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How to buy sell shares. Rules for the purchase and sale of shares in a joint-stock company. Does PJSC Gazprom provide material assistance to shareholders

The management of enterprises inaccurately keeps records and formalizes transactions for the purchase and sale of shares. This allows multiple sales of the same shares, which creates a certain freedom for fraudulent activities.

I would like to quote from a letter from the director of a well-known company who applied for protection. “People tend to be mistaken about the facts of objective reality. We think that our life is exactly as much as we ourselves know about it, but the conceived one turns out to be completely different. For example, I believe that I own 34% of the shares of a very famous company. But that's just my opinion. The opinion of the court on this matter turned out to be quite different:

  • I was not able to confirm the fact of the acquisition of shares, since I did not have evidence of the payment made;
  • secondly, I did not sign a sale and purchase agreement with the seller, but limited myself to a transfer order and a questionnaire of a registered person, since these documents are enough to carry out transactions on an account in the register;
  • thirdly, the wife of the seller of shares, as it has just become clear, after the divorce claims half of his property, and did not give him consent to the sale of shares, which are their common joint property;

So it turned out that I bought the shares and paid the money, and even registered the transaction in the register, and now, by the will of some people unknown to me, all my transactions with shares were declared invalid, and now I have nothing .. nothing, except for the certainty that I am right."

And these are excerpts from a recording of a conversation with a director whose company was being taken over: “We transferred our register to a professional registrar in 2005. So far, we have had two additional issues and a lot of share purchase and sale transactions. All documents were kept in the company and were a confirmation of the rights of the current shareholders. The transfer of documents and the register of shareholders was entrusted to our employee and he did everything. As it turned out later, the registrar demanded to provide the initial list of shareholders of the company at the time of privatization, since he could not really understand the current register of shareholders.

Such a list was provided, and the registrar based on it formed the register of shareholders. Further, transactions for the past period were sent to the registrar in order to make changes to the register of shareholders. But the registrar has not currently accepted for registration transactions made in the period from 1998 to 2005. This is justified by improper execution of transactions. Shares are now being bought from the original shareholders and these transactions are recorded in the register. It turns out that everything that we acquired turned out to be illegal ..... And scammers took advantage of this situation to absorb our enterprise.

In this regard, the question of the procedure for proper, I emphasize, proper execution of transactions for the purchase and sale of shares seems to be relevant. This should be such a set of documents that it will be impossible to challenge in court and the registration of which will not be able to be refused by a professional registrar.

How to purchase shares

The first and most important condition when drawing up a share purchase agreement should not be neglected " possible consequences”, you need to sign the contract as if tomorrow you are going to court with him. That is, all the most negative consequences should be foreseen.

Here is an approximate, but not exhaustive, list of documents that should be signed when making a share purchase and sale transaction in order to insure yourself against a possible challenge to your transactions.

General documents

  1. Share purchase agreement

The contract for the sale of shares must contain all the essential terms of the transaction: the parties, the subject of the contract - the shares of "such and such a company" (the number of shares, their type, number and date of issue, par value), the price of the contract, that is, the price at which buy one share and total price transactions, payment procedure (terms, type of calculation), liability for non-performance of the contract, for example, for non-payment of money or non-transfer of shares. Many consider signing an agreement unnecessary, since the basis for making changes to the account of a registered person in the register is a transfer order.

However, when the question arises about the basis for the transfer of rights to shares, and you do not have a sale and purchase agreement, this will mean that you cannot confirm your right and the transaction in this case can be recognized as not concluded and the transaction made on the account can be canceled (return shares to the original owner). This often happens during the seizure of enterprises, the basis for this is a court decision that has entered into force. It's simple: you cannot confirm in court the transfer of ownership of the shares to you, and the opponent comes to court with a signed agreement and a bunch of other documents indicating that the shares were not sold to anyone except him. And now you have no more shares!

It should also not be forgotten that the transfer of the share itself does not confirm the transfer of ownership of the security. If they try to convince you of this, don't believe it!

  1. Act on the proper performance of the contract

Even if you have signed a share purchase agreement, the question may arise of its “unilateral termination” by the seller due to your “refusal to pay”. The seller can claim that the contract was not executed by both parties, therefore, there were no legal consequences. To eliminate such an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to sign an act on the “proper execution of the contract”, which is signed by both parties: that the shares have actually been transferred, and the money has actually been received as payment under this agreement (and not for some other obligations).

  1. Receipt of receipt of money under the contract

Confirms the fact of receiving money, but it does not specify the basis for their receipt. Therefore, it is recommended that in the act on the “proper performance of the contract” refer not only to the amount of payment, but also to this receipt, its date and number, so that documents can be individualized.

Among other things, the receipt is certified by two witnesses, who, if necessary, can be involved to confirm the fact of the calculations made.

  1. Account cash warrant

Required if the purchaser of shares is a legal entity. This accounting document, on the basis of which money is issued for making settlements with an individual. Consumable cash warrant is carried out according to the accounting department, which is an additional confirmation of the fact of the acquisition of shares.

  1. Registered Person Questionnaire

It is filled in by the original owner of the shares and is a mandatory document (along with the transfer order) for registration in the transaction register - the execution of an operation on the account by the registrar.

  1. Transfer order

This is the basis for the operation on the account by the registrar (the company itself or a professional registrar). Signatures on a transfer order may be certified by a notary, transfer agent or representative of a professional registrar to whom the register of shareholders of the company whose shares are being sold has been transferred.

  1. Shareholder power of attorney

To exercise the rights to register a transaction with the registrar, a power of attorney from the seller is often used, on the basis of which the buyer can transfer a package of documents to the registrar. It is also recommended that the power of attorney provide for the authority to judicially protect the rights of the shareholder, as well as the authority to exercise all rights belonging to the owner of the security, including the right to vote and alienate shares. This is done so that for the period of registration of the transaction, no one can prevent the owner of the shares from exercising the right granted by law (to participate in the meeting, vote, nominate candidates to the board of directors, etc.), and also can not prevent the registration of the purchase and sale transaction.

  1. Spouse Consent

This is an important document, since the invaders of an enterprise often work not only with the shareholders themselves, but also with their relatives. For example, the seller entered into a deal with you to sell shares, and his wife did not give consent to the said deal. Shares are the common joint property of the spouses, and all transactions with such property are carried out by mutual agreement. At the time of signing the contract, the wife gave oral consent (but this cannot be documented), and when the question arose about the validity of the transaction in court, a lawyer by proxy proves from her in a court session that she did not consent to a transaction with property (shares).

