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Reviews about the insurance company “Welfare General Insurance. Sample application to the bank for the return of insurance on a loan Welfare insurance company refusal of insurance

Updated 09/21/2017.

Getting a loan without insurance is a very difficult task. Although our insurance is voluntary in most cases, bank employees quite often tell customers that without registration insurance policy The bank just won't give you a loan.

You should not blame ordinary employees for this, they just follow the instructions and orders of their credit organizations. They have a sales plan, for failure to comply with which they are deprived of bonuses, reprimands, etc.

In this article, we will consider in what cases it is possible to take out a loan with the execution of imposed voluntary insurance, and then return the money for this very insurance, using the cooling period.

Earlier I already wrote about this possibility in an article, today we are faced with the task of compiling step by step guide: "How to return money for insurance on a loan."

Return of loan insurance: instructions
1 Cancellation of insurance during the cooling period. We read the new law.

First of all, you need to know your rights.

UPD: 09/21/2017
In the issue of refusal of collective insurance, there is another pleasant exception, VTB Bank. The clients of this bank have a successful experience of returning money in case of refusal of collective insurance, and this right is not spelled out in the contract, but in fact.

● Make sure that the interest rate on the loan will not increase if you cancel the insurance.

The Bank may stipulate in the insurance contract different interest rates on the loan with and without insurance. Formally, the bank does not violate anything, and it will not be possible to catch him for what he imposed on you additional service. Insurance will not be an imposed service, since the client had the choice to take a loan with insurance at a lower percentage or without insurance at a higher one. We considered this situation in detail in the article.

Quite often, there is no mention in insurance contracts that the interest rate on a loan will increase without insurance.

3 Application for cancellation of insurance. Sample.

You must have time to submit an application for cancellation of the insurance contract within 5 working days ( UPD: 09/21/2017 From January 1, 2018, the cooling period increases to 14 calendar days). There are two ways to apply for insurance cancellation:

● take it directly to the office of the insurance company (namely the insurance company, not the bank). It is important that your copy has a note that the application was accepted on such and such a date, so that you have evidence in your hands that you were on time.

● send an application to the insurance company by registered mail with a description of the attachment. Moreover, the date of sending the letter is important, not the date of receipt. So do not worry that you will miss the 5-day deadline due to the slowness of the Russian Post.

You can ask the insurance company directly for a sample application for waiver of insurance. Any special requirements and standards for appearance there is no such statement. The main thing is that your personal data should be indicated there, the number of the insurance contract that you want to terminate, and the details of the account where the insurance company must return insurance premium. An example text can be viewed from the company "Sberbank Insurance" , Alfa Insurance or, for example, the company "Renaissance Life" .

This is what an application for waiving insurance from Sberbank Insurance looks like:

Some companies require the original insurance contract or some additional documents to be attached to the application. For example, "VTB Insurance" requires, together with the application for refusal of insurance, to provide an insurance contract and a document confirming the payment of the insurance premium:

However, if you do not provide original documents (more precisely, I do not even recommend sending original documents, since the insurance company may “accidentally” lose them, and they will be useful in court if the company refuses to voluntarily return the money), then the insurance company will still not have grounds to refuse to return your insurance, the main thing is an application for refusal of insurance.

4 Successful experience of refunding money for insurance. Reviews.

You might think that in order to return insurance, you need to have some kind of special knowledge, that only professional lawyers can do it.

This is not so, below are reviews of ordinary customers, like you and me, who were able to refuse the imposed insurance and return the money.

Here is a review from a client of Renaissance Life about the successful cancellation of a life insurance contract imposed in a car dealership when receiving a car loan. The client sent a package of documents to the company’s email address, and also took the documents to the insurance office for insurance (and he did it very correctly. If there were any problems with payments, and the application would have been sent only by e-mail, then it would be extremely difficult in court hard to prove you're right).

When taking a cash loan, an insurance policy was imposed on the client of OTP Bank in IC Blagosostoyanie. He sent an application for cancellation of insurance to the insurance company by registered mail with a list of attachments. The application was accompanied by copies of the passport and insurance policy. The letter went for almost a month, but after it did reach, IC "Welfare" returned the money for the insurance:

Here is a review from a VTB Insurance client who was forced to take insurance financial risks when taking out a loan. The application for refusal was issued at the central office of the insurance company, but the client was advised to contact the bank directly. After the threat to send a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and write a pre-trial claim, the money for insurance, VTB Insurance returned:

The company did not pay another client of VTB Insurance cash for insurance within the specified period, despite the fact that the client submitted an application for termination of the insurance contract to the office of the company on time.

