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Benefits on the social card of a pensioner in the Moscow region. Free supply of medicines. Housing and utilities

It should be noted that this article in question only about measures of social support for Moscow pensioners, which include in-kind assistance, cash payments and benefits to Moscow pensioners and elderly citizens within the framework and amounts established by law.

Non-working pensioners of Moscow and separate categories working pensioners in Moscow and the disabled, regardless of the type of pension they receive, are subject to regional social supplement to the pension up to the value of the city social standard.

At the same time, the urban social standard minimum income for pensioners is a pension plus an additional payment, for example, in 2011 the above-mentioned city social standard was eleven thousand rubles, and in 2012 it will be twelve thousand rubles.

Single pensioners and families consisting of pensioners over the age of 55 and men over 60, non-working pensioners who are dependent on children under the age of eighteen are provided with monthly allowance for local telephone services. Currently, the amount of compensation is 230 rubles.

Currently provided benefits for pensioners in Moscow multifaceted and multifaceted, which allows you to cover various areas of life. Let us consider in more detail the benefits for Moscow pensioners, which include:

Free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (it must be borne in mind that taxis and fixed-route taxis are an exception) in the city of Moscow and the Moscow Region on the basis of a Muscovite's social card, provided that monthly monetary compensation in exchange for free travel on urban passenger transport is not paid. Thus, Moscow pensioners have the right to choose between free travel and monetary compensation for the specified travel.

Free sanatorium-resort voucher for non-working pensioners over the age of 55 for women and over 60 for men, if there are medical indications and in order of priority, as well as reimbursement transport costs associated with travel to the place of treatment and back in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Russia. At the same time, exercise this right no more than once during the calendar year.

Eligibility for a housing allowance utilities provided that housing and communal services exceed ten percent of the monthly total income of all family members.

Payment in the amount of fifty percent of the current tariff for distribution services, namely broadcasting, of television programs in citywide cable television networks. This benefit is available to pensioners living alone and families that consist of pensioners receiving a subsidy for housing and utilities. Compliance with the above conditions is mandatory.

Free production and repair of dentures(except for the cost of paying for the cost of precious metals and cermets).

The above benefits for Moscow pensioners are supplemented with in-kind assistance in the form of:

Clothing and food assistance to pensioners who find themselves in a difficult life situation, who are in dire need of social support, and cannot get out of the current difficult life situation on their own.

Stationary social services, sanitary and hygienic services, complex cleaning services for apartments, patronage for single or lonely elderly citizens aged women over 55 and men over 60 who, for health reasons, have completely or partially lost the ability to self-service.

Lonely or lonely elderly citizens, namely women aged 55 and men over the age of 60 who need permanent or temporary social assistance due to a partial loss of the ability to independently satisfy basic life needs (limitation of the ability to self-care and movement), provided home social and socio-medical care in social service centers.

It should be noted that Moscow pensioners from among veterans of war and labor, the disabled are provided with social support measures indicated in the relevant articles of the site.

Pensioners and the elderly in Russia can be called one of the most vulnerable categories of the population. That is why, within the framework of social assistance and social support measures, pensioners are provided with benefits that are accepted not only at the federal, but also at the regional level.

In this article, we will consider the privileges and benefits that elderly residents and pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow Region will be able to use in 2017, and also touch on last changes in social sphere associated with a variety of social programs.

Benefits for pensioners provided at the federal level:

Federal social benefits pensioners are provided absolutely in all regions Russian Federation. These benefits fall into three important categories:

  1. Benefits of paying property tax. This benefit implies the complete exemption of pensioners from tax deductions on the property you own. At the same time, it is important to know that benefits are provided only for one object belonging to a particular category. real estate. In other words, if a pensioner is the owner of an apartment, a private house, an outbuilding and a garage at the same time, he will be exempt from taxes in general. This is due to the fact that each of the objects listed by us belongs to different types of real estate.
  2. Exemption from payment of income tax. In this case income tax not levied on any types of pension payments, as well as on financial assistance provided to a pensioner once a year, as well as from funds allocated for sanitary and spa treatment of a pensioner, the purchase of medicines (in the event that the money is provided by a former employer). Any payments other than a pension are not taxed in the amount of not more than 4,000 (four thousand) rubles.
  3. Benefits for pensioners who, after going on a well-deserved rest, continue to work. These include the possibility to issue an additional annual leave(at their own expense), as well as the absence of the need to work 14 days after submitting an application for dismissal.

Benefits for pensioners when paying for housing and communal services in Moscow and the Moscow region:

Pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow region have a number of advantages and benefits when paying for housing and communal services. It should be noted that the disputes in this topic do not stop and the measures of social support for elderly citizens are constantly being adjusted. So, this year the Government and the Ministry of Housing Policy approved the following measures to support pensioners:

  • monthly reimbursement of expenses for telephone connection within the city (the amount of preferences at the moment is 190 rubles);
  • pensioners, residents of the capital of retirement age, are exempted from paying for the removal and disposal of garbage.

In addition, in Moscow and the Moscow region there are subsidies for those pensioners who pay more than 3-10% for utilities (exact interest rate determined depending on the income received) from the total income of the family. Compensation is paid after the execution of the relevant documents and a positive decision.

Benefits for pensioners for the purchase of medicines:

The purchase of medicines and spending on medicines is a hot topic for every elderly pensioner in our country. However, in order to provide social support, a system of benefits for the purchase of medicines has been developed. It is possible to take advantage of this measure of support for pensioners if:

  • a citizen receives the minimum pension payments provided for in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • there is a prescription for the medicinal product issued by the attending physician;
  • a pensioner purchases medicines for outpatient treatment.

