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How to find out the queue for housing for orphans. How is the waiting list for improving housing conditions formed and where can I see the list of waiting lists? Why you need to know the queue number

Moscow proposes to create an online waiting list for the right to receive social housing. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of Moscow Tatyana Potyaeva. According to her, the city property department will be recommended to publish the waiting list on the agency's website.

"On the website of the city property department, the information should be transparent so that any person on the waiting list could go to the site and see how his line is progressing," Potyaeva explained.

According to her, the main appeals of residents to her concern precisely housing issue. "The main topics of concern to Muscovites are: long waiting in line for the right to receive social housing, illegal removal from the housing register, failure to provide a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment, as well as complaints about the resettlement of communal apartments, eviction from emergency or recognized as unsuitable housing," the interlocutor noted. website.

Potyaeva added that all the problems of the housing sector will be discussed at a meeting with the chairman of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation. "We will also recommend that the Department of Property of the City of Moscow inform people about all changes in legislation in the field of housing policy," the Moscow Ombudsman concluded.

The Department of City Property explained the site that on this moment on the official website of the department there is a service with which you can find out your number in the queue for receiving social housing. “You can enter your data and find out your number in the queue. In accordance with federal law, we do not have the right to publish personal data,” the source emphasized. federal law"On personal data" information about citizens who are registered with housing refers to information with limited access, and cannot be transferred to third parties without the consent of its owner.

You can find out for free the serial number in the queue for receiving social housing from the Department of City Property, as well as through the portal of public services. For the request, you need to specify the case number, year of registration, county and district of residence. As of July this year, there are more than 100,000 people in the queue for housing in Moscow.

Moreover, the first part of those on the waiting list (62.7 thousand) are people who were on the waiting list until 2005, when they were registered regardless of income, and the rest of the people (11.7 thousand) are checked, in addition to the availability of square meters, also family income. This year, the authorities allocated as housing subsidies for the purchase and construction of housing to those on the waiting list.

Luiza Martyanova, chairman of the public organization "Moscow's waiting list", believes that an online list would make life easier for those on the waiting list. "The problem is that you need not just to find out the number in the queue, but to see an open list of people on the waiting list. People need to know who is behind whom, and who has already received housing," she stressed.

According to her, they used to post full lists of people on the waiting list. “People could somehow control the lists and calculate how long they would receive housing,” Martyanova explained.

The interlocutor of the site added that there is no need to write personal data of Muscovites in the lists. "The list must contain the surname and initials. They are not personal data, and they can be posted in the public domain," she concluded.

The head of the Internet and Law company, Anton Sergo, explained that it is quite possible to make a waiting list without violating the personal data of citizens. "A person who gets in line can be given to sign a paper that he allows the use of his personal data. At the same time, this data can be reduced to the utmost. For example, indicate the first letters of the last name of the first name and patronymic of the queue. This information is enough for a person to see his place in turn and make sure that ten new people on the waiting list do not appear in front of him, - the expert emphasized. - At the same time, this information is not enough to identify the identities of other people on the waiting list, therefore this information does not belong to the category of personal data. "

According to him, the full publication of personal data can attract the attention of scammers. “Scammers can play on the trust or expectations of people, as well as involve them in dubious schemes,” he said. “If all the data is correctly encrypted and does not violate the requirements of the law, then the waiting list will have nothing to fear.”

Last year housing subsidies benefited needy Muscovites. The city received only 20-25 percent of positive responses from citizens, despite allocating the full amount of funds to provide subsidies to those on the waiting list. To join the queue, you must be registered in the capital for at least 10 years and have living space less than 10 square meters per person. In 2015, the Moscow authorities offered people on the waiting list to improve their living conditions.

Fedotov Anatoly, Anastasia Maltseva, Svetlana Kazantseva

Improvement living conditions citizens of the Russian Federation is one of the priority tasks in the field of housing.

The current legislation guarantees Every citizen has the right to have a home. And the real assistance of the state in resolving this issue is no longer a fairy tale, but a reality. To do this, you just need to know how to get in line, how to track its movement and some other nuances.

How to get in line?

Unfortunately, the situation in the country is developing in such a way that many citizens actually need to improve their living conditions.

Getting in such a situation is quite realistic.

The first thing that is required for this is to get on the waiting list for the improvement of living conditions. Such a queue, in accordance with housing legislation, should be formed in each subject of the federation and municipality.

In order to be on the waiting list, citizens must be officially recognized as in need of better housing. And this requires two reasons:

  1. The family (or citizen) must receive the status of the poor.
  2. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space that she owns must be below the established social norm for each family member.
  3. To register a family, please contact local authorities self-government (district administration). There you need to provide a certain package of documents.