The client did not put up with injustice and sent a pre-trial claim with a request to return the money. Otherwise, he threatened to write a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as go to court with additional claims for damages, compensation for moral damages, court costs, as well as a fine. As a result, VTB Insurance returned the money for insurance in full:

And someone did not have any problems at all with the refusal of insurance in this company:

Here is a review from an Ingosstrakh client about the successful return of money in case of cancellation of a property insurance contract. The application was submitted in person to the office. True, the company still delayed the deadlines:

The client of Sberbank Insurance managed to return the money when she canceled the collective insurance agreement, although the application was submitted later than 14 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement. The fact is that such a right is spelled out in the insurance contract itself (I have not seen such concessions from other insurance companies). They didn’t want to accept the application for refusal, the client had to threaten to write a claim:

This review inspired another client of the Sberbank Insurance company, who also managed to return the money for the cancellation of the collective insurance contract:

Here is a review of a client of Renaissance Life, who sent an application for cancellation of a life insurance contract imposed upon obtaining a car loan by the Russian Post, and personally delivered an additional copy to the company's office. Employees of the company, in her words, behaved frankly boorishly when they tried to submit an application for refusal of insurance, but as a result, she returned the money for insurance:

The client of IC "Rosgosstrakh" sent an application for cancellation of the insurance contract by registered mail with a list of attachments, with a copy of the contract and a copy of the document confirming the payment of the insurance premium. Money for insurance was returned to the client:

Please note that the client of Rosgosstrakh, who returned the money for insurance, attached copies to the application, and not the originals of the contract and payment, although the UK claims on his website that the originals are allegedly obligatory for her: “Cumulative and investment life insurance: Reading the contract”). When trying to refuse the product at the bank office, the client was asked to deal with the insurance company Alfa Insurance on their own. He sent an application with a refusal by the Russian Post and, as a result, received his money back:

It is possible to refuse insurance and return money to the clients of the VSK insurance company:

The client of the Alfa Insurance company managed to refuse insurance and return the money without any problems and delays:

Here is the experience of successfully canceling the property insurance policy of IC Zetta Insurance, imposed upon receipt consumer credit at OTP Bank. The deadlines, however, were violated. Please also note that the insurance contract of this company contains a clause that in the event of termination of the contract they withhold 80% of the insurance premium. This paragraph contradicts the Directive of the Central Bank, which we considered above. However, the company does not remove it from the contract, although it does not retain 80%, allegedly of its own free will:

Here is another review about the company "Zetta Insurance", where the client was first returned only 20% of the cost of insurance. But after filing a complaint, he was paid full cost insurance, without holding the "load":


Always read any contract carefully.

Use the right to cancel insurance during the cooling period (from January 1, 2018, the cooling period is 14 calendar days). It is quite possible to return the money for imposed insurance. True, sometimes it may be necessary to write a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, send a pre-trial claim to the insurance company, or at least threaten to hotline or at the company's office.

Make sure that you are the insured, and not the Bank, i.e. You have not slipped the contract of joining the collective insurance program. Also make sure that the loan rate does not depend on the availability of insurance.

Bought a XIAOMI phone as a gift for my birthday. The husband decided to insure that the gift was complete ...... The store did not offer or recommend any other company other than Welfare ...

Birthday in May, and in August the phone fell into the water with the participation of third parties. Insurance case. But then the adventure began. Immediately after calling the hotline 8-800-555-64-52, they sent me an almost completed application by e-mail, all that was left was to take a bunch of scans and photos of the phone from all sides, attach all this to the letter and send it to the specified email address . Further silence.

Again I dial the ill-fated number and ask if my message has reached. They answered that it came and wait for the courier. The courier is generally a separate song. He ran, put an empty form with his signature, said that he didn’t care what I put there (even a brick) ???? snatched the original receipt for the purchase and left ... Fortunately, I was in a car and phoned him to pick up the check. Then silence again. I call this hotline number again, I want to know if they received an expensive device for me - they received an answer (thank God), and it is being diagnosed. I ask a reasonable question - the timing of diagnosis - the answer is 5 working days, and they answered so confidently and clearly. I'm waiting a week .... I'm calling .... there too. The answer is approximately 10 business days. I call another 10 days later - the answer is already diagnosed, but the repair service employee did not attach the diagnostic certificate to your policy number (No. repair or your money will be returned ... For a long time I thought where else to call besides these "robot girls", I found it. Request a callback. They called, almost immediately. Listened, asked to wait 2 minutes. and they say that the employee who did not attach the act left for lunch (it was not yet 12.00 by the way) and they will call me back after 12.00. They called back at 12.45 - literally - the guilty employee received "a-ta-ta" (I'm in shock), the act is attached, the phone (supposedly) needs to be repaired, they are waiting for a spare part and I will have information within a week. They asked to call not earlier than Thursday - 09/13/2018.

