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Open an account in Raiffeisen Bank SP. Current account for individual entrepreneurs at Raiffeisenbank. Tariffs for cash settlement services at Raiffeisenbank

I have been registered with Raiffeisen Bank since 2004 (sort of), was a gold client and, to be honest, I was proud to have such a “European bank”.
I had a credit card with a limit of 350,000 rubles, which I repeatedly emptied and replenished, and did not see any particular problems with it. The bank girls interacted with me politely and helpfully.
Then my accounts were seized and the bank wrote off the next payment to the credit card that I made in favor of the seized account. My accounts were seized for the first time, so I had no idea that my money would be written off.
A girl called me and told me about it. I asked how I could now pay for my credit card. The girl said that only through partner banks.
I did this once and it turned out that I had to pay a commission. What I didn’t like, and it seemed to me that it violated my rights.
I called the bank and said that I didn’t want to pay a commission, that I was ready to bring and deposit money anywhere, in cash or by bank transfer, but from my point of view, the bank has no right to demand a commission from me. The operator said that there were no other options, I asked to be connected to the authorities.
From then on the horror began. I started getting calls from rude young people who demanded payment of the minimum payment. I, not suspecting anything, simply asked to connect me with the authorities. The rudeness gradually intensified. I wrote a complaint through the site. The services I complained about called me back and reproached me for writing complaints.
Then I got to a normal branch, where they told me that there IS an opportunity to pay without a commission. I reported this to the call center operators, asked them to explain this behavior of the call center, and wrote another complaint.
The bank's behavior has not changed.
When men started calling me and saying that they would come to my home and that I would be at home, the discomfort of communicating with the bank became so strong for me that I began to pay a commission, just so as not to have anything to do with the bank.
Just when all this was happening, I was offered a platinum card. I contacted the managers who issued the platinum card and asked for help, but they refused.
As a result, I paid off the seized bills a long time ago, refused the platinum card, closed the gold card, and withdrew all my companies from Raiffeisenbank.
I will not recommend anyone to deal with this bank again.
Perhaps it is European in Austria, but in Russia it is extremely non-client oriented.

Raiffeisenbank 12/19/2019 11:48

Dear Customer!

We sincerely regret that you had to face the situation described.

In accordance with the decisions received by the bank, a foreclosure was applied to your funds. There are no legal restrictions on the collection of funds from the current account to which the credit card is linked. Therefore, the funds credited to the credit card account were subject to a garnishment and the funds could not be used to pay off the credit card debt.

The resolution of the bailiffs is a measure of compulsory execution of judicial acts. The bank providing services to the debtor immediately fulfills the requirements for the collection of funds contained in the bailiff's decision.

If there are insufficient funds in the account to satisfy all requirements, the loan payment cannot be written off before the requirements under the executive documents are fully satisfied. This requirement directly follows from Art. 855 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of the check carried out as part of your previous requests, you were given all possible options for repaying your credit card debt.

Marat Salakhutdinov
Complaints and Incidents Team
JSC "Raiffeisenbank"

The financial and credit organization Raiffeisenbank provides support to small, medium and large businesses, providing its services for settlement and cash services in any area where there are bank branches. Raiffeisenbank's cash and settlement services are a set of services whose task is to provide high-quality customer service and maintain their accounts.

RKO terms

Cash settlement services are a collection of various services. The client has the right to independently choose the necessary services from the proposed list or connect to a package that allows saving financial and time resources. The RKO complex includes the following operations:

  • Opening and booking current accounts.
  • Collection. Can be held every day according to a specific schedule or by prior request. Collection services consist of delivery of proceeds to the bank, recalculation and transfer of money to the current account before noon of the next business day Moscow time, delivery of small bills and small change coins, delivery of money by check.
  • Issue of corporate cards. The presence of such cards makes it possible to prevent employees from using company funds for personal purposes. With a corporate card you can reduce paperwork and additional costs.
  • Remote maintenance.
  • Currency and currency exchange transactions. It's fast and convenient for any business project.

In addition, all equipment necessary for work is installed free of charge. Technical support is available every day 24 hours a day. We accept cards from all payment systems. All these are excellent conditions for Raiffeisenbank cash settlement services for legal entities.

