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Job description of the head of the bank branch. Repair, design, furniture, construction, instructions Job responsibilities of a bank manager

What does a department manager do?

Before answering this question, let's try to assess what professional skills a manager should have. A bank branch is from 10 to 30 people, including cashiers, tellers, personal managers etc. Coordinating the efforts of the staff to implement the tasks assigned to the department is the responsibility of the manager. The branch manager must be a good human resources manager.

The main task of the manager is to keep the team in good working order, motivate employees to work to achieve the set plans.

The branch manager is the conduit between the company and a separate entity such as an additional office or branch. Life in the department follows its own laws and regulations.

In an abstract form, this is a closed world, a reconnaissance ship located on the avant-garde frontiers. Between him and his base, the bank itself, there must always be a connection. Not only in the technical and operational sense, but also in terms of corporate values, corporate culture, corporate norms and standards.

Ensuring this connection is one of the most important tasks of the manager.

The manager communicates to his employees the tasks that the corporation sets for them, sets benchmarks for determining what is considered acceptable and what is not, and explains why events occur the way they do. In order for the interpretation of corporate values ​​at the branch level to take place in the desired manner, it is necessary to involve managers in corporate life as much as possible, to involve them in solving the strategic tasks of the company.

An inevitable consequence of the isolation of the department is the significant influence of human qualities and personal problems of each individual employee working in the team of the department. The influence on the management team is especially pronounced.

15-30 people who work together day in and day out with minimal external participation from the head office are very sensitive to the presence of a problem with their colleague, and even more so with their manager. Managing internal conflict in such a situation becomes a particularly relevant topic.

The manager is first and foremost a tactician. He must decide daily how to technically achieve the goals set for him. He lives in an impersonal world of numbers and procedures: sell so much, attract so much, give out so much. His inner circle is the team entrusted to him. A task worthy of a ward of a psychiatric hospital: how, having such a tool as a team of living people, to ensure that the planned and actual figures in the tables of the head office finally coincide?

But this is not the most paradoxical in the current structure of the work of a bank branch. Despite the fact that the main function of the branch is consulting and service, in most banks the head of the additional office is evaluated and receives additional financial rewards solely for sales results.

The service component is difficult and costly to evaluate. Therefore, most financial institutions do not even undertake this task. Perhaps that is why banking services tend to suffer and remain one of the most frequently criticized areas by customers.

As is known, in banking 90% of your income comes from 10% of your customers. These are the clients who are usually assigned a personal manager. They don't care what branch their manager is located in. Either a personal manager will go to the client, or the client himself will be able to drive to any conveniently located place. The activities of managing personal managers are not tied to the work of the department; personal managers with the additional office are connected only by the fact that the posting of all transactions takes place on the basis of the branch. At the same time, the additional remuneration of the heads of departments is connected precisely with the results of sales.

As a result, the manager sometimes becomes a hostage to his own sellers. If a conflict arises with one of the best sellers, the manager may be faced with a choice: to lose an employee and not achieve acceptable sales performance for a long time, which means not to receive additional remuneration, or to be held hostage by this employee, which may disrupt the effective management of the branch . Much in resolving such conflicts depends on the managerial skills of the manager.

The seller is primarily an individualist who must show the best result in comparison with other sellers. He lives in a state of constant competition. His personal income and assessment of the success of him personally and the department in which he works depend on his personal indicators.

Managing a team of salespeople has its own specifics, different from the routine work of a manager additional office. Sales management is not tied to a location, it can take place both on the basis of a branch and on the basis of a central office. There are two main components to sales management.

Firstly, it is an infrastructure that allows you to objectively evaluate the results of the work of an employee and exercise ongoing control over his activities. Depending on the maturity of the team, control can either be carried out at the level of assessing and discussing the results and ways to achieve better performance, or descend to the level of planning and organizing the daily activities of employees.

Secondly, an adequate system of motivating sellers should be created. Usually the most formalized is the system of financial motivation for sales, but depending on the situation, it can be used in combination with other motivational events (awards, contests, etc.) or not used at all.

Sales motivation

I know two banking networks that sell shares of shares through their outlets investment funds. One banking institution makes extensive use of financial sales incentives, regularly paying bonuses based on performance. Another pays almost no extra to sellers for working with mutual funds, leaving work with points of sale at the discretion of product managers. Paradoxical as it may seem, the sales volumes of shares of these banking institutions are comparable. Without calling for savings on the remuneration of sales managers, I want to note that under certain conditions it is possible to use other levers of influence and sales promotion.