Here's one on this moment history .... It's been almost a month since it all happened. According to my ordeals - I warn everyone - IN NO EVENT DO NOT INSURE ANYTHING IN THIS COMPANY!

welfare General Insurance 19.09.2018 13:58

Good afternoon!

According to clause 7.11. Policy conditions that are an annex to the insurance contract:
“7.11. Restorative repair of the Property, if the Insurer recognizes the event as an insured event, is carried out upon an application for the occurrence of the event by the Service Company, or by third parties involved by the Service Company, within 30 (Thirty) working days from the date of transfer of the damaged Property to the Service Company.
Your smartphone was accepted into the Service on August 17, that is, the maximum repair completion date is September 28.
A long period of diagnostics and testing of the device after repair is associated with severe corrosion of the main board.
According to the Service Center: at present, the device is ready, it is being tested, the approximate date for completing the procedure is September 14th.

Sincerely, Insurance Company JSC "IC WELFARE OS"

When the joy of obtaining a loan passes, many borrowers begin to realize that the loan insurance imposed by the bank is too expensive.

Sometimes the amount of insurance is up to 30% of the money received in debt. In some cases, these funds can be returned.

Consider how to return insurance by OTP loan bank, when possible and what needs to be done for this.

What is an insurance contract for? According to banking organizations they need life, health and employment insurance for the client in order to protect themselves from the risk of non-repayment of borrowed money. No one has the right to oblige the borrower to take out insurance by law.

When an insured event occurs, the insurance company compensates the creditor for the losses incurred during the occurrence.

At the same time, the fact that banks are intermediaries between the insurer and the insured and have their own dividends from each transaction is hushed up. And if the insurer is created by the bank as a subsidiary, then all profits generally go to the banking institution.

Insurance can be useful to the insured in the event of an insured event, if it is clearly described in the service agreement and the client managed to issue the necessary supporting documents in time.

Return insurance

As for the question of how to return the loan insurance, OTP Bank allows the borrower to do this during the so-called cooling period. This is the name of the first 5 days after the signing of the insurance agreement (from 01.01. 2018 - 14 days). If at this time the insured writes a statement of refusal, he will be returned the premium amount minus the days of the contract.

The right to refuse insurance services is assigned to the borrower by the Decree of the Central Bank in 2015.

Not all insurances are refundable. For example, mortgage and car loan insurance cannot be returned with a CASCO policy. The decree of the main regulator concerns unsecured consumer loans. The bank is obliged to consider the application for refusal and make a decision on it within 10 days.

After loan repayment

Not all customers know how to return the loan insurance at OTP Bank even after repaying the loan issued in it. This also applies to other financial institutions.

This can be done if you prove that the bank violated the law and imposed an insurance agreement. That is, the client did not take out insurance of his own free will. In this case, it does not matter if the loan is repaid or not. The limitation period is 3 years from the date of commencement of the policy.

For early repayment

Now about how to return insurance at OTP Bank in case of early repayment of the loan. If the borrower closes the loan taken ahead of schedule within a month, part of the unused insurance premium funds must be returned to him. If later - you need to contact the insurance company. This also has its own nuances, so you need to consult a lawyer.

Required documents

OTP Bank cooperates in the execution of insurance contracts with the insured "SK Blagosostoyanie". In the insurance contract, the company may be called "Aviva" or "MetLife".

It is necessary to carefully study the insurance contract, find the clause “by agreement of the parties” in it and refer to this clause in the future.

The insurer must send by registered mail or bring in person the following documents:

  • Application for waiver of insurance.
  • A photocopy of the insurance agreement.
  • Photocopies of all pages of the passport.
  • A photocopy of the receipt, which confirms that the money was actually deposited.

How to apply for a waiver

The application form for waiving loan insurance is best taken at the OTP Bank itself. The application will need to indicate the full name, reason for refusal, mobile number, date and sign.