One of the main advantages is the ability to open an account in Russian rubles and other convenient currencies. There is access to any cash transactions, financial transactions in Russian rubles, collection and transportation of funds and valuable cargo. The client also has access to a package of services with a certain set of operations that will be useful when implementing new business ideas. In addition, Raiffeisenbank's cash settlement system is suitable for an LLC.

Tariffs for the provision of settlement services

Tariffs for Raiffeisenbank cash settlement services are provided in such a way that every client can find a convenient option for running their business. Among them:

"Start" "Base" "Optimum" "Maximum"
-743 rubles per month if paid in advance.

The kit includes connection to Internet banking,

The limit on financial transactions is 100 thousand rubles for cards of individuals.

The cost of one payment is 25 rubles.

Monthly payment – ​​990 rubles.

-1426 rubles monthly if paid in advance.

In addition to Internet banking, the package includes mobile banking.

The limit when using this tariff is 200 thousand rubles for cards of individuals.

Partners receive 10 free payments, and the price of each after the 10th is 25 rubles.

Monthly payment – ​​1900 rubles.

-marked with the word “Hit” on the bank’s official website.

When paying in advance it is 2175 rubles.

Internet banking, mobile banking and SMS for business are all included in the price.

60 free payments available for partners

The cost of each additional one is 25 rubles.

The limit on this tariff is half a million rubles.

The client receives a card linked to the current account.

Service is free.

A pleasant gift for a manager will be 1 package of “Golden” services.

The monthly payment is 2900 rubles.

-tariff for those who want everything at once.

Price 5625 rubles monthly. when paying in advance

– all components of other tariffs are included.

The maximum amount of financial transactions is 700 thousand rubles.

Number of free payments = 300.

Card with free service and 2 “Golden” packages for the manager.

Monthly payment – ​​7500 rubles.

These Raiffeisenbank cash settlement tariffs for legal entities are relevant for clients from Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other areas prices are lower. From the first day of spring 2017, a new tariff plan came into force, where some data was changed. It is worth noting that there is no commission for account transactions if the amount of transactions does not exceed the limit on the tariff. By the way, tariffs can be changed an unlimited number of times and switch from one to another at any time. The amount of switching to another tariff plan is 1000 rubles.


Raiffeisenbank's cash settlement system for individual entrepreneurs is a guaranteed high-quality and comprehensive service together with the timely execution of any financial transactions. To make service as comfortable as possible for customers, employees made it remote. Now you can receive the required data or documents without leaving your home or office. RKO at Raiffeisenbank receives rave reviews from clients, which is well deserved.

Opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur does not require a large package of documents. You can prepare them yourself, without outside help. Here is the full list of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of individual entrepreneur:
  • license (if any);
  • bank application form;
  • bank account agreement;
  • card with samples of signatures and seals.

Agreement forms are posted on the official website of Raiffeisenbank and can be downloaded for free.

Legal entities are required to provide the bank with the following documents:

  • statement;
  • company charter;
  • documents confirming the authority of the sole executive officer;
  • certified copies of passports of persons specified in the COP;
  • all licenses and permits for carrying out trading activities;
  • extract from the list of LLC participants.

How to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can connect to the Raiffeisenbank cash settlement system without visiting the office of a financial organization. Please leave a request on the bank’s website, enter the full name of the director, company name, mobile phone number and email address.

Wait for the operator to call - the manager will contact you as soon as possible and provide your current account number. From this moment on, you will be able to transfer money using the specified details. For full operation, you need to sign a service agreement. This can be done at the bank office or order a courier to your home or office. If you pay in advance, you will receive a discount of up to 25% on any of the tariff plans.

Login to your Raiffeisenbank personal account

LLCs and individual entrepreneurs can use the Raiffeisen Business Online business client, which is available only after signing an agreement for servicing a current account. To activate in the system, you need to fill out an application and connect to the Bank-Client system. Each user is given a unique login and password, which they use to log into their personal account on the Raiffeisenbank website. You can obtain information to access your account by phone by inviting your personal manager to the office.

To enter the RKO you will need to enter your login and password and wait for authentication. If you have forgotten your password, access can be restored using a special form; new data will be sent to the email specified during registration.