Motivational theories distinguish three types of motivation: financial, social and moral.

Corporate culture influences social motivation. If a company maintains strong sales results, everyone possible ways highlighting effective sellers, and at the same time, although he scolds, but does not punish for the non-fulfillment of other duties by the same employees, this motivates the creation of a certain behavior model. Social motivation can be effectively used by the manager of the department, since it is he who is the bearer and interpreter of corporate norms.

Moral motivation refers to the norms accepted in society as a whole, and determines what is good and what is bad to do. Any motivation, if properly used, can have a profound effect on the team.

The most pronounced consequences of financial motivation. Once you start using financial motivation, it is no longer possible to abandon it without the emergence of new risks. Removal of financial incentives for sellers can lead to an outflow of qualified employees from the company. As a consequence of this, a drop in sales and a significant increase in costs.

In the normal functioning of a financial institution, remuneration principles are prescribed at the company level and apply to all sellers of a certain category.Typically, the manager has little influence in determining the amount of financial remuneration of employees. This deprives the manager of one of the strongest levers of influence on the entrusted team, but avoids subjectivity and ambiguity in assessments.

When evaluating the effectiveness of a particular remuneration scheme, it is necessary to compare it with the requirements that apply to the managers themselves. At the very least, it is difficult to expect big sales from the manager and the department entrusted to him for a product that is not registered in the incentive scheme of sellers. Even if the manager is a highly conscious person, forcing a team to sell a product that is not financially rewarded in any way is akin to trying to redirect an impending tsunami.

If there is a clearly defined system of monetary incentives for sales, it is necessary to strictly monitor that all links in the hierarchy from the seller to the manager and to the head of sales are rewarded in the same way.

The quality of work with a client can be significantly affected if all the products offered by a financial institution are rewarded differently. The products that will be sold will not be those that best meet the needs of the client, but those that bring the greatest income to the seller. And even if the company declares that sales are carried out according to the needs of the client and this is regularly said to client managers at trainings, the client simply does not hear the full list of products available to him. A client manager is not interested in wasting time selling a product they are not interested in. This can be revealed by evaluating what those same salespeople are offering to their family members or other close associates versus what they are offering to the customer.

It is also necessary to pay attention to what exactly the motivation system encourages - transactions or the amount of funds under management.

For brokerage company, whose income consists of commissions on individual transactions, motivation from the number of individual transactions is more suitable.

For a bank, on the contrary, the total amount of funds under management is important. If individual transactions are encouraged, then the amount of funds under management will not grow fast enough, and the turnover of money within the client portfolio will increase. In extreme cases, so-called "churning" (shifting of funds), regular rebalancing of the client's portfolio, which makes no economic sense, except for the additional commission of the seller, will flourish.


Daria Plyplina

Head of Sales, Private Bankings, Raiffeisenbank

The bank office manager is a representative of the management staff banking institution. He bears all responsibility for the work of the office / department, for the implementation of the plans and tasks of the higher management. The manager organizes the activities of his subordinates, is responsible for the quality of sales of banking products to customers, is engaged in business planning and the distribution of duties and responsibilities of each specialist.

Salary level.

Depending on the region, the range of salaries for a bank office manager is extensive: from 40,000 to 150,000 rubles. The highest level of payment is in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where a manager with five years of experience can receive up to 200,000 rubles. In the regions, for example, in Mari El, the salary is about 30,000 - 40,000 rubles.

The total income of a bank office manager consists of:

  • Salary, which is a fixed amount and is paid regardless of the level of implementation of the sales plan.
  • The bonus part, which is paid at the discretion of the management, based on the fulfillment of plans, work experience, etc. It is “floating”, the value is usually limited by the maximum threshold.

A bank office manager works in a branch, usually in personal account. He is a financially responsible person and is responsible for all executed contracts and funds.