The discount for the vast majority of drugs is 50%, but there are exceptions. For example, if medicines are needed to treat diabetes or cancer, they are provided free of charge.

Other privileges provided to pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow region:

Among other things, for the elderly citizens of Moscow and the Moscow region there are additional social benefits and measures of social support for the elderly:

  • every year, every pensioner is given the opportunity to receive a free voucher for sanatorium treatment. This privilege is granted only on the basis of an appropriate medical opinion;
  • every pensioner has the right to social services during the day, to assistance in the form of purchasing food and medicines;
  • each pensioner is granted the right to patronage services, constant sanitary and hygienic care;
  • the right to free dental prosthetics. This privilege does not apply to expensive modern designs;
  • the right to a 50% discount (persons over 70 years old) or full exemption (from 80 years old) from paying contributions for overhaul residential building. This benefit is provided on a pay-back basis. That is, the pensioner first makes a contribution, and then receives compensation in the prescribed amount to a special bank account or social card;
  • Relatives of a pensioner are provided with services for organizing funerals and burials of the elderly on preferential terms.

Benefits for pensioners with disabilities:

For pensioners who, for medical reasons and based on the results of a medical and social examination, were assigned one of the three disability groups, there is a whole program of social support and benefits:

  • compensation for housing and communal services, payment for electricity, gas supply, hot and cold water supply;
  • free travel on city public transport, which, at the request of a disabled pensioner, can be replaced with monetary compensation paid monthly;
  • the right to receive a 50% discount when paying land tax and transport tax is granted (but applies to a piece of equipment whose power does not exceed 150 horsepower);
  • free to submit statements of claim to courts of various instances in the event that the amount of the claim is not more than 1,000,000 (one million) rubles;
  • a 50% discount on the payment of taxes for the services of notaries is provided;
  • the opportunity to buy rehabilitation equipment on preferential terms - wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, hearing aids, etc.;
  • medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer and other serious diseases are provided free of charge or with a 50% discount;
  • free travel on suburban trains and electric trains if the pensioner is undergoing treatment in another locality.

Benefits provided to social card holders:

Relatively recently, in Moscow, a special social card began to operate for elderly pensioners, which entitles them to receive a number of additional benefits in social terms. Their list was established by the regional authorities, and in 2017 it looks like this:

  • the opportunity for pensioners to use the services of public urban transport in Moscow (including the metro) free of charge, as well as to travel without making a payment on suburban electric trains. Today, there are persistent rumors that this preference has been replaced with a cash compensation for fares, amounting to 400 rubles a month;
  • the ability to use the services of a polyclinic without presenting a personal medical insurance policy;
  • providing discounts on a variety of goods purchased in those outlets, where you can use the Sberbank Maestro Social card for payment.

Such a pensioner's social card has another important and indisputable advantage - for the balance own funds it accrues an income of 3.5% per annum, thanks to which the payment instrument can be used as a savings book.

The recent abolition of the right to free travel has left many elderly residents of the capital concerned about whether and to what extent there will be benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018.

The answer to this question should calm the hearts of the older generation: all other benefits established by tax and pension legislation will be valid in 2018 as well.

Recall that tax and other concessions are provided both at the federal and regional levels. Consequently, in addition to nationwide benefits, Moscow pensioners can also count on social support measures established by the city authorities.

It is important: early retirement does not affect the composition and amount of preferential pension provision.

federal benefits

Property tax

According to Art. 407 tax code Russia, all pensioners are exempt from real estate tax. Only one object for each type of real estate is subject to exemption from payment. This means that by owning different types property (an apartment, a residential building, an outbuilding, a garage), you will not have to pay property tax at all. However, if there are, for example, two residential buildings, the benefit is provided only for one house.

An application for a benefit and a document confirming the applicant's respective right (pension certificate) must be submitted in person to tax authority by the location of the property.

Note! An application for the selection of a specific object subject to tax exemption must be submitted before the end of the third quarter. After this period, in the absence of an application preferential deduction will be provided to the object with the largest amount calculated tax.

Exemption from personal income tax on certain types of income

The following are not subject to personal income tax:

  • any pension payments;
  • the cost of health resort vouchers, as well as medical care and treatment of a retired person, subject to their payment by the funds of the former employer organization (clauses 9-10 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • financial assistance, as well as the amount of reimbursement or payment for the cost of medicines received by a pensioner from a former employer, but not more than four thousand rubles for each of the grounds (clause 28, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Benefits for working retirees

Labor legislation contains only two preferences for citizens who have reached retirement age but continue to work:

    according to Art. 80 Labor Code Russia, these persons are exempted from the obligation to work for two weeks after filing a letter of resignation due to retirement;

    Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides the right to additional annual unpaid leave without explanation - for up to two weeks.

Local preferences for Muscovites

Payment of utilities

The Moscow legislation provides the following benefits to single pensioners in Moscow in terms of paying for housing (clause 7, article 8 of the Law of the City of Moscow No. 70 of November 03, 2004):

  • exemption from paying fees for garbage collection;
  • monthly compensation for part of the payment for intracity telephone services (in the amount of 190 rubles - see Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 42-PP dated January 30, 2007).