An example list of documents is as follows:

In addition, the district administration need to write an application with a request to assess the existing housing conditions and consider the possibility of putting them on the waiting list for their improvement.

The process of consideration and decision making is not fast at all. All submitted documents are carefully checked, as well as the real conditions of housing.

Based on the results of the inspection of housing conditions, an appropriate act is drawn up, which reflects the living conditions of the family. This is allotted 30 calendar days, after which a decision is made on queuing for the improvement of housing conditions or on refusal, and an official response is sent to the applicant.

Principles of queue movement

Movement of the receiving queue state aid must be constantly monitored.

The speed of movement of the queue in different regions is different.

There are no general principles of its movement and everything depends only on economic condition municipality and local authorities.

Citizens usually receive improved housing when the region vacant living quarters appear.

As practice shows, the queue of people in need of better living conditions moves extremely slowly, and families receive the coveted square meters only after 10 or even 20 years.

What is a grace line?

Preferential (accelerated) promotion in turn to improve housing conditions is possible only in two cases:

  1. If housing is officially recognized as completely unsuitable for further residence and cannot be restored.
  2. If a family member suffers from one of the diseases listed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378 "On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases ...".

In these cases, the waiting period can be reduced to several months.

How to check your turn?

There are several ways to check your number in the housing improvement queue:

In addition, it is possible to track your queue using a special online service.

Each district has an electronic database that reflects reliable, up-to-date information about all the waiting lists and the serial number of each of them.

Grounds for removal from the queue

The housing legislation provides for the following legal grounds for exclusion of a citizen (or family) from the waiting list to improve living conditions:

Removal from the queue is possible only if there are compelling reasons and occurs within 30 days from the date of their discovery.

The housing issue has always been different particular problem. Those who really need to improve living conditions may well count on. But for this it is necessary to provide only reliable information and documents.

Video: How to register for the improvement of housing conditions?

The video provides an explanation of who and on what grounds can join the queue for improving housing conditions.

It tells how the program for providing social housing in Moscow is being implemented, what areas of beneficiaries exist and what they can apply for if they take part in this program.

Residents of the Moscow region of certain categories can receive housing under the contract social recruitment free of charge. For information on what requirements must be met and how to register as a person in need of housing, read the material of the portal site.

Who has the right

Source: Main Department of State Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region

Citizens recognized as poor can register as those in need of residential premises provided under a social contract of employment. Citizens of the Moscow Region can be recognized as poor if the amount of average per capita income and the estimated value of property is lower than or equal to the threshold value of income and property value. Thresholds are set by municipal administrations.

In order to be registered as needing housing, a resident of the Moscow Region, recognized as poor, must meet a number of other requirements:

Do not own a dwelling or not be a tenant of a dwelling under a social tenancy agreement. The same requirements apply to members of his family;

If a citizen or members of his family owns housing or it is in use under a social tenancy agreement, then total area living quarters per family member should be less than the accounting norm. The accounting norm is also set by the administration of the municipality. It is important to distinguish between the accounting rate and the provision rate. The provision rate refers to an apartment that must be provided to those on the waiting list for housing;

To live in a room that does not meet the requirements established for residential premises;

To own an apartment or be a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement and live in an apartment occupied by several families, if the family includes a patient with a severe form of a chronic disease, in which it is impossible to live together with him in the same apartment. The list of diseases is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Required documents

Source: RIAMO, Alexander Kozhokhin

In order to register as a person in need of housing provided under a social tenancy agreement, you will need the following documents:

Financial personal account;

Medical report on a severe form of a chronic disease (if any);

Application for registration as a municipal entity in need of residential premises housing stock;

Documents proving the identity of the applicant and his family members;

Extract from the house book;

Technical passport for a dwelling (in the presence of a housing owned or rented under a social rental agreement);

Documents confirming the right to use the residential premises occupied by the applicant and members of his family;

Documents confirming the family relationship of the applicant;

An act of checking the applicant's housing conditions (confirming the non-compliance of the residential premises with the established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, other requirements of the law).

Where to go

🔹 Victims natural Disasters who have lost their homes;

🔹 graduates of orphanages, boarding schools, orphans in care after reaching the age of 18;

🔹 doctors, teachers and other professionals who have moved to work on distribution to other settlements far from the place of original residence;

🔹 judges, prosecutors, district inspectors;

🔹 disabled people and pensioners who were discharged from a medical institution and need housing.

What is a general queue

AT housing waiting listsapplicants whose status is not priority are included. However, they meet the following conditions:

📌 continuously living in the region for 5 years;

📌 according to the level of income, they belong to the category of “low-income”;

📌 do not have their own housing or live in a room where the area for each roommate is below the established norm;

📌 did not take actions to worsen their housing situation or the level of material security.