Requirements for a bank office manager:

  • Higher education. The bank office manager must necessarily have a financial, legal, economic or accounting higher education. The bank's managerial staff consists of highly qualified personnel, so a candidate who does not have the appropriate education will not even be considered for this position.
  • Good knowledge of banking products. The office manager must be well versed in knowledge banking services, because he will assess the level of knowledge of his subordinates. He will also solve all problematic moments with clients and smooth out unpleasant situations related to paperwork and so on.
  • Work experience from 3 years. Management skills cannot be taken from theory, since people in submission are different. A manager must draw all skills from the practice of communicating with people in order to build his strategy for communicating with people.
  • Excellent sales and customer communication skills. The office manager should set an example for everyone else how to sell, communicate with bank customers, organize sales and attract new customers. It is worth remembering that the most capricious and picky VIP clients who are not satisfied with the service of ordinary specialists, or who simply want to be served by the manager himself, will go to the manager.
  • Active customer acquisition. The manager organizes presentations, arranges meetings with influential clients, finds clients to serve at field meetings. The fulfillment of separation plans and the receipt of bonuses depend on this.
  • Knowledge of regulatory legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. All activities of banks are carried out on the basis of the decisions and rules of the Central Bank, so the head must execute them exactly.

Responsibilities of a bank manager

  • Organization of office work. The manager independently organizes the activities of his department. He supervises the work of employees, helps them, is responsible for ensuring high level client service.
  • Drawing up business plans. All office work is carried out according to a certain scenario or business plan. It outlines what needs to be done and what results need to be obtained.
  • Attracting partners and customers for service. The manager develops his own strategy for attracting new clients, increases office turnover and achieves good results.
  • Implementation of effective methods and technologies. Office work most often occurs according to a standard scenario, but it does not always bring the desired results. Therefore, the manager must assess the situation and find more effective methods of work in order to fulfill the set plans. It could be some technical means, for example, to conduct a survey of customers whether they plan to take a loan or open a deposit, or automated systems that, for example, allow you to process applications faster or automatically send messages with offers of banking products, etc.
  • Ensuring a high level of service. Since the manager is responsible for his employees and for the implementation of plans, he must provide competent and qualified service to his clients so that they come to be serviced in his office. If the quality of service is poor (specialists are rude, make mistakes in paperwork and all that irritates customers), then people simply will not come to the branch.

Job description of a bank branch manager

  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the bank branch manager.

1.2 The bank branch manager belongs to the category of managers.

1.3 The manager of the bank branch is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the bank.

1.4 Relationships by position:


direct submission

bank director


Additional submission



Gives orders

Bank branch employees


The employee replaces

Deputy bank branch manager


The employee replaces


  1. Qualification requirements for a bank branch manager:



Higher professional education



At least 3 years



Laws, other regulatory legal acts of Ukraine related to the activities of the bank.

Orders, departmental instructions and regulations relating to the operation of a bank branch, including accounting.

Fundamentals of economics, scientific organization of labor.

Prospects for the development of the financial and banking system and strategic directions bank activities.

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.



specialty work


Additional requirements


  1. Documents regulating the activities of the bank branch manager

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the bank, Orders and orders of the director of the bank; Regulations on the bank branch, Job description of the bank branch manager, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job Responsibilities bank branch manager

Bank Branch Manager:

4.1. Carries out general management and ensures the stable, efficient operation of the bank branch and its structural divisions in accordance with the Bank's Charter, internal regulatory documents and instructions within the framework of the current legislation.

4.2. According to the bank economic policy determines the strategy of the bank branch and organizes its work on the basis of long-term and current work plans.

4.3. Distributes duties between his deputies and determines the degree of responsibility for the areas of activity entrusted to them.

4.4. Considers and approves the regulations on the structural subdivisions of the bank branch and job descriptions of employees in accordance with the staffing table.

4.5. Carries out a systematic analysis of the activities of structural units and, on this basis, makes decisions aimed at fulfilling the functional tasks assigned to the unit.

4.6. It ensures the organization of public services and the expansion of the service sector, the conduct of the necessary mass explanatory and advertising and information work.

4.7. Develops and conducts activities aimed at improving banking, cashless payments, transactions with securities, currency, as well as ensuring efficient credit policy, reducing cash flow, obtaining maximum profit.

4.8. Ensures proper placement, storage and management of deposit bonds of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

4.9. Organizes the introduction of progressive technologies, programs and methods into the work of the bank branch, taking into account the forecasting of the bank's development.

4.10. Takes measures to strengthen and develop the material and technical base of the bank branch.

4.11. Reviews and approves in due course design and estimate documentation for the construction and repair of office buildings.

4.12. Ensures legal and appropriate use Money and property of the bank branch, the manager of which he is.

4.13. Concludes economic and other contracts with legal and individuals in the prescribed manner, in necessary cases, claims and claims against these persons.