In order to exclude this situation, it is necessary to obtain from the spouse of the seller Notarized consent to the transaction with shares. It is better not to risk such things, since human relationships are a fragile and unpredictable thing.

  1. Revocation of powers of attorney

A document certifying that the seller of shares did not give powers of attorney to anyone other than the buyer to represent his interests in relation to this property (shares). The document is notarized and serves to avoid conflicts of authority: in the event of the appearance of persons who allegedly received from the seller a similar power of attorney to manage and dispose of shares.

  1. Letter of guarantee

A document confirming that the seller of shares has not entered into sales contracts with anyone other than the buyer, and that the said shares belong to him on a full and unlimited right, are not encumbered with a pledge, as well as with any other obligations to third parties, the shares do not have any rights of third parties, the Shares are not under arrest, are not the subject of a dispute in court and are not the subject of proceedings in a criminal case.

  1. blocking order

Gives the shareholder the right to block operations on the account with the registrar. It is necessary to prohibit other persons (having disputed powers) to perform operations on the account. This mechanism is partly used in the case of "double buying", when opponents-invaders re-buy shares already sold by them from the original shareholders.

  1. Application for change of details of a registered person

Required in case of change of surname, address or passport details of the original shareholder registered in the register. The absence of such a document may complicate the identification of the seller of shares with the registry data, and as a result, the registration of the transfer of rights to securities.

  1. Order for the issuance of an account statement

The order may already be announced by the new owner, but it is not always possible to wait in time for the registration of the transaction, and then a response to the request for an extract. Let's say the annual meeting is tomorrow, we have a power of attorney to exercise all the powers of a shareholder of the company, but to confirm our rights we need a document - an extract from the register of shareholders, stating that Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich is the owner of a block of shares, say 10%. This is where an order is required to issue an account statement, signed by Ivanov I.I.

  1. Agreement for trust management of shares with the right of alienation

It is an additional document insuring in case of unlawful revocation of the power of attorney, as well as situations of conflict of authority of the shareholder's representatives. On the basis of this agreement, transactions for the alienation of shares may be concluded.

Special documents (designed for the acquisition of shares from the heirs of the shareholder)

  1. Preliminary contract of sale

Signed and valid until the heir enters into inheritance rights. The agreement guarantees the rights of the heir to subsequently conclude a share purchase agreement and contains the essential terms of the future agreement. As a rule, under such an agreement, an advance payment is allowed on account of future settlements under a coolie-sale agreement.

  1. Power of attorney from the heir with the right to represent the interests of the principal upon entering into inheritance rights

To facilitate the task of the future heir, you can take on the responsibility for formalizing his inheritance. To do this, the power of attorney prescribes the authority to accept the inheritance, submit any applications on behalf of the Principal, including the acceptance of the inheritance, as well as the refusal of the inheritance, collect certificates and documents, duplicate documents related to the execution of the inheritance case, receive a Certificate of the right to inheritance , register the Certificate of Inheritance.

  1. Application for registration on one personal account

Often, when several heirs enter into the inheritance for one block of shares, a situation arises that it is impossible to divide the personal account with the registrar. Therefore, a statement is used signed by all heirs (it is also possible by proxy) on accounting for shares in respect of which several heirs have inherited on one personal account.

This list is not exhaustive and in some special cases requires clarification and additions.

Checking the legitimacy of already completed transactions

Checking the legitimacy of transactions with shares is carried out according to all the above parameters. If significant deficiencies are identified, the option to eliminate them is selected.

One of the main problems that are revealed in the analysis of transactions is the implementation of transactions with shares, the issue of which has not been registered. In this case, all transactions carried out before the moment of registration of the issue of securities (registration of additional issue) are void, that is, they are invalid from the moment they are made and do not give rise to any legal consequences for the parties.

Elimination of deficiencies in voidable transactions

If any documents are missing from the share purchase kit, the best solution is to sign the missing documents with the original owner, if it is still possible (if he is alive and if he does not mind). It is more difficult when, for objective reasons, this can no longer be done, since your transaction can be challenged in court at any time. Another option that can be used is the resale of shares to a “good faith purchaser”, but in compliance with all necessary conditions and guarantees.

As an option to eliminate the shortcomings of the transaction, one can consider its judicial consolidation, but this should be discussed in more detail.

Accounting for transactions in the register, storage of documents.

Share purchase and sale transactions, or rather documents confirming them, must be entered in a special register (indicating the date of the transaction, the number of shares and the parties to this transaction). Keeping these documents, especially if the register itself is kept in the community, is a very important matter.

If the register is transferred to a professional registrar, you have the opportunity to confirm the legitimacy of transactions with the data of the registrar, even if the grounds (purchase agreement, acts, receipts and other documents) are lost or missing.

If the register of shareholders is kept in the company, all documents evidencing the transfer of rights to shares, on the basis of which a change is made to the register of shareholders, must be kept as carefully as the register itself. These documents are an unconditional guarantee of your rights, even if someone tries to create a “second register”, you can always prove your rights and recognize the “second register” as invalid and fake.

Keeping the register of shareholders and the grounds for the emergence of rights to securities is recommended not in the company itself. And if the register can be transferred to a professional registrar, then it is better to put the documents in a safe - it will be more reliable in case of inspections, seizures and other actions, as a rule, initiated by invaders interested in depriving you of the legal grounds for transactions, and as a result of the rights to your shareholding.


Many of us have heard about the shares of Gazprom, Aeroflot, Magnit, VTB and other large Russian companies. Some people know that they can be bought to increase equity. But, few people go to practice and really buy shares. Because of the fear of misunderstanding the processes, the high cost of securities, various risks and pitfalls. Although it is very simple and quite cheap. The main thing is to start! So what is the right way to buy stocks?

All free money should work and make a profit- the main rule of modern man!

