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Apartments in Lipetsk. Buy an apartment in Lipetsk. Typical houses and apartment layouts: Leningradka Series building type 91

The majority of housing in apartment buildings in Moscow and the Moscow Region are apartments in serial (standard) houses. A series of houses is a group of residential buildings with identical apartment layouts, engineering structures and building materials used. Layouts in such houses are called typical. You can combine different series of houses according to the material of the walls or on a temporary basis.

There are three main types of building materials used:

  • brick houses- typical series, the outer walls of which are built of brick.
  • Panel houses- standard series built from prefabricated reinforced concrete panels.
  • block houses- typical series, the external walls of which are built of concrete blocks.

Four main periods of construction can be distinguished on the basis of time:

  • Stalin series - typical series of houses designed in the 1950s. The houses are mostly brick or block. Distinctive features are high ceilings, spacious rooms, large corridors and kitchens.
  • Khrushchev series - typical series of houses designed in the period from 1956 to 1964. The houses are mostly panel, sometimes brick. Distinctive features are small kitchens, lack of elevators, shared bathrooms, poor heat and sound insulation.
  • The Brezhnev series are typical series of houses designed in the USSR from 1965 to the end of the 1980s. There are both brick and panel and block projects. The number of floors gradually increased first to 9, and then to 17 floors. Later projects are distinguished by a wide variety of designs and successful standard layouts. The most successful Brezhnev series were modified and are being built today.
  • Modern series - typical series of houses designed since the early 1990s. They differ from the previous ones in an attempt to add individual features to typical houses, houses of variable number of storeys, combined houses appear, apartment layouts become more spacious, the external and internal decoration of buildings grows qualitatively.

The site presents most of the typical series of houses built since the 1950s. Those. 90% of all possible options for typical apartments and houses on the market in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Often, in order to equip the interior of a 3-room apartment, a person faces some difficulties and the design leads to the fact that the space is irrationally used.

Therefore, first you need to make a plan, and do the ideas in stages.

Only in this way will your house please all living family members. In the article, the photo of the interior of a 3-room apartment shows the most popular designs.

Rules for creating a project for arranging a large apartment

For a qualified designer, a three-room apartment is a kind of dream, because here you can not hold back the flight of fantasies.

At the initial stage, it will be rational to divide the rooms of the apartment according to their purpose, so that everyone who lives there can have a personal space in which they will feel comfortable.

Usual design - the project provides for the division of the entire space into a living room, a bedroom and a nursery. For convenience, a sofa is placed in the guest room, and a desk is nearby. If there are no children in the family, the nursery is used as a library.

For creative people, a separate room is allocated for the workshop. The interior design of a 3-room apartment can be very different.

Before choosing a single style, the wishes of all family members must be taken into account. The idea should fit their lifestyle and character.

Color shades for decoration, the project can be very diverse. Each room is a separate space, the tone of which depends on its purpose.

For decoration, it is practical to select three main shades, the main thing is that they do not differ too much from each other.

The modern interior of a three-room apartment allows you to use accent inserts and prints for decorative trim, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Each of the rooms of the large apartment is unique and each of them uses different interior and design details. Thus, it will be possible to give the premises individuality and originality.

You need to select elements with taste. Our article has a gallery of beautiful three-room apartment interiors.

Arrangement of the hallway of a three-room apartment

You need to start creating the interior of a three-room apartment from the room that makes the first impression when you enter the house - that is, from the hallway. Large space allows you to accommodate a wardrobe - a wall, a dressing table with drawers and a shoe rack.

Racks will help to set the appearance of the corridor; you can place accessories, paintings, photo frames and books on them. Of course, such a room is poorly lit, sometimes even dark, so the best lighting devices are used for high-quality lighting.

The entrance hall is a room that is always in sight and its overall design should be combined with the interior design of a three-room apartment. The harmony of the corridor emphasizes the good taste of the owner of the house.

How should the kitchen look like in a three-room apartment

No matter what area the kitchen has, it must be spacious and comfortable. Therefore, a light color palette is selected for decoration, furniture is installed to a minimum.

The kitchen set is chosen taking into account the availability of household appliances. With the help of hanging cabinets and shelves, it will be possible to store a lot of kitchen things.