4.14. Approves acts for writing off from the balance sheet of the branch property and inventory that have become unusable, as well as losses that are hopeless for recovery, within the limits of the rights established by the bank.

4.15. Carries out work aimed at preventing cases of causing damage to the bank branch.

4.16. In necessary cases, takes measures to collect it and bring the perpetrators to justice.

4.17. Ensures the safety of entrusted funds, valuables and documents.

4.18. Bears personal responsibility for ensuring the safety of valuables located in a special vault (storeroom) of the bank branch.

4.19. Takes measures to equip the premises of the bank branch with security and fire alarms.

4.20. Organizes the collection of money and valuables.

4.21. Provides accounting and statistical accounting and reporting, providing reliable information about the activities of the bank branch.

4.22. Manages the personnel of the bank branch, provides the necessary conditions labor for its employees.

4.23. Performs representative functions outside the bank branch and ensures interaction with various structural divisions of the bank.

4.24. Organizes office work using modern means of communication and information transfer, ensures the preservation of the commercial secret of the bank.

4.25. Provides consideration of letters, applications and complaints of citizens.

  1. Rights of the bank branch manager

The manager of a bank branch has the right to:

5.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Board of Directors of the bank (board of the bank), the Chairman of the bank, concerning the activities of the bank branch.

5.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.

5.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

  1. Responsibility of the bank branch manager

The branch manager is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of a bank branch manager

7.1. The operating mode of the bank branch manager is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the bank.

7.2. Due to operational needs, the manager of a bank branch may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

7.3. To resolve operational issues, the manager of a bank branch may be provided with official vehicles.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration of the bank branch manager are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Bank, the other - by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities may be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the director of the bank.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)






(director; other official,

00.00.0000№ 00

authorized to approve

bank branch manager

job description)


(surname, initials)


I. General provisions

1. The bank branch manager belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has a higher professional education in the field of work, experience in financial and banking or similar work in managerial positions for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of a bank branch manager.

3. The bank branch manager must know:

3.1. Laws, other normative legal acts Russian Federation relating to the activities of the bank.

3.2. Orders, departmental instructions and regulatory documents relating to the work of a bank branch, including accounting.

3.3. Fundamentals of economics, scientific organization of labor.

3.4. Prospects for the development of the financial and banking system and strategic directions of the bank's activities.

3.5. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.


4. Bank branch manager reports directly

5. During the absence of the manager of the bank branch (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by the deputy, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

Bank Branch Manager:

1. Carries out general management and ensures the stable, efficient operation of the bank branch and its structural divisions in accordance with the Bank's Charter, internal regulatory documents and instructions within the framework of the current legislation.

2. In accordance with the economic policy pursued by the bank, determines the strategy of the bank branch and organizes its work on the basis of long-term and current work plans.

3. Distributes duties between his deputies and determines the degree of responsibility for the areas of activity entrusted to them.

4. Considers and approves the regulations on the structural subdivisions of the bank branch and job descriptions of employees in accordance with the staffing table.

5. Carries out a systematic analysis of the activities of structural units and, on this basis, makes decisions aimed at fulfilling the functional tasks assigned to the unit.

6. Ensures the organization of public services and the expansion of the service sector, the conduct of the necessary mass explanatory and advertising and information work.

7. Develops and conducts activities aimed at improving banking, non-cash payments, operations with securities, currency, as well as ensuring an effective credit policy, reducing cash turnover, and maximizing profits.

8. Ensures the correct placement, storage and management of deposit bonds of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

9. Organizes the introduction of progressive technologies, programs and methods into the work of the bank branch, taking into account the forecasting of the bank's development.

10. Takes measures to strengthen and develop the material and technical base of the bank branch.

11. Considers and approves, in accordance with the established procedure, design estimates for the construction and repair of service buildings.

12. Ensures the legal and expedient use of funds and property of the bank branch, the manager of which he is.

13. Concludes business and other contracts with legal entities and individuals in the prescribed manner, and, if necessary, makes claims and lawsuits against these persons.

14. Approves acts for writing off from the balance sheet of the branch property and inventory that have become unusable, as well as losses that are hopeless for recovery, within the limits of the rights established by the bank.