It is not enough to receive one salary. And two salaries are also not enough. For the majority of readers, even three salaries are not able to satisfy all monthly requests. To eat, and a car, and a bigger apartment, and nicer neighbors. Traditional work with a monthly salary, oddly enough, experts refer to a risky way to earn money. Because one man's profit is worker- directly dependent on others - employer. And, unfortunately, not every employer is honest with their employees. Fictional fines for every little thing; deprivation of bonuses for non-fulfillment of an inflated plan; overtime, which is free, because they go during your free time and weekends; and many other reasons concocted by cunning management to reduce the cost of wages to their employees. All the same for yourself - loved ones. You are not on the list. And if the question is posed in such an edge, then I would like to additionally ask - do you not love yourself either?

A well-posed question can go unanswered for a long time. We know only one thing for sure - ensuring a bright future today requires not only preserving, but also increasing the existing capital. That is why, more and more often, having received money, you think about how to make it so that they suddenly become more. And so that there are fewer body movements.

Bank deposits, crypto money, precious metals, real estate or currency are typical investment examples from the recent present. Today this list has been supplemented with a simple but effective tool - investing in securities of leading Russian companies. And not only Russian.

Buying shares - where to start? In simple words about complex tools

Buying securities or investing in stocks is an active way to increase your own savings. And like any other financial instrument, buying shares has certain risks. And the main risk loss of all investments. To avoid this annoying misunderstanding, you need to know some subtle points.

An ignorant person may think that buying shares is akin to financial pyramid: a lot of shares - little money; invest in one - you lose everything; it is better to bury money under an apple tree. It is advisable for such people not to invest in securities at all. The main thing is that they remember where they buried the money. Others may consider this profit opportunity; and try to understand what stocks are and how to work with them.

Promotion- a security that expresses the share of ownership of the company. The share entitles the owner (shareholder) to receive part of the profit (dividends) of the company and part of its property remaining in the event of liquidation of the latter. The shares received are proportional to the number of shares owned by the shareholder. The more shares, the more shares.

Issuing companies that have entered the securities market, using their own shares, directly attract the cheapest and long-term capital - the money of individuals and legal entities; increase their own value and gain fame in the financial market. That is, shares are the same tool for them as they are for their buyers.

The buyer of securities and shares has several profit opportunities. On the one hand, by buying shares of a company, a shareholder becomes the owner of a share in the company and in the future will receive part of the profit, in proportion to his share, in the form of dividends. On the other hand, the shares themselves are equity securities and represent investment instrument. The potential of a share as an investment is due to the fact that securities are traded on the financial market. The profit earned, in this case, depends on the market value of the share. Fluctuations in the value of securities, in different periods of time, can be significant and exceed by an order of magnitude both the purchase price and direct dividends.

Many shares traded on the market are in demand precisely because of fluctuations in their value and the possibility of earning on the price difference, rather than because of the possible dividends accrued by issuing companies.

So, the difference between the price of buying and selling a share can reach 1000%, and this fluctuation fits in a couple of days. For example, the price of one share of one company on Monday was 100 rubles, by Wednesday it became 100,000 rubles. Having bought 100 shares on Monday for 10,000 rubles, by Wednesday, after the sale of shares, the owner becomes a millionaire with a capital of 10,000,000 rubles. Dreams Come True? Ten million rubles is enough to fulfill the main dreams - a car, an apartment and good neighbors?

Of course, in practice, investing in stocks is usually a long-term financial instrument. But the above example is based on real events. The main thing to understand is that buying and selling shares is an excellent financial tool for increasing your own capital.

How to buy shares of Russian companies? Three main methods available

The first way is the most obvious. There are companies that sell their securities on their own. Anyone can buy them by contacting the administration of the company directly. But, the value of shares in unknown enterprises is small, and the dividends paid on these shares are pennies, if they are paid of course. It is better not to deal with such offers if you are not sure about the activities and the future of the enterprise. Alas, to be honest, sellers of shares can use fraudulent schemes.

If you buy shares directly, then better promotions large and well-known companies. For example, Gazprom shares can be bought through their bank - Gazprombank; VTB shares, respectively, through VTB24; shares of Sberbank - in the branches of the bank of this company.

Visit any bank branch closest to you. Probably in it you will find several more offers of direct purchase of securities of large Russian enterprises. The advantage of such an uncomplicated approach is the physical possession of the purchased shares; the cons are also obvious - in order to sell paper shares, you need to visit banking institution; in addition, the number of companies selling securities through banks is very limited. Of course, all these companies are very large and reliable. Which can also be considered a plus.

Shares can also be purchased through your bank's mobile app. This is the second way to invest in securities. Of course, if your bank provides such a service. As a rule, the acquisition of securities takes place through a mutual fund or investment fund. That is, in fact, using this service, you buy a part of a large set of shares owned by the fund. Which companies make up this pool is not up to you. The advantage of this approach is that the fund takes all the risks and asset management. You only receive (or do not receive) a profit from your investments. We will describe the activities of such funds in more detail below.

Therefore, it is better to buy the most profitable and interesting securities of companies on your own. And this is the third, but the most main way investment in securities.

Shares are sold through special stock exchanges, for example, shares of Russian companies are traded through Moscow Exchange. There, shares of more than 300 Russian companies are offered for purchase! An investor who wants to buy them, that is, become a member of the exchange, must open a special brokerage account through an authorized broker.

A stock broker is an operating organization that allows any buyer to independently work with securities on stock exchanges. It is worth noting right away that a broker working in Russian Federation must be licensed Central Bank Russia. The broker provides financial instruments; acts as a regulator and tax agent, taking into account all actions with securities, including the calculation and payment of taxes on profits from shares. This is what a brokerage account is for.

According to the law: in the event that the broker ceases to operate, the shares acquired through it remain with the auctioneer, that is, the buyer.

So, in order to independently buy shares of Gazprom, Magnit, VTB, Aeroflot and other well-known companies, you need to enter the stock exchange through any brokerage company that has a state license. With the spread of the Internet, this procedure can be carried out from home, using special programs— trading terminals — updated information panels organizing access to exchange trading — QUIK.

For independent work on the stock exchange, you must have experience, fundamental knowledge in the field of finance and a large supply of free time. Recall that investing in stocks, in order to make a profit, is an active way of earning. That is, the amount of profit received depends only on your activity as a trader and the correctness of the decision on securities.

The key advantage of independent work on the stock exchange is the ability to choose companies whose shares a trader wants to buy. After all, the notorious shares of Magnit are acquired in this way.

