase devices for receiving payments and earn your interest by reselling services payment system with which you have an agreement.

Payment terminals

POS-terminal is the most acceptable solution for those who are thinking about how to open a payment acceptance point. The cost of such a device is approximately 500-600 dollars. The terminal does not take up much space, and in order to make payments at an existing outlet, you do not have to hire an additional employee. The same seller will be able to cope with this simple task.

To date, the market presents devices for receiving payments of various models. Understanding the question of where to buy a terminal for receiving payments and which one, we can mention the certified terminals of the NURIT trademark, which are offered by Empay.

This small machine, thanks to its wireless connection to the server, promises fast and error-free payment acceptance. The cost of this unit is approximately 18 thousand rubles. This amount already takes into account its installation in the right place, verification and adjustment. The device must be registered with the tax office, since any operation carried out through the terminal is subject to tax collection under a simplified scheme.

In addition to this point of organizing your activities, it is worth deciding on the purchase of an illuminated sign that will indicate to passers-by that you can pay for various services in your establishment.

How to open a payment acceptance point using a regular mobile phone

A payment acceptance point can be opened with the usual mobile phone with internet access. Software is installed on the phone, with which you can make financial calculations.

With this option for organizing a business, an entrepreneur, when concluding an agreement, receives an individual password from the payment system, according to which the program will identify a specific organization. Phone payments are also subject to simplified taxation.

The advantage of such mobile reception points is that they can be organized anywhere: in a holiday village, on the beach, and so on. Having decided where to buy a terminal for receiving payments, you can open such a point of acceptance in the business center. But if we take into account the required costs for renting a place and the operator’s salary, then it’s better to stop at the option of installing a POS terminal and use the existing space, and consider such a business as an additional source of profit.

Potential audience and advertising

Your main customers will be active users of cellular communications, and these are almost all residents of Russia. Also, people will be able to pay for Internet services, commercial television, and so on. From each payment made, you will earn from 1 to 8%. To attract customers, external advertising is enough, that is, a light box or a sign.

Required investment and project payback

Before you open a payment acceptance point, you need to calculate the profitability of this project. For the purchase of special equipment, you must have an amount of 18-20 thousand rubles. If you decide to organize a separate payment point, then the initial investment increases to 40-60 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses are relatively small: if you plan to hire a seller - 10-15 thousand rubles for his salary: deductions to tax service- 5-6 thousand rubles. Approximately 5-10 thousand rubles a year will have to be spent on servicing terminals and other unforeseen circumstances.

On average, accepting payments as a business brings its owner 2-8% of all transactions. Moreover, the commission is calculated automatically in real time. Basically, according to market participants, the turnover of such an item is 7-15 thousand rubles a day.

In rare cases, less than five thousand rubles pass through the terminal. If we talk about the upper bar, then the owners of payment points indicate the amount of one hundred thousand rubles a day. It is also worth bearing in mind that tax deductions are made only from the owner's commission, and not from turnover, that is, a simplified taxation system is used.

Reception point profitability

Consequently, the profitability of this project may vary, but, according to the smallest calculations, the business will bring about 15 thousand rubles a month. If the business is successful, income can increase up to 25 thousand. This means that the investment will pay off in three to six months. If you plan to open a network of automatic payment machines, then the amount of initial investments will increase accordingly and the payback period of the project will increase - up to about two years.

Publication date: 01/17/2014 03:03 PM (archived)

Since 2010, the activity of accepting payments with the help of payment agents is regulated by the Federal Law of 03.06.2009 No. N 103-FZ (hereinafter - the Law).

For the purposes of this Law, under the activities of accepting payments individuals is understood as the acceptance by the paying agent from the payer of funds directed to the execution monetary obligations to the supplier for payment for goods (works, services), including payment for living quarters and utilities in accordance with housing code RF, as well as the subsequent settlements with the supplier by the paying agent.

To begin with, let's figure out who is a supplier, and who is a paying agent.

A supplier is a legal entity, with the exception of a credit institution, or an individual entrepreneur who receives the payer's funds for goods sold (work performed, services rendered) in accordance with the said Federal Law. Suppliers are also organizations and entrepreneurs who pay for housing and utilities in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Relate to suppliers and public authorities, authorities local government, institutions under their jurisdiction that receive the payer's funds as part of their performance of the functions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A paying agent is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur engaged in accepting payments from individuals. A payment agent is a payment acceptance operator or a payment subagent. Note that credit institutions do not belong to paying agents.

The law establishes certain requirements for paying agents and suppliers.

In particular, by virtue of p.p. 14, 15 Art. 4 of the Law, when accepting payments, the paying agent is obliged to use a special bank account (accounts) for making settlements. The paying agent must provide credit organization cash received from payers when accepting payments, for their crediting to in full to your dedicated bank account(s).

This obligation of the paying agent corresponds with the obligation of the supplier, provided for in paragraph 18 of Article 4 of the Law, to use a special bank account when making settlements with the paying agent when receiving payments. The Supplier is not entitled to receive funds accepted by the paying agent as payments to bank accounts that are not special bank accounts.

Acceptance of payments without crediting cash received from individuals to a special bank account, as well as receipt by the supplier of funds accepted by the paying agent as payments to bank accounts that are not special bank accounts, is not allowed. These are the requirements of paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of the Law.

Thus, the use of a special bank account by the paying agent and supplier when accepting payments from individuals is mandatory.

If the paying agent or supplier has not complied with the requirement for the mandatory maintenance of a special bank account, then he will be liable in accordance with Art. 15.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses(hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). So, for violation by payment agents:

  • obligations to hand over to a credit institution cash received from payers when accepting payments in order to credit them in full to their special bank account;
  • non-use by payment agents, suppliers, bank payment agents, bank payment subagents of special bank accounts to carry out the corresponding calculations

entail the imposition administrative fine on officials in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles; on the legal entities- from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

It should also be noted that when accepting payments, including using a terminal, the paying agent is obliged to use cash register equipment (CRE) with fiscal memory and control tape, and also comply with the requirements of the law Russian Federation on the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash settlements. Article 5 of the Law establishes special requirements for a cash receipt issued by a paying agent to a payer.

We draw the attention of taxpayers for such violations as:

  • non-use of cash register equipment in cases established by federal laws;
  • the use of cash register equipment that does not meet the established requirements or is used in violation of the procedure and conditions for its registration and use;
  • refusal to extradite at the request of the buyer (client) in the case provided for federal law, document (sales receipt, receipt or other document confirming the acceptance of funds for the relevant product (work, service);
administrative liability under Art. 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials - from three thousand to four thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles.

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