15. Carries out work aimed at preventing damage to the bank branch.

16. In necessary cases, take measures to collect it and bring the perpetrators to justice.

17. Ensures the safety of entrusted funds, valuables and documents.

18. Bears personal responsibility for ensuring the safety of valuables located in a special vault (storeroom) of the bank branch.

19. Takes measures to equip the premises of the bank branch with security and fire alarms.

20. Organizes the collection of money and valuables.

21. Provides accounting and statistical accounting and reporting, providing reliable information about the activities of the bank branch.

22. Manages the personnel of the bank branch, provides the necessary working conditions for its employees.

23. Performs representative functions outside the bank branch and ensures interaction with various structural divisions of the bank.

24. Organizes office work using modern means of communication and information transfer, ensures the preservation of the commercial secret of the bank.

25. Ensures consideration of letters, applications and complaints from citizens.

III. Rights

The bank branch manager has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Board of Directors of the bank (board of the bank), the Chairman of the bank, concerning the activities of the bank branch.

2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.

3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

IV. Responsibility

The branch manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)



Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


1. General Provisions

1.1. The bank branch manager belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. Appointment to the position of bank branch manager and dismissal from it is carried out by order CEO jar.
1.3. The branch manager of the bank reports directly to the Board of Directors of the bank (the Board of the bank).
1.4. During the absence of the bank branch manager, his duties are performed by the deputy, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person who has a higher professional education in the field of work, experience in financial and banking or similar work in senior positions for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of a bank branch manager.
1.6. The branch manager must know:
- laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation related to the activities of the bank;
- orders, departmental instructions and regulatory documents relating to the work of a bank branch, including accounting;
- fundamentals of economics, scientific organization of labor;
- prospects for the development of the financial and banking system and strategic directions of the bank's activities;
- basics of labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules on labor protection and fire safety.
1.7. The bank branch manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Functional duties of the bank branch manager

The bank branch manager performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Carries out general management and ensures the stable, efficient operation of the bank branch and its structural divisions.
2.2. In accordance with the economic policy pursued by the bank, determines the strategy of the bank branch and organizes its work on the basis of long-term and current work plans.
2.3. Distributes duties between his deputies and determines the degree of responsibility for the areas of activity entrusted to them.
2.4. Carries out a systematic analysis of the activities of structural units and, on this basis, makes decisions aimed at fulfilling the functional tasks assigned to the unit.
2.5. It ensures the organization of public services and the expansion of the service sector, the conduct of the necessary mass explanatory and advertising and information work.
2.6. Develops and conducts activities aimed at improving banking, cashless payments, operations with securities, currency, as well as ensuring an effective credit policy, reducing cash turnover, and maximizing profits.
2.7. Organizes the introduction of progressive technologies, programs and methods into the work of the bank branch, taking into account the forecasting of the bank's development.
2.8. Takes measures to strengthen and develop the material and technical base of the bank branch.
2.9. Reviews and approves, in accordance with the established procedure, design estimates for the construction and repair of office buildings.
2.10. Ensures the legal and expedient use of funds and property of the bank branch, the manager of which he is.
2.11. Concludes economic and other contracts with legal entities and individuals in the prescribed manner, and, if necessary, makes claims and claims against these persons.
2.12. Approves acts for writing off from the balance sheet of the branch property and inventory that have become unusable, as well as losses that are hopeless for recovery, within the limits of the rights established by the bank.
2.13. Carries out work aimed at preventing cases of causing damage to the bank branch.
2.14. Ensures the safety of entrusted funds, valuables and documents.
2.15. Bears personal responsibility for ensuring the safety of valuables located in a special vault (storeroom) of the bank branch.
2.16. Organizes the collection of money and valuables.
2.17. Provides accounting and statistical accounting and reporting, providing reliable information about the activities of the bank branch.
2.18. Manages the staff of the bank branch, provides the necessary working conditions for its employees.
2.19. Performs representative functions outside the bank branch and ensures interaction with various structural divisions of the bank.
2.20. Ensures the preservation of the commercial secret of the bank.
2.21. Provides consideration of letters, applications and complaints of citizens.

3. Rights of the bank branch manager

The bank branch manager has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Board of Directors of the bank (board of the bank), the Chairman of the bank, concerning the activities of the bank branch.
3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.
3.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

4. Responsibility of the bank branch manager

The bank branch manager is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities.
4.3. For causing material damage to the organization.
4.4. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.5. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

The measure of responsibility is determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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