Unfortunately, other benefits for housing and communal services pensioners in Moscow are not provided. However, if the amount of payment for housing and communal services exceeds the percentage of the total family income(in the capital it varies from 3 to 10% depending on the amount of income), payers are given the right to apply for a subsidy. On this issue, please contact the territorial department of the Center housing subsidies Moscow. In addition, it is possible to order the service through the Internet portal of city services

Social supplement for pension

Citizens whose pension amount does not reach the subsistence minimum have a legal right to receive an additional payment. For registration, you should contact the department of social protection at the address of your residence. The procedure for assigning an additional payment is regulated by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1268-PP dated November 17, 2009.

This is important: working pensioners, regardless of the size of the pension, are not entitled to the specified additional payment.

Free and subsidized medicines

Persons receiving a minimum pension and undergoing outpatient treatment are provided with a 50% discount when buying medicines by prescription, and for certain types of diseases (for example, diabetes or oncology), medicines must be dispensed free of charge (see Annexes Nos. 1, 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994).

It should be remembered: the procedure for providing pensioners with all the above benefits is declarative in nature. This means that in order to implement legal rights it is necessary to independently apply to the relevant authorities and submit the documents required for their execution.

Cancellation of transport privileges

On August 1, 2015, amendments to the Law of the Moscow Region No. 36/2006-OZ dated March 23, 2006, concerning the abolition of travel benefits for pensioners in Moscow, entered into force. According to the innovations, elderly residents of the Moscow region (including those with the status of veterans of labor, as well as military service) have lost the right to free travel by citywide metropolitan transport.

In fairness, it should be noted that low-income residents of the Moscow Region were given the right to receive compensation for the travel of Moscow public transport for the purpose of visiting medical institutions in the direction of a doctor. However, the size compensation payment cannot exceed four hundred rubles annually.

Unfortunately, often about the appearance of benefits, as well as about their cancellation, pensioners become aware only from word of mouth. However, the conversations at the entrance do not always correspond to reality. If you heard new information about what benefits pensioners have in Moscow, it is still advisable to clarify it with the competent authorities (Pension Fund, Federal tax service etc.), which will be able to provide complete and reliable information on your question.

Today we have to find out what benefits pensioners in Moscow are entitled to in Russia in 2017. This question worries all future and current elderly people. All state support can be divided into 2 categories - regional and federal. Most benefits do not require registration. But some rights will still have to be claimed in in due course. So what can Moscow retirees expect?

Types of assistance to the population

The first step is to understand in which areas older citizens are being assisted. It's no secret that pensioners are the eternal beneficiaries of the Russian Federation. They are provided with assistance in different areas of human life in different regions.

Citizens can count on the following state support:

  • financial;
  • tax;
  • housing;
  • material;
  • transport;
  • medical;
  • social;
  • working.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that almost all spheres of life of a modern person provide assistance to pensioners. Next, we will talk about what older people can expect in the capital of the Russian Federation.


Let's start with the most important topic - tax support for the population. What benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow in one case or another?

In 2017, the elderly can apply for:

  • complete freedom from property taxes(one type of objects of taxation in each category);
  • no transport tax for one car;
  • exemption from land taxes.

All these benefits are provided upon a personal application of a pensioner in the district tax services.

personal income tax

Special attention is paid to personal income tax. Working seniors are not exempt from paying this tax. But benefits for pensioners in Moscow regarding this fee are still provided.

Thus, the following cash flows are exempt from personal income tax:

  • pension (any);
  • health resort treatment services;
  • financial assistance from the employer (no more than 4,000 per year);
  • government subsidies and payments;
  • from the state for low-income pensioners.

The rest of the citizen's income should be subject to personal income tax. Accordingly, retired entrepreneurs cannot fully exempt their business from taxes.

Housing and communal services

But that's not all. Benefits for housing and communal services for pensioners in the capital and other cities are also provided. It is enough to apply with a corresponding request to the management company. Then the citizen will be provided with this or that support.

What benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow in the housing and communal services sector? Among them are:

  • compensation for using a home telephone (190 rubles);
  • exemption from fees for garbage collection;
  • discount on housing and communal services (50% of the amount - for veterans);
  • assistance with gasification of the house;
  • television compensation (50%);
  • installation of a telephone (home) out of turn.

What are the subsidies for pensioners? You can apply for housing assistance if the amount of housing and communal services is from 3 to 10% (in some cases - 20%) of the total monthly income of the family. To do this, you need to contact the center of the capital. Benefits for housing and communal services are offered to pensioners in all regions of the Russian Federation. This is normal.

Living wage

A non-working pensioner in Moscow has the right to receive additional social payments. This is possible only if the citizen is recognized as needy.

The state will appoint an additional payment to the pension, providing living wage in the region. But no more. Therefore, not all pensioners manage to take advantage of this benefit.

The medicine

For older people, medicine is becoming quite an important area of ​​​​life. Benefits for pensioners in Moscow are also provided in this area. As a rule, they are no different from Federal benefits for the elderly.

Old people in the capital can claim:

  • free prescription drugs;
  • treatment in sanatoriums and resorts according to directions (free of charge);
  • out-of-order medical care.

People are also offered free prosthetics. For pensioners in Moscow this benefit occurs. Seniors can get free dentures. And the disabled are helped in purchasing means of transportation.

Can seniors use the pool? For pensioners, such a benefit was invented free of charge in Moscow. That is, the elderly, for medical reasons, have the right to visit public pools on preferential terms. There is no need to pay for these services.

Working pensioners

The retirement age of the Russian Federation among women comes at 55 years, and among men at 60. At this time, many citizens are still in working condition. Therefore, they continue to work. This fact takes away the possibility of obtaining some benefits (related to the criterion of need), but offers a lot of other benefits. state support.