In the dining area, instead of the usual chairs, soft corner furniture is used, which can accommodate the whole family. And niches in such furniture will cope with the storage of various small things.

Design of rooms that are designed for relaxation

Living rooms are designed depending on their purpose. If there is a bedroom, it is better to use gentle and calm shades, strict colors are used in the working room, but colorful and bright shades are suitable for the nursery.

We have created several design projects as examples of the interior of a three-room apartment that will help determine the purpose of all rooms.

Due to the huge area of ​​the apartment, you can create comfortable living conditions for yourself and your family with the help of interior design of a three-room apartment.

Design photo of a 3-room apartment

Today, during the global development of cities, there is a fairly large selection of various types of housing with a variety of types of layouts.

You can find large apartments with spacious balconies, and apartments with two separate bathrooms, and even premium housing, which is represented by two-story copies.

Thanks to such a wide choice, everyone can choose the type of housing they need.

The most popular type of housing arrangement is still the layout of a 3-room apartment designed for large families.

The best apartments are represented by "three rubles" of free planning. These are the most comfortable and stylish living meters of the area.

If the whole space is planned correctly, then people of different generations with completely different tastes and character can comfortably coexist on 130 m². This is the improved layout of 3-room apartments.

Layout of 3-room apartments in new houses

As a rule, today in new houses the bathroom is located next to a small room. That is why it is advisable to make a bedroom out of this small room.

The main thing is to decide which element in the bedroom will become an accent. It can be both a closet and a bed.

However, if the wardrobe can be placed in the living room, then the bed will certainly become the center of the room.

All dwellings in new buildings have a fairly large area, so the layout of a 3-room apartment with rather large dimensions is, first of all, a free arrangement of space.

In the bedrooms of large apartments, you can place not only the necessary bed and storage system, but also many pieces of functional furniture. Here you can create and implement all design ideas.

For those who do not like everything standard and familiar, you should pay attention to the arrangement of the bedroom with a round bed.

This bed looks very stylish and fashionable. You can complete an unusual interior with unusual lighting or a plasterboard oval structure on the ceiling.

The development of a design project for a 3-room apartment begins with the wishes of the owners. The layout of the 3-room apartment and its design is carried out in light shades with some color accents.

This interior has a very calm and cozy atmosphere. Children's rooms must be equipped based on the age needs of each child.

Advantages of modern apartment layouts

The most familiar layout of a 3-room apartment in a panel house was the type of passage space.

Here, the largest room is located near the pantry, through which you can get into the bedroom.

To expand the space, many demolished the pantry and built a completely new wall partition. The result was 2 rooms and a large dark corridor.

Modern "treshki" have become much more convenient and comfortable, because they already have separate bathrooms and living rooms, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen space and the bathroom has increased. Almost every apartment now has a balcony or loggia.

The usual 3-room Khrushchev, the layout of which is also easy to carry out, which results in a comfortable apartment for living. It is advisable to zone the space here, using the color and texture of materials.

Today, the layout of apartments in new houses has become convenient. The usual ceilings of 2.5 meters have grown, now their height is 3 meters.

You can also find instances with individual layouts or studio apartments that do not have internal walls, which makes it possible to create unique individual interiors.

If it was not possible to find suitable housing, you can do the redevelopment yourself, following simple tricks and principles.

The first thing they pay attention to is the functional purpose of the room. So from the usual bedroom you can make a bedroom-living room or a work area. Then, using zoning techniques, the room is divided into sections and designated.

Any finished living space is not always a livable end result.

Therefore, thanks to the photo layout of a 3-room apartment and the advice of professional designers, anyone can create the home of their dreams.

Photo of the best planning ideas for a three-room apartment

Five-storey panel houses series 1-464

Large-panel 4-5-story residential buildings of the 1-464 series of standard projects are the most common first-generation prefabricated buildings. The solution of the houses of the considered series is based on the cross-wall structural system.