You need to motivate your decision to refuse insurance services by article 958 Civil Code of the country establishing the right of withdrawal and Article 16 of the Consumer Protection Act if an insurance contract has been imposed.

Return procedure

There are many reviews of policyholders on the Internet, indicating that they received money when they canceled insurance. The policyholder, however, violates the terms of return, but, nevertheless, returns the money.

There are several ways to return credit insurance at OTP Bank. Before applying, the borrower needs to re-read the insurance agreement and brush up on the nuances of the premium return. At the office, you need to write and register an application for refusal with an incoming document. The answer to the borrower must be provided no later than 10 days. At positive decision the client will receive the money to the account or in cash.

The terms when it is possible to apply for a refund for an insurance policy purchased when applying for a loan at a bank, in various banking institutions may differ. For example, some banks set a maximum period of 5 days from the date of registration of insurance. According to the rules of Sberbank, the client can apply for a refund for the insurance policy within 30 days from the date of the loan. The same period is given in Sovcombank. In Home Credit Bank, this period is 14 days.

In any case, the submission deadline affects the amount that will be returned to you. If, for example, you contact the insurance company after 3 days, only the price for using the service during these three days will be deducted from the total amount of the refund. And if you apply after 29 days, the price for using the service during all these days will be deducted from the total cost of the policy. In this case, the amount of money returned will be much less. That is, the money is not returned in full. The sooner you contact your insurance company and file a claim, the more money you can return.

Where to apply

This is a very important question that is asked by almost all borrowers who are faced with the need to return an insurance policy. You need to write and submit an application to the insurance company. It is possible that some banks will accept it and help you obtain a refund through their offices. But in most cases, you will have to contact the insurance company directly. You must receive a decision on the return or refusal within 10 days. If the office of the insurance company is located in another city, you must send an application by mail. It is better to send by registered mail with an inventory. This will give you proof that your letter was received by the insurance company.

Different banks cooperate with different companies. Thus, Renaissance Credit Bank cooperates with the insurance company ZAO SK Blagosostoyanie.

How to fill out the form

First of all, you need to download and print the form to complete the loan insurance refund application. In the line "to whom" it is necessary to indicate the full name of the insurance company. Even if you took a loan from Sberbank, which cooperates with Sberbank Insurance, it is important to understand that these are different organizations and in this case it is impossible to limit yourself to one word “Sberbank”. The application must be written in two copies. You keep one copy for yourself, and submit the second to the insurance company. The application that you leave to yourself must first be taken to the bank. Here the employee must put the appropriate mark on its acceptance.

As for the filling itself, the application form is as follows:

  1. In the upper right corner, indicate the name of the organization (insurance), details and the actual address of the company.
  2. Below, write from whom the application is from, indicate your full name (full name).
  3. In the text of the statement, describe the situation. You need to enter a number here. loan agreement, indicate the date of its signing, the expiration date.
  4. The text indicates the amount that was paid for the insurance policy.
  5. Below are the reasons why you want a refund for the policy. References to relevant laws should be written.
  6. Be sure to specify the details for receiving money for the policy.
  7. Under the text, you must specify contact details, address.
  8. Last name and signature at the end.

The application template is the same everywhere and does not depend on either the bank or the insurance company. In the process of filling out the application, be sure to pay attention and check the correctness of such data as the number of the loan agreement, the exact period that was paid under the insurance, the date of cancellation, the remaining amount to receive. Any errors in this data may result in a rejection. While you write and submit a new application with corrected errors, a few more days will pass and, accordingly, the amount that will be returned to you for insurance will be less.

What other documents are needed

Some insurance companies additionally require borrowers to apply for cancellation of the insurance agreement. If the return is after early repayment loan, you will need a certificate from the bank confirming the full repayment of loans. The following must also be submitted along with the application:

  • the passport;
  • loan agreement with the bank;
  • photocopies of these documents.

It is worth noting that you can apply for a refund only in cases where the insurance policy was issued voluntarily. For example, when car loans, CASCO insurance is mandatory. This policy cannot be refunded. Many insurance companies have a rule according to which, when the insurance is returned more than a month after the conclusion of the loan agreement, the borrower is paid no more than 50% of the total cost of the policy. If more than 6 months have passed since the conclusion of the loan agreement, the money will have to be returned through the court.

In order to return the money that was paid to insurers when applying for a loan, you should not cancel the contract with the company. It will be much easier for the borrower to return his funds if the contract is not canceled. Otherwise, you can get your money back only after going to court.

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