Internet banking and mobile application

Raiffeisenbank Internet Bank provides all the necessary functions for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities: full account management, receiving and sending payment orders, exchanging documentation with the bank, submitting applications for a loan or connecting other products within the tariff. For prompt communication with bank employees, there is an online chat, open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Moscow time.

For emergency account transactions, you need to connect a mobile application. You can track your cash flow from any mobile device.

Salary project

If you have hired employees, then Raiffeisenbank's cash settlement system provides the function of transferring wages from the current account of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The process is fully automated - you need to create a register and payment templates. Employees receive free salary cards from the international payment systems Visa, MasterCard or Mir.

Corporate card

To fully conduct business, LLCs and individual entrepreneurs can order the issuance of a corporate card. This convenient payment tool guarantees cash withdrawals from ATMs of third-party banks, payment for purchases online, as well as setting a daily or monthly spending limit.

The Business 24/7 card allows you to deposit money into the account of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs from any receiving device.

Trade acquiring

This service allows you to accept non-cash payments from counterparties who pay by bank cards. Trade acquiring from Raiffeisenbank is reliably protected using the PCI DSS protocol. There is no subscription fee if certain requirements are met.

Funds are credited to the legal entity's account on the second day after the payment is completed. Connection within the tariff is only 1 ruble. Rate from 1.99%. You can also increase your turnover by attracting new clients.

Currency control

The service can be used not only by companies registered in the Russian Federation, but also by non-residents of the country doing business in Russia. Using the currency control function, you guarantee complete security of your transaction with a foreign company. The interest on transactions is 0.15%, on transactions that do not require registration of a contract - 0.14% (minimum 290 rubles).

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 73 Published 04/29/2018

Raiffeisenbank is the largest subsidiary of the Austrian financial group, and it, in turn, began its history back in the nineteenth century. For several years, the credit institution has occupied a leading position in Russia, offering a wide range of financial services for individuals, representatives of small, medium and large businesses. One of the services offered by the bank is the opening and maintenance of current accounts for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Let's look at how to open an account with Raiffeisenbank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and what conditions the bank offers.

Official website of Raiffeisenbank

Benefits of cooperation

To begin with, it is worth saying that for every entrepreneur, what matters first is the reliability of a commercial bank and its financial stability, because we are talking about equity capital. That is, in order to avoid problems with the return of own funds in the event of the bank’s license being revoked, before opening a current account, a potential client will definitely inquire about the banks’ ratings. If we are talking about Raiffeisenbank, then clients have nothing to worry about, for the simple reason that the credit institution occupies 13th place in the rating and has positive growth dynamics.

Now we present the main advantages that the client will receive when collaborating with this organization:

  • a client can open a current account in both domestic and foreign currency;
  • You can reserve a current account remotely on the bank’s official website before submitting documents;
  • the bank carries out settlement transactions within one business day;
  • a client can open several bank accounts, but only pays for one.

Please note that you can apply for a current account remotely by filling out a short form, after which the client is assigned a current account number, which he can use before submitting documents to the bank.


Before opening a current account with Raiffeisenbank for an LLC, you need to carefully study the tariffs and conditions. It’s worth saying right away that the cost of the bank’s services will largely depend on regional affiliation, and to be more precise, tariffs for Moscow residents are higher than for other regions. We will provide a comparative table of the cost of services, which will indicate first the prices for Moscow, and then for other regions.


Name of service

Start Base Optimum Maximum

Cost of service per month in rubles

990/790 1990/1490 2990/2490


Cost of monthly service when paid for one year by prepayment in rubles

8916/7116 17112/13416 26100/22416


Cost of monthly service when paid for 2 years in advance in rubles

17832/14232 34224/26832 52200/44832


Cost of payment order

25 rubles The first 10 are free, the next are 25 rubles The first 60 are free, the next are 25 rubles

The first 300 are free, the next are 25 rubles

Cost of opening an account For free For free For free

For free

Among other things, the bank offers to receive a plastic card as part of a current account, for the most comfortable receipt of cash at any time of the day. It should also be noted that the credit institution does not charge a fee for opening a current account; this operation is included in the cost of service.