The hybrid option of self-employment through a broker also involves participation in shares investment funds (PIF). As is the case with your bank. Trust management of a property fund (shares and other securities) of a specialized management company in order to increase the value of the property of the fund. The mutual fund is formed from the money of the participants. According to the invested amounts, fund shares are distributed - a registered security certifying the owner's right to a part of the fund's property and profits according to shares. The activities of mutual funds are fully regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation.

The main advantages of participating in mutual funds:

  • financial accessibility: it is not rare that the cost of one share does not exceed 1,000 rubles;
  • tight control by the state;
  • no taxation on profits for the time of holding a share;
  • professional management by the management company: minimization of investment risks;

For beginners who want to invest in securities of little-known companies, it is best to take advantage of such offers. Through own bank or a broker - the choice is yours. As a rule, the broker offers more options than the bank.

Stocks - how to buy and sell yourself through a broker

A large number of questions arise in the field of independent stock trading with the help of brokerage companies. Although there is nothing complicated about this.

After choosing a suitable broker, you need to apply for opening an account. As noted above, most brokers do this remotely - via the Internet. You need to be prepared for the fact that during the registration process you will need to confirm your identity: using copies of documents, numbers mobile phone or through a public services account.

After opening an account, you need to download, install and configure the trading terminal QUIK. The terminal is available for various platforms - from a personal computer to a smartphone running on Android or iOS. This is the simplest and cheap way carrying out independent activities on the stock exchanges. We remind you that to get started, you need to have cash in your account with the broker. As a training and assessment of your capabilities, you can use the broker's virtual account. In this case, the terminal will simulate buying and selling real shares, the profit will not be real, however, and the losses - too.

Before starting work, it is necessary to study the functionality and capabilities of the trading terminal. The broker will help you with this. His website contains all the necessary documentation describing the operation of QUIK terminals. After studying, you can proceed to the direct purchase of shares. To do this, an issuing company is selected and familiarization with its main indicators takes place: dividends, volumes, liquidity, history of value, and the like. If everything suits, the required number of shares of the selected company is bought. The sale of shares through the terminal is similar. Profits and expenses are fixed on your brokerage account. Replenishment and withdrawal of money is carried out different ways: payment cards, electronic money, transfers and even cryptocurrency.

Starting your own investment activity based on working with securities, it is important to understand - no financial guarantees No. Shares, even of the largest and most reliable companies, can lose value for a very long time. This is influenced by many external and internal factors. During this period, the company usually does not pay dividends. That is, such a purchase does not carry any quick profit. Selling shares at prices below the purchase price is a guaranteed loss. Neither the company itself, nor the stock broker through whom the purchase was made, nor the state will compensate for these losses. All actions carried out on the stock exchanges are done under your own responsibility.

To reduce risks, learn how to work on the stock exchange and understand the pricing mechanism, especially for beginners, we recommend working with blue chips.

What are "blue chips"? Or how to find guaranteed profits on stocks

In casinos, traditionally, game chips with the highest denomination are blue. Following this, in the stock market, “blue chips” began to be called shares large companies showing high liquidity and stable profitability.

Over time, in the stock markets, an index of "blue chips" was formed - an indicator of the entire market, taking into account the prices of transactions with the most liquid issuers. Shares of companies from the index form the "first tier". It is believed that the rise or fall in the prices of "blue chips" necessarily entail the corresponding market conditions.

Of course, there are no universally recognized criteria and ways to classify stocks as "first tier". Each exchange and even every trader has their own blue chip list. For example, the Moscow Exchange calculates the index for the shares of the following companies:

  • Gazprom
  • Sberbank
  • Lukoil
  • Magnet
  • Novatek
  • Surgutneftegaz JSC
  • nornickel
  • Rosneft
  • Tatneft
  • Alrosa
  • Moscow Exchange
  • Inter RAO
  • Severstal

In practice, the shares of these companies have a stable upward trend. But, not infrequently, there are periods when the shares of the "second tier" show a much greater income, with a general fall in the "first tier". Key moment the acquisition of "blue chips" lies in their overall high liquidity, therefore, it is easier to sell them, and the price increase is easier to predict.

On the shares of the "first echelon" you can find a lot of analytical material, the most stable mutual funds with low risks are usually built on these shares. Experts generally make working recommendations for these companies.

That is, independent trading of "blue chips" is characterized by a predictable increase in profitability and minimal risks.

And, most importantly, when you start investing in stocks, you should always remember - stock markets are always going up. Learn to choose the right moments: buy on the fall; sell on the rise. It comes with experience. And experience guarantees you a stable future, regardless of third parties.

"Opening broker" - a broker you can try

When choosing a broker, you should think about additional features and small factors that affect your direct work on the stock exchange.

Federal Law No. 99-FZ dated May 5, 2014 “On Amendments to Chapter 4 of Part One Civil Code of the Russian Federation and on the invalidation of certain provisions of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, such an organizational and legal form as a closed joint-stock company was excluded. Instead of the mentioned form, another one has been introduced today - a non-public joint-stock company.

Based on the foregoing, this answer will focus on the procedure for buying and selling shares of a non-public joint-stock company.

In order to sell shares of a company, it is necessary to conclude a contract of sale. According to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contract is concluded in a simple written form and does not require state registration.

Before concluding a sale and purchase agreement, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements provided for by Russian legislation, as well as internal documents of the joint-stock company.

In accordance with par. 4 p. 1 art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies” (hereinafter referred to as the JSC Law), shareholders have the right to alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders and the company, unless otherwise provided by the JSC Law in relation to non-public companies.

So, according to paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of the JSC Law, a shareholder who intends to alienate his shares to a third party is obliged to notify a non-public company about this, the charter of which provides for a pre-emptive right to acquire alienated shares.

Thus, if the company's charter provides for a "preemptive right to purchase", the shareholder is obliged to offer the shares he sells to all shareholders.

In addition, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 7 of the JSC Law, the charter of a non-public company may provide for the need to obtain the consent of shareholders to alienate shares to third parties.

If the shareholders do not exercise their pre-emptive right to acquire the alienated shares within the period specified by law or do not send applications for refusal to give consent to the alienation of shares, you have the right to sell your shares to a third party.

Since the law does not provide state registration and notarial certification of the share purchase agreement, such a transaction, as noted earlier, is concluded in a simple written form.