Working pensioners in Moscow and other regions are entitled to:

  • registration of deductions for personal income tax;
  • vacation at a convenient time (for ordinary pensioners for a maximum of 2 weeks) at their own expense;
  • free training / advanced training at the expense of the employer;
  • recalculation of pension (annually);
  • accrual of pension points (if a citizen refused to retire due to age);
  • registration of leave to care for a child (grandchild).

Also, courses for pensioners are sometimes held in the capital. In Moscow, everyone can pass them for free. But such state support is not in great demand. Instead, employers send their retired subordinates to specialized training free of charge. It is illegal to demand money from an elderly person for such a step. Accordingly, pensioners are obliged to train at work free of charge under any circumstances.

housing problems

What are the subsidies for pensioners? What about benefits? Among not the most common, but quite useful bonuses, the provision of housing for pensioners is often singled out. This measure applies only to some older people. It takes place not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of the Russian Federation.

In order to receive housing, you must be recognized as needy. Otherwise, you won't get in line. After being recognized as needy, a pensioner must apply to the city administration with a corresponding request and wait for approval. After some time, an elderly person will pick up free housing.

As you might guess, not every pensioner will be able to take advantage of this bonus. It is usually available to non-working seniors without any property.

Other benefits

In Moscow, a swimming pool for pensioners is provided free of charge under certain circumstances. Usually this bonus can be used for health reasons. But the possibilities of the capital of the Russian Federation do not end there.

The thing is that in addition to the benefits listed above, there are others. They rely on pensioners with special statuses. These include:

  • military;
  • disabled people;
  • veterans;
  • heroes;
  • widows of veterans and heroes.

For example, the military and the disabled, like all the categories of citizens listed earlier, receive higher pensions. They are entitled to a surcharge, the amount of which is constantly changing. You can also qualify for free travel on public suburban transport and the purchase of tickets out of turn. It is precisely such benefits for pensioners in Moscow that are laid down today.

Travel by transport

Special attention today throughout Russia is paid to travel by public transport. What can be said about this?

Abolished in Moscow. Today, older people have to pay for the use of city buses and trolleybuses. Similar rules apply throughout the country. Only in some regions can old people ride public transport for free.

However, pensioners in need are entitled to compensation for travel up to medical institutions. Its maximum amount is 400 rubles. Not too much, but it's better than nothing at all.

Registration procedure

How can I get all the listed privileges? Procedures will vary from case to case. The thing is that social benefits are usually issued in the municipality or social services, utility - in management company, housing - in the city administration, and tax - in the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of a citizen. All benefits due to working pensioners must be demanded from the employer.

The rest of the procedure comes down to collecting documents and submitting an appropriate application with a request for a particular bonus. Citizens will need to bring with them:

  • identification;
  • certificates indicating registration;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • SNILS;
  • income statements;
  • supporting documents for obtaining certain benefits;
  • certificates of ownership (most often in relation to tax benefits);
  • bank account details;
  • checks and receipts for payment of certain services (for deductions).

Also, a pensioner may be required to provide a certificate of family composition, disability documents or certificates indicating need. There is usually nothing difficult or special with the collection of the necessary papers. Therefore, it will not be difficult to arrange benefits for pensioners in Moscow and other regions.

Results and conclusions

In Russia, there is a very flexible system of state support for the elderly. Free legal advice for pensioners in Moscow, as in other regions of the Russian Federation, is not provided to everyone. But that doesn't mean it can't be used.

In the capital of Russia, the elderly can take advantage of a variety of opportunities. Among them, it is customary to highlight:

  • tax incentives;
  • housing and communal benefits;
  • pension payments.

In fact, bonuses for pensioners in the country change from year to year. This information must be carefully monitored. Otherwise, you can count on more than it should be in reality. For example, some people still believe that pensioners in Moscow can use public transport for free, but this is not the case. Free legal advice for pensioners in Moscow is a reality. But you have to pay for using public transport.

It is recommended to check with the regional administration for a more accurate list of benefits for the Moscow Region. They will help not only to understand what a pensioner can count on, but also tell about the procedure for obtaining appropriate benefits.

In Russia, all pensioners over 80 can hope to take care of themselves. Any person can take care of a citizen - a relative or not. In this case, the caregiver cannot officially work. But he is entitled to monthly payments of 1,200 rubles, and the pension experience is also accrued. This right is exercised in the FIU. It is used most often in practice. Would you like to attend courses for pensioners in Moscow for free? Then it is recommended to clarify with the city administration which classes are offered on preferential terms.

From 2019, there will be an increase in the retirement age - for men up to 65 years old, and for women up to 60 years old

Many pensioners in our country are not well aware of what state-guaranteed benefits and benefits are due to them in 2018. They are regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and the tax code.

tax incentives

Property tax

The property tax benefit for pensioners is obtained for each type of property, however, if you have two identical types of property, then the benefit is provided only for one object (if, for example, there are two apartments, then the benefit can only be received for one).
What is the benefitApplication conditions

The tax relief is granted in relation to the following types of objects of taxation:

Apartment or room.


Room or building(specially equipped premises, structures used exclusively as creative workshops, ateliers, studios, as well as residential premises used to organize non-state museums, galleries, libraries open to the public - for the period of such use).

Commercial building or structure(the area of ​​each should not exceed 50 square meters and must be located on land provided for personal subsidiary, dacha economy, horticulture, horticulture or individual housing construction).