How to open an account

In order to open a current account with Raiffeisenbank for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, you must first familiarize yourself with the current terms of service; to do this, you need to open the official website of the bank, which is located at. Here you can find current offers and terms of service.

RKO tariffs

Afterwards, you can fill out an application by clicking on the “submit application” button. After some time, the manager of the financial institution will contact you, who will provide you with a list of required documents and give you the current account number. Next, you can use the account to accept payments from counterparties.

The list of documents required for individual entrepreneurs is as follows;

  • personal passport;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • a license to carry out a particular type of activity, if necessary.

For legal entities, the list of documents is slightly different:

  • founder's passport;
  • document confirming the appointment of the manager;
  • card with samples of signatures and seals of authorized persons;
  • charter;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a license to carry out a particular type of activity;
  • tax registration certificate.

Please note that the list of documents is provided for residents of the Russian Federation; for persons who are not residents of the Russian Federation, you must additionally provide a document on registration of a foreign organization.

Additional services

For some, it may seem that the cost of bank services is quite high, especially for beginning entrepreneurs. But in fact, this is far from the case, because the concept of settlement and cash services is quite broad, the service consists of many components; if other organizations charge for additional services, here most of them are included in the cost of the tariff and there is no need to pay for them separately. Here is a list of additional bank services.

Online application

Currency control

Currency control in the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of legislation; commercial banks are mandatory agents of currency control, which means they are obliged to provide certain services to their clients. Including consulting on transactions with foreign counterparties, preparing accompanying documentation, and issuing transaction passports.

Each Raiffeisenbank client can submit a request to open a foreign currency account on the bank’s official website. In addition, here you can use a specialized package of services “Currency”, its cost is 4100 rubles for 1 month, the rest of the services are provided to legal entities carrying out transactions in foreign currency with foreign partners. The fee is only charged for carrying out settlement transactions in the form of a commission fee.


The bank offers its clients collection and transportation services for valuable cargo. The main advantage of a financial institution is that here the client can individually create a collection schedule for his organization, as well as order the delivery of small change coins and banknotes, employee salaries and other accompanying services.

Corporate cards

Plastic cards are provided free of charge as part of cash management services. With their help, organizational leaders can most effectively control the expenses of their subordinates, pay the expenses of seconded employees, and facilitate the work of the accounting department, eliminating paperwork.


Acquiring services today are used by most enterprises in the field of trade and services. RaiffeisenBank offers the service on the most favorable terms; there is no fee for installing equipment, and among other things, there is no fee for servicing the equipment. The cost of cash management services includes staff training and 24-hour technical support.

Important! The commission for money transfers is 1.79%, funds are credited to the current account on the next business banking day.

By the way, if an enterprise has an official website and provides services remotely, then its owners can use the Internet acquiring service. Its essence is that you need to accept payments from bank cards on the official websites of the organization. The cost of this service is 2.9% of the transfer amount.

Additional services for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs

Remote services

Finally, remote servicing, in particular Internet banking, is important for the client. RaiffeisenBank offers bank-client account holders a convenient and functional online service that allows them to gain round-the-clock access to their account to control turnover and make payments.

Please note that online banking is free of charge.

To summarize, opening a Raiffeisenbank current account will not take much time from the client and will make doing business easier and more comfortable. Among other things, the Bank’s great advantage is that technical support is available around the clock, so clients can receive consulting services at any time of the day or night, without interrupting their usual activities.

ZAO Raiffeisenbank is a Russian commercial bank with headquarters in Moscow and numerous branches in the regions. It is part of the international banking group Raiffeisen Bank Group, which has more than a century and a half history. This financial structure certainly values ​​its long-standing traditions, its reputation and image. She has been working in Russia since 1996. And special attention is paid here to interaction with small and medium-sized businesses.

Existing tariff plans and conditions

Opening a current account with Raiffeisenbank is a completely worthy solution for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. On the official banking website this can be done in the shortest possible time, and the proposed tariffs can be called adequate and not burdensome.

It is allowed to maintain an account with Raiffeisenbank both in rubles and in foreign currency. It is also important that all transactions here are carried out as quickly as possible. And even if you want to open several accounts at once, payment will be charged as for one.