The main load-bearing skeleton of the buildings are transverse reinforced concrete walls, located at intervals of 3.2 and 2.6 m, due to which the houses of this type are called houses with a "narrow" pitch of transverse load-bearing walls. Reinforced concrete floor slabs of the size “per room” are supported on them. They also rest on the outer and inner longitudinal walls, which take part of the vertical load, while at the same time providing the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

The floor slabs laid at 3.2m spacing are calculated and operate as supported along the contour. Since all the internal walls separating the rooms carry the load from the ceilings and the overlying floors, it is impossible to move these walls and thereby change the width of the rooms. For the same reason, the removal of the outer walls at a step of 3.2 m is excluded, without ensuring the support of the floor slab along the short outer wall.
The outer walls are made of panels - three-layer, consisting of two reinforced concrete shells and a layer of insulation between them, or single-layer panels (made of lightweight concrete). Internal load-bearing walls 12cm thick and floor slabs 10cm thick are solid reinforced concrete flooring. Roof - combined with a rolled soft roof or attic rafter with a roof of corrugated asbestos cement.

When redeveloping houses of the 1-464 series, it becomes necessary to install new or expand existing openings in the transverse walls. This is possible to a limited extent, but requires confirmation by calculations.

When modernizing a building, floor slabs cannot be dismantled. However, during the superstructure of the building, the floor slabs above the existing fifth floor can be partially dismantled. The arrangement of new openings in them is possible, but with large sizes of such openings, reinforcement of the overlap may be required.

In the series under consideration, balconies are placed at a step of 3.2 m. Balcony reinforced concrete slabs 10 cm thick and 90 cm wide were mounted according to two schemes. In the initial period of construction, they rested on the outer wall and were held in the design position by two metal rods, which, passing through the joint between the outer walls, were attached to the end of the inner wall panel. In later projects, this solution was abandoned and, considering the balcony slab as a cantilever supported on the outer wall, they connected it to the floor slab using welded embedded elements.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-468

Typical projects of residential buildings of the 1-468 series were originally developed at the Gostroyproekt Institute, since 1961 - at TsNIIEPzhilishcha.

The load-bearing skeleton of the houses of this series are transverse load-bearing walls located in the plan with a step of 3 and 6 m, due to which, unlike the houses of the 1-464 series, the houses of this constructive system are called houses with a "mixed" step of the transverse load-bearing walls.
The most common representative of the houses in this series is a five-story, four-section residential building. In it, the outer wall panels are made of autoclaved cellular concrete or lightweight concrete, and hollow-core reinforced concrete floors rest on transverse load-bearing reinforced concrete walls. The longitudinal walls of the building are self-supporting. The roofs of such houses were erected in two versions: combined with a roll coating and attic truss with a roof of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets.

The main advantage of the houses in this series is that the floor panels do not rest on the longitudinal walls of the building. Therefore, these walls, except for individual sections of the inner wall adjacent to the stairwells and ensuring the longitudinal stability of the building, can be dismantled in some places. It is this circumstance that, when modernizing such buildings, opens up wide opportunities for eliminating the shortcomings in the layout of existing apartments by adding additional volumes to the building. The device of new and expansion of existing openings in the bearing transverse walls is possible only if the calculation confirms and strengthens the "contours" of the openings.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-335

Five-story residential buildings of the 1-335 series of standard projects are representatives of the frame-panel structural system. Typical projects of this series were originally developed by the author's team of the Leningrad Design Bureau, and then continued at the LenZNIIEP Institute.

The structural scheme of the house is a so-called "incomplete" frame, which consists of one row of reinforced concrete columns located on the middle longitudinal axis of the building with a step of 3.2 and 2.6 m and reinforced concrete crossbars located across the building and resting on one side of the reinforced concrete columns , and on the other hand, on metal support tables embedded in the body of the load-bearing outer wall panels. Reinforced concrete floor slabs "per room" in size are laid on the crossbars, designed to be supported on two long sides. The columns are interconnected by girders that provide longitudinal rigidity of the building.

In the houses of the system under consideration, load-bearing external walls were used mainly layered. They have an outer layer in the form of a reinforced concrete ribbed "shell" and an inner (insulating) layer of foam concrete 26 cm thick, the surface of which is plastered from the side of the premises. There are no internal load-bearing walls in these houses, with the exception of stiffening diaphragms, which are the intersection walls of the stairwells.