An essential condition of the contract for the sale of shares is its subject, so the subject of the contract must be determined as accurately as possible. The contract must specify the characteristics of the shares being sold (form of issue, issuer, par value, quantity, state registration number of the shares issue).

Based on the share purchase and sale agreement, the shareholder, who is the seller, draws up a transfer order.

Please note: the requirements for a transfer order are set out in the Regulations on Maintaining the Register of Registered Securities Owners approved by Decree No. 27 of 02.10.1997 of the Federal Securities Commission of Russia.

Thus, in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2 of this provision, the transfer order must contain an instruction to the registrar to make an entry in the register on the transfer of ownership of securities.

In addition, the transfer order must contain data on the person transferring the securities, the person to whose personal account the securities are to be credited, as well as data on the transferred securities.

The form of the transfer order is contained in the annex to the Regulations on maintaining the register of holders of registered securities. It is important to note that if the submitted transfer order conforms to the prescribed form, the registrar is obliged to accept it for consideration.

In order to register the transfer of ownership of securities, you must contact the registrar with the required list of documents. This list includes:

  • transfer order;
  • identity document;
  • the original or a notarized copy of the document confirming the rights of the authorized representative;
  • written consent of the participants fractional ownership, in the case of shared ownership of securities;
  • certificates of securities belonging to the previous owner, in the documentary form of issue.

Please note: in accordance with Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 39-FZ of April 22, 1996 “On the Securities Market”, a professional participant in the securities market who has a license to carry out register keeping activities (i.e. . registrar).

The list of licensed registrars is posted on the Bank of Russia website on the Internet in the sections "Financial Markets" - "Supervision of Financial Market Participants" - "Securities Market and Commodity Market".

Summarizing the above, the procedure for carrying out a transaction for the purchase and sale of shares may look as follows.

Step 1. Examination of the charter of the joint-stock company in terms of the corporate procedures provided for by it in the event of the sale of shares to a third party who is not a shareholder of the company.

Step 2. Compliance with the corporate procedures provided for by law or the charter of the company (in particular, the pre-emptive right to purchase or obtain the consent of shareholders to sell shares to a third party).

Step 3. Preparation and signing of a share purchase agreement.

Step 4. Registration of the transfer order.

Step 5. Appeal to the registrar with a transfer order and an application from a new shareholder containing information about the information required for entering into the register.

Step 6. Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

You can carry out the procedure for buying and selling shares yourself or you can seek help from a law firm.

How to sell shares on the stock exchange? Any newcomer starting his journey on financial markets asked this question. You can buy and sell shares of a joint-stock company on the stock exchange, through a broker, or directly if the securities have not passed initial placement on the stock exchange (IPO). The order of sale also depends on how exactly you got the shares at your disposal.

How and where can I sell shares received during privatization?

If you received shares as a result of privatization (that is, in the early 90s), you can contact:

    to a buyer (individual, investment company), who is likely to offer the minimum amount;

    to a broker - he knows how to sell shares correctly.

Through a broker, you can sell shares on the stock exchange, which means at a market price. To do this, you need to issue an inter-depository transfer of shares to the broker's account. Send the application or order to the depositary or registrar. As soon as the shares are transferred to the broker, you can profitably sell them on the exchange and get money (minus commissions).

It is worth contacting a broker if you have a lot of shares and they are in demand on the stock exchange.

How to buy and sell shares bought from a broker?

If you already have an account with brokerage company and you have bought shares, you just have to choose the time and sell your securities. For trading, brokers provide software (or mobile applications), with which you can make transactions online.

How to sell shares by proxy?

You can sell shares for another person, or someone else can do it for you. The representative of the owner of shares can perform various actions with securities if he has a power of attorney. This is somewhat more complicated than just selling shares to an individual, as it requires an additional set of documents.

However, the sale of securities by proxy is possible. Do not forget that stock transactions are a rather extensive list of actions. Therefore, the scope of the representative's powers must be clearly spelled out by the principal in the power of attorney.

Why sell shares?

It would seem that securities are a good investment tool. It is enough to know how to buy shares, and they will constantly bring dividends. In fact, even blue chips do not give a high dividend yield. 3-4% of the market value of a share is a good indicator. Sales are the main source of income. Annual percentage can be 40-50% or even more. But, alas, there are risks.

In October 2015 the shares Lukoil cost 2300 rubles. A year later, their price increased to 3100 rubles. Holders received 800 rubles from each share. The annual yield was 34.7%, excluding dividends.

It is not necessary to buy exactly blue chips or stocks for a quick sale. History knows examples of brilliant investors whose strategy is characterized by a simple credo: "Invest forever." One of them, Warren Buffett, the "Seer" as he was called on the stock market, became the richest man in the world by buying shares of undervalued companies and holding out for at least 10 years.

In 1989, Buffett bought a 9.16% stake in the company. Coca Cola . At that time, the value of one share barely reached $5. Today, the price is over $40, and Buffett's net worth - that 9.16% - is now worth more than $16 billion. The investor is not going to sell shares, despite some problems in the company.

How to profitably sell shares?

The rules are simple. Work through a broker and sell shares on the stock exchange, follow quotes, the state of the company and industry news. Calculate dividend yield and profit from the sale - so you can get more. And, most importantly, never rush into decisions and do not sell shares cheaper than you bought them.

How can I buy/sell PJSC Gazprom shares?

Shares are property that a shareholder has the right to dispose of at his own discretion. He can sell the shares to any natural or legal person who wishes to purchase them at a mutually beneficial contractual price.

The purchase is made on the basis of a sale and purchase agreement drawn up in accordance with applicable law, with subsequent re-registration of ownership rights at the place of registration of rights to shares (in a depository or with a registrar).

Shares of PJSC Gazprom (hereinafter also referred to as the Company, company) can be bought or sold with the help of a professional participant in the securities market. As a rule, such services are provided by investment companies and commercial banks. The company's shares can be purchased or sold, including at the branches of Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company), tel. help desk 8 800 100-07-01 (free in Russia), +7 495 913-74-74.

Please note that PJSC Gazprom does not sell or buy its own shares. Federal Law No. 208-FZ dated December 26, 1995 “On Joint Stock Companies” provides for a limited list of cases of transfer of own shares from a joint stock company to another person. Such cases are: the establishment of a company, the placement of additional shares, the sale of shares previously acquired or redeemed from shareholders (in this case, these shares must be sold at a price not lower than their market value no later than one year from the date of transfer of ownership of the redeemed shares to the company ). Currently hosting additional PJSC shares Gazprom is not implemented. PJSC Gazprom also did not purchase or buy back its own shares. Thus, in accordance with the current legislation, the Company currently does not have the opportunity to sell its own shares to any person.