The following tariff plans are offered today for Russian legal entities and entrepreneurs:

  • "Base";
  • "Start";
  • "Optimum";
  • "Maximum".

Opening a current account with Raiffeisenbank for individual entrepreneurs using the “Start” tariff is worth it for those who have recently started their career as a businessman. The monthly payment here is only 990 rubles. And for a mobile bank (to connect you need the client’s will, if there is no need for the service, you don’t have to connect) an additional 190 rubles are charged. In addition, costs can be even lower if you pay in advance for a year or two years of service - this will cost 8,916 and 17,832 rubles, respectively.

Tariff "Basic" costs more - 1900 rubles per month. According to the terms of this tariff, an individual entrepreneur or LLC can make ten payments per month to its counterparties without commission. All subsequent payments will be charged 25 rubles. Internet banking and mobile banking are provided here free of charge - that is, included in the package.

Tariff "Optimum" costs 2490 rubles. This tariff also already includes Internet banking and mobile banking, as well as the “SMS for business” service. Here you can make 60 payments per month for free, all subsequent payments will cost 25 rubles.

Tariff "Maximum" costs 7,500 rubles per month. It has all the same advantages as Optimum. But at the same time, the limits are much higher - 300 payments per month can be made without any commission fees. In addition, 700 thousand rubles per month from a current account on the “Optimum” tariff can be transferred to individual cards.

So that clients can familiarize themselves in detail with each tariff, with prices and other details, a tariff book is posted on the official website of Raiffeisenbank And it should be taken into account that, in accordance with the current regulations, you can choose only one tariff plan for all accounts opened with Raiffeisenbank for the company. But, of course, if necessary, the client can apply at any time to switch from one tariff plan to another. You can do this any number of times. One such transition costs 1000 rubles.

It should be specifically noted that all prices given are prices that are relevant for clients from Moscow and Moscow Region. For clients working in other regions of Russia, service at the indicated tariffs may cost even slightly less - it is advisable to clarify this issue by calling a special regional hotline 88007009100.

Service package for central regions - Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg

Service package for other regions

Documents required to open an account

The procedure for opening an account is quite simple. First of all, you need to fill out an electronic form on the portal of the Russian Raffeisenbank (the address was indicated above). The difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC in this case lies primarily in the set of necessary documents. To open a current account with Raffisenbank for an LLC, you will have to provide:

  • application according to the bank form;
  • LLC charter;
  • card with samples of signatures and samples of seal;
  • decision to appoint the client as the head of the legal entity;
  • documentation confirming authority to sign;
  • passports of the manager and other individuals who have the right to sign documents (if any);
  • business license (for some types of business, as is known, licensing is required).

The list of required documents for individual entrepreneurs is much shorter. In this case, you only need to provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, an application to open an account and a photocopy of the businessman’s passport.

Account opening algorithm

Submitting the documents listed above is not the very first step that will have to be taken to open an account with Raiffeisenbank for legal entities. First of all, you need to submit an application online on the bank’s portal. Filling out this application is not particularly difficult. But it is available only to individual entrepreneurs and LLCs with residency in the Russian Federation. Non-residents will have to use other methods.

The online application form contains the following fields:

  • Full name of the contact person;
  • e-mail;
  • city;
  • branch (here you need to indicate the most convenient branch of Raffeisenbank for yourself).

Having entered all the specified data, you should also check two boxes - one will confirm agreement with the terms of service, the other - agreement with the terms of processing of personal data.

After submitting an online application, a bank employee will call the potential client and advise on further actions. If the client expresses his consent during the dialogue, then an account will ultimately be reserved for him. The details of this account will be immediately sent to the client's email. By the way, an account with Raffeisenbank is reserved for a period of up to two weeks (before this period ends, an official agreement on cash settlement services must be concluded).

Next, the employee will offer to arrange a meeting. And here there are two options: either the client drives to the nearest bank office, or a bank representative with all the necessary documents will come to the client’s address.

Cash settlement services at Raiffeisenbank: services for business

The range of cash management services today includes:

  • currency control;
  • Internet banking;
  • SMS information;
  • collection;
  • issuance of special corporate cards;
  • salary projects;
  • acquiring.

Each of the items on this list deserves a separate discussion.