Special occasions

The queue for an apartment for orphans

At the age of 14, every orphan child who needs housing is included in the list of applicants for an apartment from the state. The application is submitted by the trustee, guardian or administration of the institution where the child lives. An orphan himself can also apply, but only after reaching the age of 18.

The application is filled in two copies: one is transferred to the local administration, the other - to the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

In accordance with current legislation, an orphan child can receive social housing no earlier than one year after registering in the queue. In practice, the procedure may take longer.

The queue for housing for military personnel by personal number

Upon enlistment, each soldier becomes a member of a single state system, which is aimed at buying a home with a mortgage on preferential terms. The amount to cover the first loan installment is accumulated on special account military during the first three years of service. If the monthly payments for the selected apartment do not exceed the established level, they are compensated by public institution- Rosreestr.

When registering, participants are assigned an individual number by which you can track the amount of savings on the official website of Rosreestr.

Where canlook at the apartment

Through the Internet. Check housing queueIt is possible through the Internet in the regional electronic database. Currently, online verification is available only in the capital and major cities such as St. Petersburg, Kemerovo and some others. For example, in Moscowsee the waiting listavailable on the public services portal

Instruction how find out about housing through the Internet:

🔻 go to official sitepublic services - the Department of City Property of Moscow or your city, through which you can send a request to receive data fromelectronic queue for housing;

🔻 go to the "Housing Funds" section;

🔻 select the "Useful services" subsection or a subsection with a similar name (on different portals, the names of the sections may differ);

🔻 in the proposed menu, select the item "Order number in the queue";

🔻 fill in the fields with personal data: indicate the case number, county, district, year of registration;

🔻 click the "Submit request" button and find outnumber on the waiting listafter a few seconds.

Find out if available online check in your city, you can when applying for social housing.

Through local authorities. Each family that is on the waiting list for public housing assistance can request information and advance their forgiveness an unlimited number of times. general list beneficiaries. To find out your current number in the queue for an apartment, contact the housing department. There are two ways to apply.

Good afternoon!
In order:

  1. The procedure for providing assistance to residents of the city of Moscow, including families with many children, in improving housing conditions is established by the Law of the city of Moscow dated 14.06.2006 No. 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to housing”. Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 27, 2011 No. 454-PP “On approval State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2018) “Housing” approved a program for providing living quarters for citizens who are registered in the housing register in the city of Moscow by m / f.
  2. According to the Law of the City of Moscow, residential premises from the housing stock of the city or assistance from the city in acquiring residential premises for ownership is provided to residents of the city of Moscow who were on a housing register or registered in need of assistance from the city of Moscow in acquiring residential premises.
  3. Benefits for families with three or more children: write-off of 30% of the purchase price of an apartment purchased from the city. (purchase and sale by installments or by installments and using social mortgage lending; write-off of the cost of 30% of the living area for residential premises purchased from the city at the birth (adoption) of children during the period of validity of the contract of sale with installment payment; usage maternity capital to pay off debts when acquiring a dwelling from the housing stock; providing a subsidy for the construction or purchase of residential premises in the amount of the standard cost of residential premises. (The amount of the subsidy for large families, is equal to 100% of the standard cost of the premises).
  4. At the moment, about 6-7 thousand applications from citizens for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow (about 2 thousand from large families), among which are such categories as: disabled people of groups 1 and 2, single mothers, families with disabled children.
  5. According to Article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Article 17 of the Law of the City of Moscow, the provision of housing for citizens strictly in order priority based on the time of registration of such citizens.
  7. To get acquainted with the serial number in the queue for the provision of residential housing, visit Housing Fund of Moscow.
  8. You can find out the queue number and cases of those on the waiting list for the provision of a subsidy by submitting an application to the DGI of Moscow.

Deterioration of living conditions.
Residents of the city of Moscow are recognized as needing residential premises after five years after they have committed actions, as a result of which such citizens may be recognized as needing residential premises. When providing residential premises to residents of the city of Moscow from the housing stock of the city of Moscow or assistance from the city of Moscow in the acquisition of residential premises by residents of the city of Moscow, the actions that led to the deterioration of housing conditions and civil law transactions with residential premises, the commission of which led to a decrease in the size of occupied residential premises, are taken into account. premises or to their alienation, for five years preceding the provision of residential premises or assistance from the city of Moscow.
2. The actions that led to the deterioration of living conditions include:
1) changing the procedure for using residential premises by making transactions; (registration extract)
2) exchange of living quarters;
3) failure to comply with the terms of agreements on the use of residential premises, which resulted in the eviction of citizens in a judicial proceeding;
4) change in the composition of the family, including as a result of divorce;
5) moving other persons into a dwelling (with the exception of moving in temporary residents);
6) allocation of shares by the owners of residential premises;
7) alienation of residential premises or parts of residential premises owned by citizens and members of their families.
Health to your big family!

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