Garage or car space.

Pensioners are exempt from paying property tax if:

The property is owned by a pensioner.

The property is not used in business activities.

Property tax exemption does not apply to objects whose cadastral value is more than 300 million rubles

To receive benefits for property tax pensioners must submit

Transport tax

Transport tax - regional tax, therefore, local authorities establish benefits for it.

To find out if a pensioner is entitled to transport benefits in your region, you need to contact the local administration or the branch of the RUSZN (former SOBES) with this question.

On the federal level There are benefits for the following categories of vehicles:

Passenger cars specially equipped for use by the disabled, as well as passenger cars with an engine power of up to 100 horsepower (up to 73.55 kW), received (purchased) through the authorities social protection population in the manner prescribed by law - a benefit of 100%.

Tractors, self-propelled harvesters of all brands, special vehicles(milk carriers, livestock carriers, special vehicles for transporting poultry, vehicles for transporting and applying mineral fertilizers, veterinary care, maintenance) - 100% benefit.

Wanted vehicles- 100% discount.

Rowing boats, as well as motor boats with an engine power not exceeding 5 horsepower- 100% discount.

Fishing sea and river vessels- 100% discount.

To receive benefits for transport tax pensioners need to submit an application (file *pdf Adobe Acrobat; 238 Kb) to the department tax office at the place of residence

Land tax

Just like the tax on transport, land benefits for pensioners are farmed out to the authorities in the regions.

At the federal level, there is a benefit - the tax base on land tax decreases by the amount cadastral value 600 square meters of one land plot at the choice of the taxpayer, owned, permanent (unlimited) use or lifelong inheritable possession.

To find out if a pensioner is entitled to land benefits in a particular region of the Russian Federation, you need to contact the local administration, the tax office, or carefully study the legislation of your region.

To receive a land tax exemption, pensioners must submit an application (file *pdf Adobe Acrobat; 238 Kb) to the tax office at the place of residence

Exemption of income from personal income tax

Some pensioner incomes are not subject to personal income tax. Not subject to taxation:

  • State pension amounts pension provision, insurance pensions, a fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account its increase) and funded pension.
  • Social additional payments to pensions paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 2, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
The amount of tax-free income is not more than 4000 rubles. per calendar year on the following grounds (clause 28, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):
  • Amounts of payment at the expense of the organization's own funds for the cost of sanatorium vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care former employees who retired due to disability or old age (paragraphs 9, 10, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Gifts, amounts of material assistance provided by employers to their former retired employees.
  • The amount of payment (reimbursement) of the cost of medicines by employers to their former employees (retired pensioners).

Housing and utilities

Benefits for gasification at home

At the federal level, there are no benefits for gasification of private houses of pensioners. However, they may be introduced by local officials.

In order to find out if there are benefits for gasification in your area, you need to contact the local branch of RUSZN (former SOBES). To receive compensation, it is necessary to collect all documents confirming the work performed and payment for them.

Compensation does not cover all costs for the preparation of the project, installation work, usually it is 50% of them.

Benefits for paying utility bills and rent

Who gets?Benefit amountLaw
Heroes of socialist labor50% payment for services
100% for living quarters
Participants, invalids of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, blockade survivors, labor veterans50% Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 "On Veterans"
Pensioners exposed to radiation during the Chernobyl and Semipalatinsk accidents50% Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 "On Veterans"
Disabled50% Federal Law N 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation"
Seniors over 7050% for major repairsArt. 169 ZhK RF
Seniors over 80100% for overhaulArt. 169 ZhK RF
Subsidies for utility billsIf these expenses amount to more than 22% of the pensioner's total income (of the total income of the family in which pensioners live)Art. 159 ZhK RF, art. 160 ZhK RF

The subsidy for payment is provided to pensioners who live in an apartment owned by them by right of ownership, or in a residential building under a lease agreement in houses of state and municipal housing funds, as well as in a private housing stock. The subsidy is also provided to pensioners who are members of housing cooperatives.

The main condition for the provision of a subsidy is that the pensioner does not have a debt to pay for housing and utilities, and if such a debt is nevertheless formed, the pensioner will be required to conclude an appropriate agreement on the procedure and terms of its repayment.

Home phone allowance

At the federal level, there is no law that would provide a benefit or reimbursement for the use of a home telephone; the decision on such a measure of social support for pensioners is made by the regional authorities. For example, in the Astrakhan region, since 2017, labor veterans have been paid monthly allowance for a subscription fee for using the telephone in the amount of 182.63 rubles (Decree of July 3, 2017 N 219-P), and in Moscow the amount of compensation is 230 rubles. per month (clause 4.2.9 of Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Government of Moscow of 08.12.2015 N 828-PP).

Therefore, in order to find out if there is such a benefit in your region, and to receive it, you need to contact local authorities USZN.

Targeted assistance

Such assistance is provided by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for example, the Ministry, Department or Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, at the expense of subsidies from the PFR budget, if its provision is provided for by regional social programs.

There are 3 types of targeted social assistance:

  • Help in the form of financial resources.
  • Help in the form of food.
  • Help in the form of clothing items.

The provision of targeted assistance will be made only after your personal appeal and submission of an appropriate application. Moreover, the decision on the form of assistance will be made taking into account what you really need. It is also important to remember that the appointment of one of the types of assistance does not take away your right to apply for another type of assistance, at the same time that you already have.