Currency control and collection

Today, currency control over the operations of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs includes many important options. These include, for example, consulting support from the bank at all stages of the transaction. Assistance in the preparation of documents related to currency control, registration of transaction passports and support of transactions related to foreign economic activity - all this is also undertaken by the banking structure as part of this service.

In addition, if necessary, the bank can make recommendations on organizing the electronic exchange of documents between the client (individual entrepreneur or LLC) and the bank. The adoption of these recommendations will make it possible to strictly comply with the deadlines for the provision of documents established by legislation in the Russian Federation.

This banking organization also has its own collection service. Her responsibilities include delivering the client's proceeds to the bank, delivering small change coins and bills to the client, and delivering large amounts of cash by check. The client has the right to agree with the proposed collection schedule or propose his own. The client can also resort to collection services to transport all kinds of valuable cargo.

Corporate cards and salary projects

Among other things, special corporate cards are offered to clients who are on cash settlement services at Raiffeisenbank. This is a fairly reliable means of paying entertainment, business and travel expenses. At the same time, the business manager gets the opportunity to control and check his employees. This card will help protect against such tricks as providing fictitious receipts that do not correspond to real expenses after a business trip. And the risk of theft of issued money or robbery is also virtually approaching zero. In general, such a card simplifies advance and travel payments and reduces the amount of paperwork. In addition, when using it, you can get discounts from the bank’s partners - there is a bonus program.

The salary project from Raiffeisenbank also provides certain advantages and conveniences. One of the main advantages is that the service here is carried out in a comprehensive manner, taking into account all the details. For each full-time employee, a salary package is issued free of charge. And three additional “plastics” can be issued in addition to one main card. A high level of confidentiality is ensured for all payments under the project.

Money intended for payment of wages is transferred to its intended destination in one payment - this allows you to save money (no extra commissions) and time. And in general, the payment process is automated to the limit. And one more important point: for salary clients (employees of the serviced company), Raiffeisenbank offers more favorable loan conditions - they can be taken out at the lowest rates and without certificates confirming income.

Raiffeisenbank also offers certain bonuses for individual entrepreneurs and directors of LLC. All transactions related to the salary project are supervised by a personal manager. And the client can always contact him with any question. Managers can also be offered bonus cards, discounts and additional advantageous offers.

Mobile, merchant and online acquiring

First of all, it’s worth understanding the term “acquiring” itself and its varieties (not everyone may know, this is a relatively new phenomenon). In simple words, trade acquiring is the organization of the opportunity to sell goods at a specific outlet by bank transfer. In this case, the money from the buyer’s card is transferred to the acquiring bank’s account, and then to the organization’s account.

In order to organize the acceptance of non-cash payments, it is necessary to install special POS terminals to which the consumer will have to insert or tap the card. And mobile acquiring is the organization of a non-cash payment system in which the buyer is given the opportunity to pay for goods not even with a bank card, but simply with a smartphone with an application installed on it. And finally, online acquiring (Internet acquiring) refers to the payment method on the seller’s website using a bank card. In this case, the card itself is not presented to the seller; only its details are indicated.

For clients of individual entrepreneurs and LLC Raiffeisenbank is ready to provide all three types of acquiring. Moreover, all the necessary equipment is installed free of charge - it accepts cards from the largest international payment systems. If problems or failures occur, the seller can call technical support - it works around the clock.

Internet banking and SMS for business service

Raiffeisenbank has created its own Internet bank (Client Bank) for businessmen called Raiffeisen Business Online (RBO). It is compatible with all popular operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac) and almost any browser. In RBO you can carry out ruble and foreign exchange transactions without fear for the safety of finances and financial data. Remote service in a specialized online service provides other advantages. In particular, here you can:

  • send and receive statements in convenient formats;
  • log in to your online account using a single login to manage all your accounts (even if they belong to different companies);
  • sign payments with a regular SMS password without unnecessary red tape;
  • make multiple payments at once.

And if you want to always keep your finger on the financial pulse of your organization, then you should also connect a useful service like “SMS for business”. With its help, it becomes easier than ever to control the accrual and debiting of funds from your company’s account, find out the status of payment orders, receive notifications about events in the RBO system, etc.

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