With the same dimensions and steps of houses of different series in the houses of the frame-panel system, the principle of "free planning" can be fully implemented. The presence of crossbars under the floor slabs can be considered as a certain disadvantage that prevents the traditional formation of the interior of living rooms.

A modification of this constructive system was the introduction of two more rows of columns into it - at the outer walls of the building to support crossbars on them. Such houses are called "full frame houses". In them, the outer walls are self-supporting and can be dismantled during reconstruction.

Five-story brick houses series 1-447

The 1-447 series includes standard projects of 4-5 storey brick residential buildings with three longitudinal load-bearing walls. The load-bearing frame of the houses in this series are three longitudinal load-bearing walls and transverse brick walls - external end and internal, between which there are stairwells. Transverse brick walls act as stiffening diaphragms. All other walls (internal and inter-apartment) are non-bearing.

The floors are made in the form of reinforced concrete multi-hollow slabs, supported by short sides on longitudinal brick walls. The most loaded is the middle wall, on which the floor panels rest on both sides. Openings in the outer longitudinal walls can only be enlarged by eliminating the window sill while maintaining the existing piers. Lintels above windows should also be preserved. In the end walls of the building during reconstruction, it is possible to make openings.

Possible dismantling of partitions in series 1-447

" to " ".

We could not find exact information about the series of houses related to " Leningrad women". So, for example, the site describes Leningrad as follows:

Houses Leningrad planning (or Lenproekt) were built in the 70s - 80s of the XX century. The beginning of the construction of houses of this type marked the transition to a more comfortable and modern level of housing. House production material - or. Such houses are in the form of "" - long multi-entrance houses. It is very easy to confuse the nine-story houses of the Leningrad layout with the 91 series, the only external difference is the presence of a loggia from the end of the building (seen in photos 1 and 3). As a rule, a feature of houses with apartments of the Leningrad layout is that the windows (except for corner apartments) face one side. That is, all the rooms are located on one side along a long wide corridor. The inter-apartment walls are load-bearing, which provides excellent sound insulation. The interior partitions are not load-bearing, but due to the peculiarities of the layout, I allow you to re-plan the apartment to your taste. A big plus of the Leningrad apartment layout is a large (compared to most apartments with an improved layout) bathroom. Popularly, this layout is called " lenproekt" or " Leningradka". In Lipetsk, an example Lenproekt can serve as a house number 7 and 8 on the street. 9 md.
  • 1 room - 32-36 sq.m.
  • 2 rooms - 45-49 sq.m.
  • 3 rooms - 60-68 sq.m.
  • 4 rooms - 78-85 sq.m.
Features of houses of the Leningrad planning (Lenproekt) are:
  • kitchen area from 8 to 10 meters.
  • all apartments (except corner ones) have windows on one side.
  • balcony 4-4.5 meters long.
  • c/a separate
  • ceiling height 2.7 meters.
  • There is an elevator and a garbage chute.
  • usually located in the central areas of the city
General photos of houses with apartments Leningrad planning:

Here are the layout plans:

1 room

2 room

3 room

3 room corner

At the same time, the Krasnoyarsk firms arbis and Express, describing " Leningradka”, give although similar, but still different descriptions and layouts. At the same time, they also do not indicate specific series of houses:
Fundamental differences: kitchen - 7-9 sq.m., separate bathroom. The rooms are also separate. But there are exceptions. So the walk-through rooms are made in 4-rooms, and in some 2-rooms, which are located above the arches.

In Krasnoyarsk, mass construction of "Leningrad" was carried out in Vetluzhanka, Pervomaisky, to a lesser extent in the areas of Kopylov, Pashenny, Severny. And Single copies of "Leningrad" can be found in almost all areas of the city. Only they have never been erected in the City Center, Academgorodok and in the Vzletka area.


Rooms: separate. (See exceptions)
Total area:
1 room – 34-36 sq.m.
2 rooms – 46-49 sq.m.
3 rooms – 62-68 sq.m.
4-room – 64 sq.m. (only on the first floors and in the corner entrances)
Kitchen: 8-9 sq.m. (in corner apartments 7 sq.m.)

Bathroom: separate.
Wall material: panel.
Height of the house: 5 floors.
Ceiling height: 255 cm.
The presence of a garbage disposal.
Gasification: absent.

1 room

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