Shares can be sold in full or in part. It should be borne in mind that income received from the sale of securities is subject to income tax. individuals in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The share price is not a constant value. It changes depending on supply and demand in the securities market (Russian stock exchanges).

Get information about the share price of PJSC Gazprom at stock market available in the media, as well as on the website of the stock exchange CJSC "MICEX Stock Exchange" (

On the website of the stock exchange, you can also get acquainted with the lists of professional participants in the securities market who are bidders.

Information on the current quotations of PJSC Gazprom shares on Russian stock exchanges at international trading floors can also be obtained from the official website of PJSC Gazprom. The site also provides an opportunity to see the dynamics of the share price of PJSC Gazprom for the desired period, to compare historical and current stock quotes of PJSC Gazprom and leading Russian and foreign oil and gas companies, as well as indices of leading Russian and world stock exchanges. In addition, the site publishes the main financial indicators company, its annual and financial reports.

Please note that the decision to sell is made only by the shareholder. Our information about the possibility of selling shares is for explanatory purposes only.

What rights do PJSC Gazprom shareholders have?

Shareholders of PJSC Gazprom, as well as other joint-stock companies, have the following basic rights:

  • participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the Meeting) with the right to vote on all issues within the competence of the Meeting;
  • receive dividends.

The presence of at least 2% of shares allows a shareholder or a group of shareholders of the company to nominate candidates to the Board of Directors, the Audit Commission of PJSC Gazprom, as well as propose issues for inclusion in the agenda of the Meeting. A shareholder or a group of shareholders owning at least 10% of shares may initiate an extraordinary Meeting of PJSC Gazprom.

How to take part in the General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC Gazprom?

The list of persons entitled to participate in the Meeting is compiled on the basis of the Company's shareholder register data as of the date determined by the Board of Directors in preparation for the Meeting.

Based on paragraph 2 of Art. 60 of the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, shareholders specified in the list of persons entitled to participate in the Meeting, no later than 20 days before the date of the Meeting, are sent by registered mail, including ballots for voting on agenda items. When summing up the voting results, the votes represented by voting ballots received by the Company no later than two days before the date of the Meeting shall be taken into account.

The notice of the Meeting, including information on the time of registration of the Meeting participants, including, is posted on the Internet information and telecommunications network on the Company's website () no later than 30 days before the date of the Meeting.

Shareholders wishing to take part in the Meeting in person must present themselves at the registration of the Meeting participants with an identity document at the specified time.

At present, the total number of shareholders of the Company exceeds 500 thousand. Given this circumstance, shareholders are advised to exercise their rights to participate in the Meeting through their representatives by proxy or send completed voting ballots to the Company.

Are there preferred shares of PJSC Gazprom?

In accordance with PJSC Gazprom's Articles of Association, all issued and placed shares of the Company are ordinary registered uncertificated shares of the same par value. The Company did not issue preferred shares.

What is ADR?

ADR (American depository receipt, ADR, American Depositary Receipt) for the Company's ordinary shares is a security issued by the American depositary bank The Bank Of New York Mellon, which is freely traded on the foreign stock market. An ADR certifies ownership of shares deposited with The Bank Of New York Mellon. One ADR corresponds to two shares of PJSC Gazprom. It is possible to convert ordinary shares of PJSC Gazprom into ADRs and vice versa.

Can a Gazprom shareholder sell his shares on a foreign market?

In order for shares to be sold on a foreign market, they must first be converted into ADRs. In order to carry out the necessary measures for such conversion, it is advisable to contact a professional participant in the securities market - a brokerage company or a bank, which, on behalf of the shareholder, will take all the required actions.

How to determine what tax will have to be paid in case of sale of shares?

In accordance with paragraphs. 5 paragraph 1 of article 208 tax code Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), income from sources in the Russian Federation includes income from the sale of shares or other securities in the Russian Federation, which, on the basis of Article 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are recognized as an object of taxation by personal income tax (hereinafter - personal income tax) from individuals who are tax residents Russian Federation, and not being such.

Individuals who actually stay in the Russian Federation for at least 183 calendar days within 12 consecutive months are recognized as tax residents (clause 2 of article 207 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Income from the sale of shares received by individuals - tax residents of the Russian Federation is taxed at a rate of 13% (clause 1 of article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), by individuals who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation - at a rate of 30% (clause 3 of Art. 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If, in accordance with an international treaty (agreement), income paid to a non-resident is taxed in the Russian Federation according to reduced rates, then in order to calculate and withhold the amount of tax at the corresponding reduced rates, the taxpayer must present to the tax agent confirmation that he, within the relevant tax period(or part thereof) is a resident of a state with which the Russian Federation has current contract(agreement) on the avoidance of double taxation, certified by the competent authority of the relevant foreign state. Documents confirming the residency of the taxpayer, in in due course are subject to legalization or they must be affixed with an apostille (with the exception of foreign countries with which mutual agreements have been reached on accepting documents confirming residence without an apostille or consular legalization)

Features of the definition tax base, calculus and payment of personal income tax on operations with securities, Art. 214.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The tax base for operations with securities is recognized as a positive financial result, defined as the difference between income from operations with securities and documented and actually incurred by the taxpayer expenses associated with the acquisition, sale, storage of securities (Article 214.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Documents confirming these expenses are issued by persons and organizations that accounted for the shares and, on behalf of the shareholder, sold them, or those that purchased them from the shareholder (brokers, trustees, management companies, as well as other persons performing transactions with shares in the benefit of their owners).

If tax agent(broker, trustee) for any reason was not withheld personal income tax, then at the end of the year in which the shares were sold, in tax office a declaration of income is provided, and with it the indicated documents.

On the taxation of personal income tax on income from the sale of shares acquired at the expense of privatization checks (vouchers)

In letters from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 34.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is authorized to give written explanations on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, it is reported that, as expenses for the acquisition of shares received during privatization, considered their market value at the time of exchange for vouchers, and in the absence of a market value of shares - the nominal (contractual) value of vouchers transferred for shares (letters No. -04-05/3-990; No. 03-04-05/3-163 dated February 10, 2012; No. 03-04-05/3-212 dated February 22, 2012; No. 03-04-05/ dated April 20, 2012 3-541). This position supported judicial practice(see, for example, the rulings of the Moscow City Court dated November 10, 2010 in case No. 33-34499 and dated May 3, 2011 in case No. 4g/5-2019/11; regional court dated December 2, 2010 in case No. 33-23320).