The medicine

Free provision of medicines

According to Art. 6.1 federal law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 "On State Social Assistance" and Art. 125 of Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004 "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation ...", Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 of December 29, 2004, the following categories of the population can use the right to receive free medicines:

  • Participants and disabled veterans of the Second World War, as well as veterans of military operations.
  • Persons who were awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".
  • Family members of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, dead war invalids and combatants.
  • Military personnel of military units who were not part of the active army during the Second World War.
  • WWII servicemen who were awarded orders or medals of the USSR.
  • Persons who worked during the Second World War at military facilities in the rear.
  • Family members of the deceased workers of hospitals and hospitals in St. Petersburg.
  • Disabled people and children with disabilities.
  • Persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
You need a prescription from your doctor to get medicines.

Free medicines are prescribed by the attending physician or health insurance organization that pays for the treatment.

List of free medicines

Group of analgesics:

1. Codeine

3. Narcotic

4. Papaverine

6. Trimeperidine

7. Acetylsalicylic acid

8. Ibuprofen

9. Diclofenac

10. Ketoprofen

11. Ketorolac

12. Paracetamol and Panadol


1. Benzobarbital

2. Valproic acid

3. Hydrochloroquine

4. Penicillamine

5. Carbamazepine

6. Clonazepam

7. Topiramate

8. Ethosuximide

9. Phenobarbital

10. Oxcarbazepine


1. Trihexyphenidyl

2. Levodopa

3. Benserazide

4. Amantadine

5. Carbidol


1. Zuclopenthixol

2. Haloperridol

3. Quetiapine

4. Olanzapine

5. Risperidone

6. Periciazine

7. Sulpiride;

8. Trifluoperazine

9. Thioridazine

10. Flupentixol

11. Fluphenazine

12. Chlorpromazine

13. Oxazepam

14. Diazepam.


1. Amitriptyline

2. Clomipramine

3. Imipramine

4. Paroxetine

5. Sertraline

6. Pipofezin

7. Fluoxetine

8. Betahistine

9. Aminophenylbutyric acid

10. Vinpocetine

11. Piracetam

12. Glycine

13. Tizanidine

14. Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate


1. Pyridostigmine bromide2. Neostigmine methyl sulfate

Treatment of infections:

1. Doxycycline

2. Tetracycline

3. Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid

4. Cephalexin

5. Benzathine benzylpenicillin

6. Cefuroxime

7. Sulfasalazine

8. Clarithromycin

9. Azithromycin

10. Ciprofloxacin

11. Fluconazole

12. Clotrimazole

13. Tiloron

14. Aciclovir

15. Metronidazole

16. Benzyl benzoate


1. Hydroxyurea

2. Busulfan

3. Mercaptopurine

4. Melphalan

5. Methotrexate

6. Chlorambucil

7. Mitomycin

8. Cyclophosphamide

9. Azathioprine

10. Tamoxifen

11. Medroxyprogesterone

12. Anastrozole

13. Flutamide

14. Interferon alfa-2a

15. Interferon alfa-2b

Bone strengthening:

1. Calcitonin

2. Colecalciferol

3. Alfacalcidol

4. Alendronic acid

Blood clotting:

1. Heparin sodium

2. Warfarin

3. Pentoxifylline

4. Clopidogrel

Medicines for the heart:

1. Lappaconitine hydrobromide

2. Digoxin

3. Amiodarone

4. Propafenone

5. Sotalol

6. Isosorbide mononitrate

7. Isosorbide dinitrate

8. Nitroglycerin

9. Bisoprolol

10. Atenolol

11. Metoprolol

12. Carvedilol

13. Verapamil

14. Amlodipine

15. Nifedipine

16. Losartan

17. Captopril

18. Lisinopril

19. Enalapril

20. Perindopril

21. Methyldopa

22. Clonidine

23. Potassium and magnesium aspartate

24. Spironolactone

25. Furosemide

26. Indapamide

27. Hydrochlorothiazide

28. Acetazolamide

29. Ivabradin

30. Atorvastatin

31. Simvastatin

32. Moxonidine

Bowel preparations:

1. Metoclopramide

2. Omeprazole

3. Drotaverine

4. Bisacodyl

5. Sennosides A and B

6. Lactulose

7. Pancreatin

8. Dioctahedral smectite

9. Mesalazine

Hormonal for the thyroid gland:

1. Dexamethasone

2. Betamethasone

3. Hydrocortisone

4. Methylprednisolone

5. Methylprednisolone aceponate

6. Prednisolone

7. Fludrocortisone

8. Desmopressin

9. Levothyroxine sodium

10. Bromocriptine

11. Thiamazole

12. Allopurinol

For diabetes:

1. Gliclazide

2. Glibenclamide

3. Glucagon

4. Insulin aspart

5. Insulin aspart biphasic

6. Insulin detemir

7. Insulin glargine

8. Insulin glulisin

9. Biphasic insulin

10. Insulin lispro

11. Insulin Isophane

12. Insulin soluble

13. Insulin lispro biphasic

14. Repaglinide

15. Metformin

16. Lixisenatide

17. Empagliflozin

Drugs for the treatment of kidneys:

1. Finasteride

2. Doxazosin

3. Tamsulosin

4. Cyclosporine

Ophthalmic medicines:

1. Timolol2. Pilocarpine

Asthma medications:

1. Beclomethasone

2. Aminophylline

3. Budesonide

4. Beclomethasone + Formoterol

5. Ipratropium bromide + fenoterol

6. Salbutamol

7. Formoterol

8. Tiotropium bromide

9. Acetylcysteine

10. Ambroxol

Antihistamine type medicines:

1. Loratadine

2. Cetirizine

3. Chloropyramine
Drugs included in the list in 2018
Preparations for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract

1. Succinic acid + meglumine + inosine + methionine + nicotinamide

Antidiarrheals, intestinal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobials

1. Mesalazine

Means for the treatment of diabetes


2. Empagliflozin

Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders

1. Eliglustat

2. Hemostatics

3. Eltrombopag

Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system

1.Valsartan + sacubitril

Lipid-lowering drugs

1. Alirocumab


Hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus and their analogues

1. Lanreotide

Antibacterial drugs for systemic use

1. Telavancin

2. Daptomycin


Antiviral drugs for systemic use

1. Dasabuvir; ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavir

2. Narlaprevir

3. Daclatasvir

4. Dolutegravir

Anticancer drugs

1. Cabazitaxel

2. Brentuximab vedotin

3. Nivolumab

4. Obinutuzumab

5. Panitumumab

6. Pembrolizumab

7. Pertuzumab

8. Trastuzumab emtansine

9. Afatinib

10. Dabrafenib

11. Crizotinib

12. Nintedanib

13. Pazopanib

14. Regorafenib

15. Ruxolitinib

16. Trametinib

17. Aflibercept

18. Vismodegib

19. Carfilzomib

20. Tumor necrosis factor alpha-1 [thymosin recombinant]*

Anticancer hormonal drugs




1. Peginterferon beta-1a


1. Alemtuzumab

3. Vedolizumab

4. Tofacitinib

5. Canakinumab

6. Secukinumab

7. Pirfenidone

Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs

2. Levobupivacaine

3. Perampanel

4. Dimethyl fumarate

5. Tetrabenazine

Drugs for the treatment of obstructive airway diseases

1. Vilanterol + fluticasone furoate

2. Glycopyrronium bromide + indacaterol

3.Olodaterol + tiotropium bromide

Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system


Preparations for the treatment of eye diseases

1. Tafluprost


Other remedies

1. Complex of b-iron (III) oxyhydroxide, sucrose and starch

2. Yomeprol

Cash reimbursement for medicines

The benefit for medicines can be monetized, for this you need to contact the department pension fund.

The amount of the cash payment from February 1, 2018 is 828 rubles 14 kopecks

Free spa treatment

Treatment in a sanatorium at the expense of the state is provided free of charge or with partial payment. Such vouchers are issued to the categories of citizens indicated (Article 6.1 of the Federal Law "On State Social Assistance" of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ).

Free dental prosthetics

Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory are provided with free production and repair of dentures (with the exception of dentures made of precious metals) in medical institutions of the state and municipal health care systems (Article 2 of the Federal Law "On provision of social guarantees to the Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory" dated 09.01.1997 N 5-FZ).

Payment of the cost of travel to the place of rest and back

Compensation for the cost of travel to and from the place of rest is provided to non-working pensioners who receive an insurance pension for old age or disability and live in the Far North or territories equivalent to it (Article 34 of the Law of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1).

Article 34

Compensation of expenses for paying the cost of travel to pensioners who are recipients of an old-age insurance pension (including a fixed payment to an old-age insurance pension) or a disability insurance pension to a place of rest in the Russian Federation and back once every two years is carried out in the manner, amount and on the terms determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The fare is paid once every two years and only within the territory of Russia.

Receiving child care allowance

When the mother is unable to care for the child (for example, due to illness), another family member who actually takes care of the child during this period, including a working pensioner, can exercise the right to receive benefits.

The right to benefits and the use of parental leave can be transferred from one family member to another, depending on which of them actually takes care of the child.

In order to assign and pay benefits, the person actually caring for the child during the period of illness of the mother must submit an application at the place where the benefit was assigned to him.

At the same time, a certificate from the place of work (study, service) of the mother of the child is needed stating that she does not use vacation and does not receive benefits.

Benefits for working retirees

The employer is obliged, at the request of the employee, to provide leave without pay (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War - up to 35 calendar days a year.
  • For working old-age pensioners (by age) - up to 14 calendar days a year.
  • Working disabled pensioners - up to 60 calendar days a year.

Federal benefits for Labor Veterans

Federal benefits are considered mandatory and are established by federal laws of the Russian Federation:

  • Free travel on transport that runs around the city (trolleybuses, trams and some buses. Taxi and private minibuses do not apply to this).
  • Free medical care.
  • Free dental prosthetics preferential terms does not apply to all types of materials);
  • Paid vacation provided at any time of the year (up to 30 days).
  • Preferential terms of payment of certain types of taxes.
  • Discount on utility bills.

Regional benefits for labor veterans

Benefits of regional significance (each region of the Russian Federation establishes its own benefits, so you need to find out about them in the social support service).

For example, benefits for labor veterans in Moscow:

  • Free travel on public transport.
  • 50% cash compensation for phone charges.
  • 50% discount on utility bills (within social standards).
  • Free travel on suburban rail transport.
  • Monthly city cash payment(247 rubles).
  • If there are medical indications - free sanatorium treatment and reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of treatment and back (only by rail).