Should a shareholder of PJSC Gazprom submit information about the change in his personal data at the place of registration of shares?

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 5 of Art. 44 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies” and clause 1 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated 07.08.2001 “On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”, a person registered in the register of shareholders of the Company must promptly update information about himself, his representatives, as well as beneficial owners and beneficiaries (for individuals: full name, other passport details, including the address of the place of registration; for legal entities: name, PSRN, TIN, location in accordance with the charter, full name head) at the place of registration of shares (in the depositary "Gazprombank" (Joint Stock Company), another depository or with the registrar - JSC "DRAGA").

If this is not done, the shareholder may not receive information for the Meeting, voting ballots, as well as due dividends. In addition, there may be difficulties in carrying out any of the transactions with securities, such as execution of a purchase and sale transaction, obtaining account statements, statements of account movements for tax services, registration of interdepository transfer, inheritance, donation.

For the timely and prompt receipt of dividends, the shareholder should provide reliable information about all changes in personal data before the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to receive dividends (the date is determined by the decision of the Meeting).

Features of adjusting the parameters of a personal account in the Depository Center "Gazprombank" (Joint Stock Company)

All operations related to changing the client's data in the Gazprombank depository (Joint-Stock Company) are carried out only on behalf of the clients themselves. The depositary has no right to execute clients' instructions received by mail, since the identification of the client's identity in the depositary is made by the client's passport and personal signature. Therefore, the attendance of the shareholder to change the data is mandatory.

If your new passport does not contain a stamp with the data of the old passport, the shareholder must provide the depository with a certificate confirming the replacement of the passport.

After the adjustment of the account parameters, the shareholder, if necessary, will be issued an extract from the depo account.

Depository Center JSC Gazprombank

2nd Upper Mikhailovsky proezd, 9/11, Moscow, 115419

Single reference:
8 800 100-07-01 (calls within the territory of the Russian Federation are free),
+7 495 913-74-74,
+7 495 719-18-62 fax.

Features of adjusting the parameters of a personal account with the registrar JSC "DRAGA"

To verify the parameters of the personal account of the shareholder with the registrar - JSC "DRAGA", the shareholder must fill out and send the following documents to the registrar:

The sample signature of the shareholder on the Questionnaire must be notarized (if the Questionnaire is not filled in in the presence of the registrar's employee). The date (day, month, year) of signature certification must be indicated in words. The surname, name and patronymic of the notary certifying the signature, as well as the person whose signature is being certified, are also indicated in full.

Clause 7 of the Questionnaire indicates the address of the place of registration and place of residence of the shareholder according to the passport, clause 8 - the address of the place of his actual residence/registration/stay. Clause 9 of the Questionnaire indicates the postal address for sending correspondence to the shareholder, as well as dividends by postal order (if the shareholder has chosen a postal order as the form of payment of dividends).

Please pay attention to paragraph 13 of the Questionnaire “Form of payment of dividends”. If you choose the form of dividend payment " Bank transfer”, then in clause 14 of the Questionnaire you will need to indicate the details of your bank account.

Identity document - a copy certified by a notary.

If there is no passport data on page 19 of the current passport at the time of the purchase of shares, you must additionally provide a certificate of change of passport containing information about the current passport and the previous passport, including all intermediate passports. The certificate must be signed by an official and sealed, the original certificate or a copy certified by a notary is provided.

In case of changes in the surname and/or name and/or patronymic that have occurred since the acquisition of shares, it is necessary to provide a document confirming the changes (original or a copy certified by a notary).

The completed Questionnaire must be submitted to the registrar in one of the following ways:

  • send by mail to the addresses of the registrar - in this case, the sample of your signature on the Questionnaire must be notarized. Notarized copies of documents must be attached to the Questionnaire;
  • present in person, appearing at the addresses of the registrar. In this case, operations in the registry can be carried out on the basis of original documents and notarized copies of documents are not required to be attached to the Questionnaire;
  • submit through his representative, authorized by power of attorney, for which the representative must personally appear at the registrar's addresses with the necessary documents.

Filled in if you wish to receive a document confirming the ownership of shares

In the columns “Registered person” and “Order given”, you should indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, passport data. On the reverse side of the order, you must put your signature, and it must match your signature on the Questionnaire of a registered person.

Upon receipt by the registrar specified documents and payment receipts Your data in the register will be edited and an extract from the register of shareholders of PJSC Gazprom will be sent to you.

We would like to inform you that it is the duty of the shareholder to timely provide information about changes in their data (passport data, place of residence, bank details at non-cash form dividend payments, etc.). If a shareholder fails to provide information about changes in their data (according to clause 5, article 44 of Federal Law No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies” dated December 26, 1995), PJSC Gazprom and the registrar shall not be liable for any damage caused in connection with this losses, including those related to non-payment or late payment of dividends.

What determines the size of PJSC Gazprom's dividends?

The amount of dividends for shares of PJSC Gazprom is calculated based on the value net profit reflected in financial statements PJSC Gazprom (parent company) for Russian standards. In turn, the amount of net profit depends on the production and financial results company activities.

In 2010, the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom (since July 17, 2015, PJSC Gazprom) approved the Dividend Policy of PJSC Gazprom, which determined the principles for determining the amount of dividends.

In accordance with this document, from 17.5% to 35% of the Company's net profit can be directed to dividends

The calculation of the amount of dividends is made in the following sequence.

Part of the net profit is directed to the formation of a reserve fund.

A portion of net profit in the amount of 10% is allocated to dividends. Part of the net profit in the amount of up to 75%, but not less than 40%, is reserved for use for investment purposes. The remaining part of the net profit after these deductions is directed equally to the payment of dividends and reservations for use for investment purposes.

The amount of net profit, from which the amount of dividends is calculated, can be adjusted (decreased) by the amount of the revaluation financial investments PJSC "Gazprom". This approach allows directing only that part of the profit that is provided by real cash flow to the payment of dividends.

Recommendations on the amount of dividends are submitted by the Board of Directors to the Meeting, which makes the final decision. At the same time, the size annual dividends, approved by the Meeting, cannot be more than recommended by the Board of Directors.

How are dividends paid out?

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies” and PJSC Gazprom’s Articles of Association, the persons holding shares as of the end of the business day of the date determined by the shareholders’ meeting at which the decision to pay dividends was made are entitled to receive annual dividends. Such a date cannot be set earlier than 10 days from the date of the decision to pay (announce) dividends and later than 20 days from the date of such decision. The term for payment of dividends to a nominal holder and a trustee who is a professional participant in the securities market, who are registered in the register of shareholders, should not exceed 10 business days, and to other persons registered in the register of shareholders - 25 business days from the date on which the persons entitled to receiving dividends.

The agent for the payment of dividends to the shareholders of PJSC Gazprom is Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company), which pays dividends through its branches and other financial structures after the transfer by PJSC Gazprom Money. Due to changes in legislation, starting with dividends paid in 2014 based on the results of the Company's activities in 2013, Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) is a paying agent for the payment of dividends only to persons registered directly in the register. Persons who are clients of depositories (including Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) depository) are paid dividends by these depositories (cascade principle of dividend payment).

For the convenience of receiving dividends, a shareholder may give a written instruction at the place of registration of shares (JSC DRAGA, Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company), another depository), indicating in the Questionnaire at the place of registration of shares the method of receiving dividends: by postal or bank transfer.

If it is necessary to change the payment method and details for receiving accrued dividends (address of residence when receiving dividends by postal order, bank account details, etc.) after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to receive them (provided that the accrued dividends are still were not received by the shareholder), the shareholder must contact the organization that keeps records of the rights of this shareholder to the shares of the Company (depository or registrar), make appropriate changes to the personal data. These changes are brought to the attention of the Company through the accounting system in order to pay dividends.

How can a shareholder of PJSC Gazprom who is not a resident of the Russian Federation receive dividends?

Russian issuers make settlements with the owners of their securities only in rubles. If a non-resident shareholder of PJSC Gazprom has accounts with Russian banks, dividends can, at the request of the shareholder, be transferred to one of them. To do this, the details of this account must be contained in the personal data of the shareholder in the organization that records the rights to shares of PJSC Gazprom (depository or registrar).

Sending ruble postal orders abroad is not possible.

When can I buy or sell shares on the MICEX Stock Exchange in order to be eligible for dividends?

In accordance with Art. 42 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies”, dividends are paid to persons who were owners of shares of the corresponding category (type) or persons exercising rights under these shares in accordance with federal laws, at the end of the business day of the date, on which, in accordance with the decision on the payment of dividends, the persons entitled to receive them are determined.

According to Art. 29 of the Federal Law of April 22, 1996 N 39-FZ “On the Securities Market”, the right to a registered book-entry security passes to the acquirer in the event that the rights to securities are recorded by a person engaged in depositary activities - from the moment a credit entry is made on the acquirer’s depo account .

In accordance with the Rules for Trading in Securities of CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange, as well as the Additional Conditions for Trading in Securities on CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange, to the acquirer who concluded a transaction at the trading of CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange in the trading mode "Main Trading Mode T+" securities purchased by him will be credited to his depo account with NCO CJSC NSD on the 2nd (second) trading day from the date of the transaction.

For example, consider the situation with the payment of annual dividends based on the results of the Company's activities in 2013. According to the decision of the annual general meeting shareholders (Minutes No. 1 dated June 27, 2014), the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends are determined is July 17, 2014. Thus, for transactions concluded at the trading of MICEX Stock Exchange CJSC in the trading mode “Main trading mode T + » on or after July 16, 2014, securities will be credited to depo accounts with NCO CJSC NSD later than the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends are determined, and the holders of such securities will not be entitled to receive dividends based on performance for 2013. The sellers of shares who entered into transactions at the auctions of CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange in the trading mode "Main trading mode T+" on 15.07.2014 and earlier will also not be entitled to receive dividends on the Company's shares based on the results of work for 2013.

How to enter into the rights to inherit shares?

Registration of ownership rights to shares, as well as to other property that passes by inheritance, is carried out in accordance with existing legal norms.

In order to obtain the right to inherit PJSC Gazprom shares, if less than six months have passed since the death of the owner of the shares, it is necessary to apply to a notary or (if more than six months have passed and the heirs have not applied to a notary to register any property belonging to the testator) - to the judicial authorities at the last place of registration (registration) of the owner of the shares (testator), and obtain a certificate of the right to inherit shares and dividends by law or a court decision.

Notary or judge based on the application of the heir, presentation of the original death certificate and one of the documents confirming the right of the deceased relative to own shares (this may be an extract from the register of shareholders of PJSC Gazprom, a copy of the personal account in the depositary, ballots for voting at the shareholders' meeting PJSC Gazprom, sent to the shareholder) opens an inheritance file. The notary (judge) must send a request about the number of shares in the account and the number of dividends due to be paid to the testator at the place of registration of shares (JSC "DRAGA", "Gazprombank" (Joint Stock Company), another depository, and if the place of registration is unknown to the heirs - to PJSC "Gazprom"). Please note that the request is made on a special form in Russian. In the request, the notary (judge) must indicate in full the last name, first name, patronymic, address and other available data that allow identifying the shareholder in the register. The signature on the request must be certified by a round seal.

After receiving information upon request, the notary draws up a certificate of the right to inherit shares and dividends under the law, and the judge issues a corresponding court decision.

Then the heir must appear at the organization at the place of registration of the shares of the testator, having with him a passport and the original of the Certificate (court decision). At the same time, he opens an account in his own name, draws up an order for the transfer of shares by inheritance and pays for the services of a registrar / depository in accordance with the approved tariffs.

Does PJSC Gazprom provide material assistance to shareholders?

Currently, the current legislation, PJSC Gazprom's Articles of Association and other internal documents of the Company do not provide for material assistance, benefits or any other benefits for the Company's shareholders.

Moreover, according to federal law"On Joint Stock Companies" dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ (clause 1, article 31) each ordinary share The company grants the shareholder - its owner the same amount of rights.

Thus, all shareholders of PJSC Gazprom enjoy equal rights arising from the ownership security The Company does not make any additional payments to individual shareholders.

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