Benefits for seniors over 80

Pensioners who have reached the age of eighty are entitled to the following benefits:

  • An increase in the fixed amount of the insurance part of the pension by 100% (with the exception of disabled pensioners of the first group).
  • Compensation of 100% of contributions for the overhaul of housing (you must contact RUSZN (SOBES)).
  • 50% discount on utility bills.
  • Acquisition of medicines with a 50% discount (there is a benefit upon presentation of a prescription within 10 days after its issuance).
  • Providing vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums once every 2 years.
  • Free travel to the place of treatment within the same region.
  • Service in healthcare organizations without a queue.
  • Partial compensation for the acquisition of prosthetic structures, excluding dental ones.
  • Possibility of calling a medical or social worker at home.
  • Free legal assistance if they need protection of their interests and rights.
  • For working pensioners after 80:
  1. Additional vacation without pay for 2 weeks.
  2. The possibility of dismissal without a 2-week working off in connection with the release of a well-deserved rest.

Benefits for pensioners of the Far North

For those living in the Far North and areas equated to them, on payment of the cost of travel to the place of rest

Pensioners living in the Far North and areas equated to them can use compensation once every 2 years to pay the cost of travel to the place of rest. There are two options for such compensation: in the first case, the FIU pays for travel at the place of residence, in the second, it reimburses the cost of tickets purchased by the pensioner. These actions are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 176 of April 1, 2005.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.04.2005 N 176 "On approval of the rules for compensation for expenses to pay for the cost of fares to pensioners who are recipients of labor pensions for disability and living in the Far North and equivalent places, to the place of rest in the Russian Federation and BACK"

In order to implement Article 34 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On state guarantees and compensations for persons working and living in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for reimbursement of travel expenses for pensioners who are recipients of labor pensions for old age and disability and residing in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, to a place of rest on the territory of the Russian Federation and back.

2. Financial support expenses related to the implementation of the Rules approved by this resolution are carried out at the expense of funds federal budget provided in order interbudgetary relations the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, within the limits of the appropriations provided for in the consolidated budget list of the federal budget to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

3. To provide explanations to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the application of the Rules approved by this resolution.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M. FRADKOV

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2005 N 176 Rules for compensation for expenses to pay for the fare for pensioners who are recipients of labor pensions for old -age and disability and living in the Far North and equivalent areas, to the place of rest in the Russian Federation AND BACK

1. These Rules determine the procedure, amount and conditions for reimbursement of expenses for paying the fare to non-working pensioners who are recipients of labor pensions for old age and disability, living in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them (hereinafter referred to as pensioners), to a place of rest on the territory Russian Federation and back (hereinafter - compensation).

2. Compensation is provided to pensioners living in areas and localities included in the list of regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to regions of the Far North.

3. Compensation can be made in the form of:

a) provision of travel documents that ensure the pensioner's travel to and from the place of rest;

b) reimbursement of expenses actually incurred by the pensioner to pay for the cost of travel to the place of rest and back within the limits established by paragraph 10 of these Rules.

4. For pensioners from the categories of citizens specified in Article 6.1 of the Federal Law "On State Social Assistance", who did not use the right to receive social services in the form of free travel by intercity transport to the place of treatment and back when providing a voucher for sanatorium treatment and back, compensation is made in accordance with these Rules.

In the event that such pensioners used the specified right when providing a voucher for sanatorium treatment, compensation in accordance with these Rules is not made.

5. When a pensioner travels to a place of rest and back with transfers from one type of intercity transport to another, a combination of both types of compensation provided for in paragraph 3 of these Rules may be applied.

6. Compensation is made 1 time in 2 years.

The two-year period is calculated in calendar order starting from January 1 of the year in which the pensioner, on the basis of the application submitted by him, was compensated in connection with the travel to and from the place of rest in this period, but not earlier than from January 1, 2005.

If the pensioner has not applied for compensation in the past biennium, no compensation will be paid for those periods.

7. An application for compensation in the form of travel documents providing travel to and from the place of rest, in accordance with the established form, is submitted by the pensioner to territorial authority The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence with the presentation of a voucher, kursovka or other document that is the basis for the pensioner's stay in a sanatorium, dispensary, rest house, tourist base or in another place where recreation services are provided.

The decision to provide the specified compensation is made by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the presence of special coupons (referrals) to receive travel documents from the transport organization with which the relevant agreement is concluded, ensuring the travel of pensioners to the place of rest and back.

A special voucher (direction) guarantees the transport organization payment by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the cost of travel documents issued to the person indicated in the special voucher (direction) for traveling to the appropriate destination and back.

8. If there is a special coupon (direction), its issuance is carried out within a period not exceeding 10 days from the date the pensioner submits an application for compensation.

9. An application for compensation in the form of reimbursement of actually incurred expenses for paying the cost of travel to the place of rest and back in the prescribed form, the pensioner submits to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence with the attachment of travel documents issued by transport organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form , and tear-off coupons for a voucher, kursovka or other document confirming the period of stay of a pensioner in a sanatorium, dispensary, rest home, at a tourist base or in another place where he was provided with recreation services.

The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which has considered the application for the specified compensation, notifies the pensioner of the decision taken within a period not exceeding 10 days from the date of filing the application.

If a decision is made to refuse to pay compensation, the pensioner is notified in writing of the reasons for the refusal within the specified period.

10. Compensation in the form of reimbursement of actually incurred expenses for paying the cost of travel to the place of rest and back is made in an amount not exceeding the cost of travel:

a) by rail - in a reserved seat carriage of a passenger train;

b) by inland water transport - in a cabin of the III category of a river vessel of all communication lines;

c) by sea - in the cabin of IV - V groups of a sea vessel of regular transport lines;

d) by air - in the economy (lower) class cabin;

e) by car- in a general type bus, and in the absence of buses with soft folding seats.

The said compensation shall be paid in the manner in which the pension is paid to the pensioner.

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